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Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure. A special feature brought to you by Microsoft Microsoft Product Information

Windows CE

Windows CE for Auto PC 1.0
Windows CE 2.1
Windows CE 2.0
Windows CE for Handheld PC 2.0
Windows CE for Palm-size PC Devices 1.1
Windows CE for Palm-size PC Devices 1.0

Windows CE for Auto PC 1.0

Recommendation: No action necessary.

Date handling: The text-to-speech engine can read two-digit and four-digit years. Except for "00," which will be read as "two-thousand," the text-to-speech engine does not interpret two-digit years. Therefore "01" is read as "one" and so on.

For more information: See the Windows CE for Auto PC 1.0 Product Guide document.

Windows CE 2.1

Recommendation: No action necessary.

Date handling: Windows CE depends on the real time clock application program interfaces supplied by the hardware device manufacturer to maintain proper Date handling.

For more information: See the Windows CE 2.1 Product Guide document.

Windows CE 2.0

Recommendation: No action necessary.

Date handling: Windows CE depends on the real time clock application program interfaces supplied by the hardware device manufacturer to maintain proper Date handling.

For more information: See the Windows CE 2.0 Product Guide document.

Windows CE for Handheld PC 2.0

Recommendation: No action necessary.

Date handling: External interfaces for the operating system support four-digit years.

Pocket Excel interprets two-digit years between 00 and 30 to be in the 2000s, and two-digit entries 31 and higher to be in the 1900s.

If a message was sent with a date of 2/1/99, and the current year is 2001, the message date in the Inbox is displayed as 2/1/2099.

Pocket Internet Explorer interprets two-digit years less than 79 to be in the 2000s. Two-digit years greater than or equal to 80 are interpreted to be in the 1900s.

To view four-digit years in Pocket Excel, the date format in the Pocket Excel program must be changed to four digits (YYYY).

Also in Pocket Excel, the entry "Jan 00" is recognized as a text string instead of as the date 01/01/2000.

A format such as "Dec 98" in text a string will break at the year 2001 (Dec 01). (Because 98 is too large to be the day of month, Pocket Excel interprets it as a year.) However, Pocket Excel interprets "Dec 01" to be December 1 of the current year.

The calendar alarm does not sound at midnight after 12/31/1999.

For more information: See the Windows CE for Handheld PC 2.0 Product Guide document.

Windows CE for Palm-size PC Devices 1.1

Recommendation: No action necessary.

Date handling: Years are displayed in four digits.

If a message was sent with a date of 2/1/99, and the current year is 2001, the message date in the Inbox is displayed as 2/1/2099.

For more information: See the Windows CE for Palm-size Devices 1.1 Product Guide document.

Windows CE for Palm-size PC Devices 1.0

Recommendation: No action necessary.

Date handling: Years are displayed in four digits. If a message was sent with a date of 2/1/99, and the current year is 2001, the message date in the Inbox is displayed as 2/1/2099.

For more information: See the Windows CE for Palm-size Devices 1.0 Product Guide document.

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