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IntuiNews.Editor[...] ===================== With this variable you can decide which editor should be used to write messages for the specific group. The editor must not detach from CLI. You can define an editor for every single group. Attention: You should use a standard Amiga text editor. It has to terminate lines with a LF ($0A). IntuiNews does not perform any changes to the file before writing it into the messagebase. Examples: Configuration for CygnusEd: IntuiNews.Editor = "ED -sticky" Configuration for TurboText: IntuiNews.Editor = "TTX WAIT" Configuration for XDME: IntuiNews.Editor = "XDME -n" Configuration only for "de.#?": = "MyFavouriteEditor -floattextoff" Default: "$EDITOR" (Environment Variable) See also: EDITOR IntuiNews.Stack

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