Caveats ------- ASpringies' way of double buffering the animation screen isn't 100% system compliant(*). It works on any Amiga with the OLD, ECS or AGA chipset, but owners of additional graphics hardware should be careful. Set your graphics board to the most compatible intuition emulation or switch it to bypass mode. I am very sorry for this, but I couldn't yet find out any system compliant method of double buffering for Kickstart version 2.x which lets me use (clipping) layers on both displays, except for simple screen or window switching, which is unacceptable. Please contact me if you know a better method (see Author). ASpringies suffers from the same numerical problems that xspringies had, some objects tend to "blow up" when the time step or the viscosity is set too high. Please see Global Settings for details. When an object is blown up, the current state is lost and you will have to reset ASpringies, so do a snapshot frequently when you are editing a system. ---------------- (*) ASpringies opens a standard screen with a borderless backdrop window on it, allocates a second bitmap and raster memory of the same size, and finally creates a BehindLayer which is linked to the custom bitmap. To switch the displays ASpringies sets the screens RastPort to either that of the backdrop window or the custom RastPort, which is contained in the BehindLayer structure. This is followed by a MakeScreen() and ReThinkDisplay() system call, which also cares for synchronity with the monitor's vertical blank period. However, Commodore discourages the use of custom layers with intuition screens, this may lead to problems with some grapics boards.

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