Global Settings --------------- Visc This one sets the "air viscosity". Values greater than 100 seem to let the objects blow up, so be careful (see Sticky Stuff). Stic To change the stickiness of the walls, change this value. This one can make a lot of fun! (see Sticky Stuff) Step With this gadget you may select the time step (dt) that is used by the differential equation solver. Please be careful when selecting a value greater than 0.1, especially if there's only a few - the objects may blow up (see Numerics). Prec When the AdaptTimeStep checkbox is activated, this value determines the upper error limit for the adaptive RK4 solver (see Numerics). AdaptTimeStep If checked, the adaptive RK4 solver is used. When the animation is running, the time step (dt) value will be updated continiously (see Numerics). Frames/sec This one simply displays the current animation speed, or precisely, the average speed over the last ten screen updates. It is disabled when the animation is not running.

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