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SETMODE - Command ----------------- Format: SETMODE [BASE=DEC|HEX|OCT|BIN] [SIZE=8|16|32] [SIGN=SIGNED|UNSIGNED] [ANGLE=RAD|DEG] Template: BASE/K,SIZE/K,SIGN/K,ANGLE/K Parameter: BASE Specify a new conversion/output base for ARexx calculations. You may supply either one of the following : * DEC Decimal output * HEX Hexadecimal output * OCT Octal output * BIN Binary output SIZE Specify the default conversion size for hexadecimal/octal/binary values. You may supply either one of the following : * 8 8 Bits * 16 16 Bits * 32 32 Bits SIGN Specify signed or unsigned output. Supply either one of : * SIGNED Signed output * UNSIGNED Unsigned output ANGLE Spcify the default type of supplied angles. This may either be : * RAD Angles of type radians * DEG Angles of type degree Result: This will always be FALSE (0) Example: SETMODE 'BASE=HEX' 'SIZE=8' 'SIGN=SIGNED' 'ANGLE=DEG'

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