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The ARexx Port ============== In addition to the default ARexx commands every MUI application knows about, MUIProCalc offers some more, these are : As with every MUI Application the name of the ARexx Port is constructed from the base name of the Application. For MUIProCalc this will be 'MCALC'. BTW: If you read something about TeX compatible output, this means you may use these strings directly within a mathematical environment. The current conversion routine isn`t quite intelligent I have to admit. Maybe I`ll add a smarter one for the next release... There are two scripts included for use with CygnusED which demonstrate how to use the ARexx Port. CALC Calculate expression CALCTEX Calculate expression; Result is TeX compatible output GETOUTPUT Get output from history GETTEXOUTPUT Get output from history; TeX compatible GETINPUT Get input from history GETTEXINPUT Get input from history; TeX compatible FORMATTEX Format an expression to TeX compatible output SETMODE Set modes for ARexx calculation

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