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Mode ==== If you look at mathematical expressions in books, most use an italics-font for the letters in the expression except for functions. This is also the default in EqEd, but sometimes you might need to write a word or sentence, and then you can use the Mode gadget. It lets you select between three modes: MathMode: italics-font and default mode. TextMode: no italic letters - use for written words. BoldMode: Uses bold letters - use for vectors for instance. If no block is selected, choosing a mode doesn't appear to have an effect, but when you start to write the letters will correspond to the chosen mode. When you move about in the expression, the mode gadget changes to reflect the mode of the symbol to left of the cursor, and writing will be in the same mode, unless another is selected. If a block is selected, the whole block will become the mode you choose in the mode block. The mode command is also available in the Textmode, Mathmode and Boldmode menus. This gives keyboard shortcuts.

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