Text buttons ============ This kind of button allows you to insert digits, functions, etc. in the expression. You can also do this using the Amiga keyboard, but these buttons offer a convenient shortcut. Note that the expression parser is not case sensitive, so you can type it in upper or lower case. The text buttons are: `log' if pressed alone produces the string `Log(', indicating the *logarithm* function (using base 10); if you press `Inv' before, you obtain the string `10^'. `ln' if pressed alone produces the string `Ln(', indicating the *natural logarithm* function (using base e); if you press `Inv' before, you obtain the string `e^'. `x2' if pressed alone produces the string `^2', indicating the square; if you press `Inv' before, you obtain the string `Sqrt(' indicating the *squareroot* function. `mod' when pressed, produces the string `Mod(' indicating the function *modulus*. `Mod(A,B)' is the remainder of the division A/B. `sin' if pressed alone produces the string `Sin(' indicating the trigonometric function *sine*; if you press `Inv' before, you obtain the string `ArcSin(', indicating the *arcsine* function; note that result of these functions depends on the measuring system unit chosen. If you press `Hyp' before, you obtain the string `Sh(' or `ArcSh(', indicating the *hyperbolic sine* and its inverse function; `cos' if pressed alone produces the string `Cos(', indicating the trigonometric function *cosine*; if you press `Inv' before, you obtain the string `ArcCos(' indicating the *arccosine* function; note that result of these functions depends on the measuring system unit chosen. If you press `Hyp' before, you obtain the string `Ch(' or `ArcCh(' indicating the *hyperbolic cosine* and its inverse function; `tan' if pressed alone produces the string `Tan(', indicating the trigonometric function *tangent*; if you press `Inv' before, you obtain the string `ArcTan(' indicating the *arctangent* function; note that result of these functions depends on the measuring system unit chosen. If you press `Hyp' before, you obtain the string `Th(' or `ArcTh(' indicating the *hyperbolic tangent* and its inverse function; `and' when pressed, produces the string `and' indicating the binary *and* operator. The operand are implicitely forced to 32-bit integers, before performing the operation. `or' when pressed, produces the string `or' indicating the binary *or* operator. The operand are implicitely forced to 32-bit integers, before performing the operation. `not' when pressed, produces the string `not' indicating the binary *not* pre-operator. The operand are implicitely forced to 32-bit integers, before performing the operation. `xor' when pressed, produces the string `xor' indicating the binary *xor* operator. The operand are implicitely forced to 32-bit integers, before performing the operation. `fct' when pressed, produces the string `Fact(' indicating the *factorial* function. `rnd' when pressed, produces the string `Rnd(' indicating a *one-parameter* function, for the generation of a pseudo-random number. If x is the value of the parameter, the number will be generated in the range `[0,X]' if X`>0', in the range `[X,0]' otherwise. `( & )' these buttons produce the corresponding character. `pi' this button produces the string `Pi' indicating the symbolic constant `PI', whose internal value is `3.14159265358979323846' `e' this button produces the string `e' indicating the symbolic constant `e' (Napier's constant), whose internal value is `2.718281828459045'. `0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F' when pressed,these buttons produce the corresponding character, indicating a digit. Obviously, when you compose an expression, the number interpretation depend on the numeric base you have set. Note that all these keys will always work, even if in some bases they should not be used. `Exp' this button produces the `E' character, that you have to use to type a number in exponential form. This character is not different from the e indicating the Napier's constant, or from the `E' digit in hexadecimal base; its interpretation depend on the context in which it is found. `,' this button produces the corresponding character, needed to separate the arguments of a function. Only the `Mod(A,B)' function has more than one argument, so you may feel that using keyboard is sufficient, however this button has been included to preserve the ability to use the calculator only by mouse. `+,-,*,/,^' these buttons produce the corresponding character, indicating the *sum*, *difference, product, ratio* and *power* operators. Note that the minus sign can also be used as a preoperator to modify the sign of an operator. `v,w,x,y,z' these buttons produce the corresponding character, indicating one of the five `ARcalc' variables. If, during the expression evaluation, `ARcalc' finds one of this variables, it use its current value. To learn how to assign a value to a variable, see the description of the `sto' button.