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Status buttons ============== This kind of button modifies the status of the calculator. The status is showed as a set of abbreviations in the lower left part of the display; this is called the "status area". Note that the global state when you start `ARcalc' depends on the configuration file `ARcalc.config'; if this file is not found, default values are assumed. The status buttons are the following: `Bse' (numeric BaSE): allows you to choose the base in which you are going to work, between binary, octal, decimal or hexadecimal. The actual setting is shown in the status area, by one of the following abbreviations: `dec' decimal base `hex' hexadecimal base `oct' octal base `bin' binary base Pressing the `Bse' repeatedly cycles through the bases, in the following order: `... -> dec -> hex -> bin -> oct -> ...' When you change base, the actual expression is automatically cleared. This is because every number in the expression would change it's value in the new base. When the base is not hexadecimal, certain buttons become redundant (e.g. the `A', `B', `C', `D', `E', `F' keys, if you are working with decimal base). Also note that `ARcalc' is able to use real numbers only in decimal base; if you work in a different base you must use only integer numbers. This implies that many functions, although still available, are meaningless (e.g. the `sin(X)' function still works, but X must be integer, and it returns only 0 or 1). If the `ARcalc.config' file is not present when starting, the decimal base is used by default. `Fse' (Fixed,Scientific,normal): this button allows you to choose the notation in which the results are shown. Pressing `Fse' repeatedly cycles through the following options: `Fixed': indicated by the `fix' abbreviation; the results are shown as numbers with a fixed number of decimal digits. You can fix the number of decimal digits using the `Fix' button. `Scientific': indicated by the `sci' abbreviation; the results are shown in the scientific form. Note that the number of digits fixed with the `Fix' button is not longer related to the number of decimal digits, instead it indicates the number of significant digits. `normal': indicated by the `nor' abbreviation; the results are shown using whichever of the above notations generates the shortest string. Note that by changing format, the result shown in the result area changes its format also. If the `ARcalc.config' file is not present when starting, the normal format is used by default. `Drg' (Degrees, Radiant, Decimal Degrees (Grad)): this button allows you to choose the measuring system unit for arcs in trigonometrical functions. Pressing `Drg' repeatedly cycles through the following options: * `Degrees': indicated by the `deg' abbreviation. * `Radians': indicated by the `rad' abbreviation. * `Decimal Degrees': indicated by the `grad' abbreviation. If the `ARcalc.config' file is not present when starting, radians are used by default. `Fix' (fix significant digits): this button allows you to fix the number of significant digits or decimal digits, depending on the chosen format. When you press this button in the result area you will see the following display: `Set number of digits (0 - 9)' Now you should press one of the digit buttons of `ARcalc', from 0 to 9, fixing in this way the number of digits; if you press a different button, nothing happen, the operation is aborted keeping the same number of digits as before. Note that it does not matter how many digits you fix: every calculation is performed in an internal double precision format. If the `ARcalc.config' file is not present when starting, the number of digits is fixed to 9 by default. `Inv' (Inverse function): this button allows you to obtain the inverse functions. When you press it, the `inv' abbreviation is displayed in the status area: if the next button you press indicates a function, and if is possible to invert this function, then you will get it; otherwise the `Inv' press produces no effects. `Hyp' (Hyperbolic function): this button allows you to obtain the hyperbolic functions. When you press it, in the status area you can see the `Hyp' abbreviation: if the next button you press indicates a trigonometrical function, then you will get its corresponding hyperbolic function; otherwise the `Hyp' pression produces no effects.

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