1 God defends his church. 9 Zion is exhorted to rejoice for the coming of Christ, and his peaceable kingdom. 12 God's promises of victory and defence. VERSE 1 - Cir. A.M. 3494. B.C. 510. burden. * Isa 13:1 Jer 23:33-38 Mal 1:1 - Damascus. * Ge 14:15 Isa 17:1-3 Jer 49:23-27 Am 1:3-5; 3:12 - the rest. * Zec 5:4 Isa 9:8-21 - when. * Zec 8:21-23 2Ch 20:12 Ps 25:15 Isa 17:7,8; 45:20-22; 52:10 Ps 145:15 * Jer 16:19 VERSE 2 - Hamath. * Nu 13:21 2Ki 23:33; 25:21 Jer 49:23 Am 6:14 - Tyrus. * Isa 23:1-18 Eze 26:1-28:26 Joe 3:4-8 Am 1:9,10 - Zidon. * 1Ki 17:9 Eze 28:21-26 Ob 1:20 - it be. * Eze 28:3-5,12 VERSE 3 - build. * Jos 19:29 2Sa 24:7 - heaped. * 1Ki 10:27 Job 22:24; 27:16 Isa 23:8 Eze 27:33; 28:4,5 VERSE 4 - the Lord. * Pr 10:2; 11:4 Isa 23:1-7 Eze 28:16 Joe 3:8 - he will. * Eze 26:17; 27:26-36; 28:2,8 - shall. * Eze 28:18 Am 1:10 VERSE 5 - Ashkelon. * Isa 14:29-31 Jer 47:1,4-7 Eze 25:15-17 Zep 2:4-7 Ac 8:26 - and be. * Jer 51:8,9 Eze 26:15-21 Re 18:9-17 - for. * Isa 20:5,6 Ro 5:5 Php 1:20 VERSE 6 * Ec 2:18-21; 6:2 Am 1:8 Isa 2:12-17; 23:9; 28:1 Da 4:37 Zep 2:10 * 1Pe 5:5 VERSE 7 - I will. * 1Sa 17:34-36 Ps 3:7; 58:6 Am 3:12 - blood. Heb. bloods. he that. * Zec 8:23 Isa 11:12-14; 19:23-25 Jer 48:47; 49:6,39 Eze 16:57-61 - a governor. * Isa 49:22,23; 60:14-16 Ga 3:28 - a Jebusite. * 2Sa 24:16-23 1Ch 11:4-6; 21:15-30; 22:1 VERSE 8 - I will. * Zec 2:1-13; 12:8 Ge 32:1,2 Ps 34:7; 46:1-5; 125:1,2 Isa 4:5; 26:1; 31:5 * Isa 33:20-22; 52:12 Joe 3:16,17 Re 20:9 - because of him that passeth by. * 2Ki 23:29; 24:1 Jer 46:2,13 Da 11:6,7,10-16,27-29,40-45 - no. * Zec 14:11 Ps 72:4 Isa 52:1; 54:14; 60:18 Jer 31:12 Eze 28:24,25 * Eze 39:29 Am 9:15 Re 20:1-3 - for. * Ex 3:7,9 2Sa 16:12 Ac 7:34 VERSE 9 - Rejoice. * Zec 2:10 Ps 97:6-8 Isa 12:6; 40:9; 52:9,10; 62:11 Zep 3:14,15 - behold. * Ps 2:6; 45:1; 110:1-4 Isa 9:6,7; 32:1,2 Jer 23:5,6; 30:9 Mt 21:4,5 * Mr 11:9,10 Lu 19:37,38 Joh 1:49; 12:13-15; 19:15 - he is. * Ps 45:6,7; 85:9-12 Isa 45:21 Mt 1:21 Ro 3:24-26 - having salvation. or, saving himself. lowly. * Mt 11:29; 21:5-7 Mr 11:7 Lu 19:30-35 Joh 12:14-16 VERSE 10 - I will. * Ho 1:7; 2:18 Mic 5:10,11 Hag 2:22 2Co 10:4,5 - the battle. * Zec 10:4,5 - he shall. * Ps 72:3,7,17 Isa 11:10; 49:6; 57:18,19 Mic 4:2-4 Ac 10:36 * Ro 15:9-13 2Co 5:18,20 Eph 2:13-17 Col 1:20,21 - his dominion. * Ps 2:8-12; 72:8-11; 98:1-3 Isa 9:6,7; 60:12 Mic 5:4 Re 11:15 - from the river. * De 11:24 1Ki 4:21 VERSE 11 - As. * De 5:31 2Sa 13:13 2Ch 7:17 Da 2:29 - by the blood of thy covenant. or, whose covenant is by blood. * Ex 24:8 Mt 26:28 Mr 14:24 Lu 22:20 1Co 11:25 Heb 9:10-26 * Heb 10:29; 13:20 - I have. * Ps 69:33; 102:19-21; 107:10-16 Isa 42:7,22; 49:9; 51:14; 58:12 * Isa 61:1 Lu 4:18 Ac 26:17,18 Col 1:13,14 - out. * Ps 30:3; 40:2 Jer 38:6 Lu 16:24 Re 20:3 VERSE 12 - Turn. * Isa 52:2 Jer 31:6; 50:4,5,28; 51:10 Mic 4:8 Na 1:7 Heb 6:18 - even. * Isa 38:18; 49:9 Jer 31:17 La 3:21,22 Eze 37:11 Ho 2:15 - I will. * Job 42:10 Isa 40:2; 61:7 VERSE 13 - bent. * Zec 1:21; 10:3-7; 12:2-8 Mic 5:4-9 Re 17:14 - and raised. * Ps 49:2-9 La 4:2 Am 2:11 Ob 1:21 - against. * Da 8:21-25; 11:32-34 Joe 3:6-8 Mic 4:2,3 Mr 16:15-20 * Ro 15:16-20 1Co 1:21-28 2Co 10:3-5 2Ti 4:7 - made. * Zec 12:8 Ps 18:32-35; 45:3; 144:1; 149:6 Isa 41:15,16; 49:2 Eph 6:17 * Heb 4:12 Re 1:16; 2:12; 19:15,21 VERSE 14 - seen. * Zec 2:5; 12:8; 14:3 Ex 14:24,25 Jos 10:11-14,42 Mt 28:20 Ac 4:10,11 * Ro 15:19 Heb 2:4 - his. * Ps 18:14; 45:3-5; 77:17,18; 144:5,6 Isa 30:30 Re 6:2 - blow. * Jos 6:4,5 Isa 18:3; 27:13 2Co 10:4,5 - whirlwinds. * Isa 21:1; 66:15 VERSE 15 - they shall devour. * Zec 10:5; 12:6 Mic 5:8 Re 19:13-21 - subdue. * 1Sa 17:45 1Co 1:18 - with sling stones. or, with the stones of the sling. shall drink. * :17; 10:7 Ps 78:65 So 1:4; 5:1; 7:9 Isa 55:1 Ac 2:13-18 Eph 5:18 - filled like bowls. or, fill both the bowls, etc. * Zec 14:20 - the corners. * Ex 27:2 Le 4:7,18,25 VERSE 16 - shall save. * Ps 100:3 Isa 40:10 Jer 23:3 Eze 34:22-26,31 Mic 5:4; 7:14 * Lu 12:32 Joh 10:27 1Pe 5:2-4 - as. * Isa 62:3 Hag 2:23 - lifted. * Zec 8:23 Isa 11:10-12; 60:3,14 Zep 3:20 VERSE 17 - how great is his goodness. * Ps 31:19; 36:7; 86:5,15; 145:7 Isa 63:7,15 Joh 3:16 Ro 5:8,20 * Eph 1:7,8; 2:4,5; 3:18,19 Tit 3:4-7 1Jo 4:8-11 - how great is his beauty. * Ex 15:11 Ps 45:2; 50:2; 90:17 So 5:10 Isa 33:17 Joh 1:14 * 2Co 4:4-6 Re 5:12-14 - corn. * Isa 62:8,9; 65:13,14 Ho 2:21,22 Joe 2:26; 3:18 Am 8:11-14 * Am 9:13,14 Eph 5:18,19 - cheerful. or, grow, or, speak. * So 7:9 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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