1 The restoration of Jerusalem. 9 They are encouraged to build the temple by God's favor to them. 16 Good works are required of them. 18 Joy and enlargement are promised. VERSE 1 * :1 VERSE 2 - I was jealous. * Zec 1:14-16 Ps 78:58,59 Isa 42:13,14; 59:17; 63:4-6,15 Eze 36:5,6 * Joe 2:18 Na 1:2,6 VERSE 3 - I am. * Zec 1:16 Jer 30:10,11 - dwell. * Zec 2:10,11 Isa 12:6 Eze 48:35 Joe 3:17,21 Joh 1:14; 14:23 2Co 6:16 * Eph 2:21,22 Col 2:9 Re 21:3 - a city. * Zec 14:20,21 Isa 1:21,26; 60:14 Jer 31:23; 33:16 - the mountains. * Isa 2:2,3 - the holy. * Isa 11:9; 65:25; 66:20 Re 21:10,27 VERSE 4 - There. * 1Sa 2:31 Job 5:26; 42:17 Isa 65:20-22 La 2:20,21,22; 5:11-15 * Heb 12:22 - very age. Heb. multitude of days. VERSE 5 - playing. * Zec 2:4 Ps 128:3,4; 144:12-15 Jer 30:19,20; 31:27; 33:11 La 2:19 * Mt 11:16,17 VERSE 6 - marvellous. or, hard, or difficult. should. * Ge 18:14 Nu 11:22,23 2Ki 7:2 Jer 32:17,27 Lu 1:20,37; 18:27 * Ro 4:20,21; 6:19-21 VERSE 7 - I. * Ps 107:2,3 Isa 11:11-16; 27:12,13; 43:5,6; 49:12; 59:19; 66:19,20 * Jer 31:8 Eze 37:19-25 Ho 11:10,11 Am 9:14,15 Mal 1:11 * Ro 11:25-27 - west country. Heb. country of the going down of the sun. * Ps 50:1; 113:3 VERSE 8 - and they shall dwell. * Jer 3:17,18; 23:8; 32:41 Eze 37:25 Joe 3:20 Am 9:14,15 Ob 1:17-21 * Zep 3:14-20 - they shall be my. * Zec 13:9 Le 26:12 Jer 4:2; 30:22; 31:1,33; 32:38,39 Eze 11:20; 36:28 * Eze 37:27 Ho 2:19-23 2Co 6:16-18 Re 21:3,7 - in truth. * Jer 4:2 VERSE 9 - Let. * :13,18 Jos 1:6,8 1Ch 22:13; 28:20 Isa 35:4 Hag 2:4-9 Eph 6:10 * 2Ti 2:1 - the prophets. * Ezr 5:1,2 Hag 1:1,12; 2:21 VERSE 10 - before. * Hag 1:6-11; 2:16-18 - there was no hire for man. or, the hire of man became nothing, etc. neither. * Jud 5:6,7,11 2Ch 15:5-7 Jer 16:16 - for. * Isa 19:2 Am 3:6; 9:4 Mt 10:34-36 VERSE 11 * :8,9 Ps 103:9 Isa 11:13; 12:1 Hag 2:19 Mal 3:9-11 VERSE 12 - the seed. * Ge 26:12 Le 26:4,5 De 28:4-12 Ps 67:6,7 Pr 3:9,10 Isa 30:23 * Eze 34:26,27; 36:30 Ho 2:21-23 Joe 2:22 Am 9:13-15 Hag 2:19 - prosperous. Heb. of peace. * Ps 72:3 Jas 3:18 - the heavens. * Ge 27:28 De 32:2; 33:13,28 1Ki 17:1 Pr 19:12 Ho 14:5 Hag 1:10 - the remnant. * :6 Mic 4:6,7 1Co 3:21 - to possess. * Isa 61:7 Eze 36:12 Ob 1:17-20 Mt 6:33 VERSE 13 - a curse. * De 28:37; 29:23-28 1Ki 9:7,8 2Ch 7:20-22 Ps 44:13,14,16 * Ps 79:4 Isa 65:15,16 Jer 24:9; 25:18; 26:6; 29:18; 42:18; 44:12,22 * La 2:15,16; 4:15 Eze 5:15 Da 9:11 - O house. * Zec 1:19; 9:13; 10:6 2Ki 17:18-20 Isa 9:20,21 Jer 32:30-32; 33:24 * Eze 37:11,16-19 - ye shall. The consideration that all nations who now worship the true God, and receive the Sacred Scriptures as His word, have derived the whole of their divine knowledge, under God, from Jewish prophets, apostles, and teachers, and that the Savior "in whom all nations shall be blessed," sprang from that favored race, emphatically explains what is meant by "ye shall be a blessing." The full accomplishment of this prediction, however, is probably reserved for the future restoration of the Jews. * :20-23; 10:6-9 Ge 12:2,3; 26:4 Ru 4:11,12 Ps 72:17 Isa 19:24,25 * Mic 5:7 Zep 3:20 Ga 3:14,28,29 Hag 2:19 - fear not. * :9 Isa 35:3,4; 41:10-16 1Co 16:13 VERSE 14 - As. * Zec 1:6 Ps 33:11 Isa 14:24 Jer 31:28 - I repented. * 2Ch 36:16 Jer 4:28; 15:1-6; 20:16 Eze 24:14 VERSE 15 - have. * Jer 29:11-14; 32:42 Mic 4:10-13; 7:18-20 - fear. * :13 Isa 43:1,2 Zep 3:16,17 Lu 12:32 VERSE 16 - are. * De 10:12,13; 11:7,8 Mic 6:8 Lu 3:8-14 Eph 4:17 1Pe 1:13-16 - Speak. * :19; 7:9 Le 19:11 Ps 15:2 Pr 12:17,19 Jer 9:3-5 Ho 4:1,2 * Mic 6:12 Eph 4:25 1Th 4:6 Re 21:8 - execute the judgment of truth and peace. Heb. judge truth and the judgment of peace. * Zec 7:9 Isa 9:7; 11:3-9 Am 5:15,24 Mt 5:9 VERSE 17 - let. * Zec 7:10 Pr 3:29; 6:14 Jer 4:14 Mic 2:1-3 Mt 5:28; 12:35; 15:19 - love. * Zec 5:3,4 Jer 4:2 Mal 3:5 - things. * Ps 5:5,6; 10:3 Pr 6:16-19; 8:13 Jer 44:4 Hab 1:13 VERSE 18 VERSE 19 - the fourth. * 2Ki 25:3,4 Jer 39:2; 52:6,7 - the fifth. * Zec 7:3 Jer 52:12-15 - the seventh. * Zec 7:5 2Ki 25:25 Jer 41:1-3 - the tenth. * Jer 52:4 - joy. * Es 8:17; 9:22 Ps 30:11 Isa 12:1; 35:10; 51:11 Jer 31:12,13 - feasts. Heb. solemn, or, set times. therefore. * :16 Lu 1:74,75 Tit 2:11,12 Re 22:15 VERSE 20 - there. * Zec 2:11; 14:16,17 1Ki 8:41,43 2Ch 6:32,33 Ps 22:27; 67:1-4; 72:17 * Ps 89:9; 117:1,2; 138:4,5 Isa 2:2,3; 11:10; 49:6,22,23; 60:3-12 * Isa 66:18-20 Jer 16:19 Ho 1:10; 2:23 Am 9:12 Mic 4:1,2 Mal 1:11 * Mt 8:11 Ac 15:14,18 Ro 15:9-12 Re 11:15 VERSE 21 - Let. * Ps 122:1-9 - speedily. or, continually. Heb. going. * Ho 6:3 - pray before the Lord. Heb. intreat the face of the Lord. * Zec 7:2 - I will. * Ps 103:22; 146:1,2 VERSE 22 * Isa 25:7; 55:5; 60:3-22; 66:23 Jer 4:2 Mic 4:3 Hag 2:7 Ga 3:8 * Re 15:4; 21:24 VERSE 23 - ten men. * Ge 31:7,41 Nu 14:22 Job 19:3 Ec 11:2 Mic 5:5 Mt 18:21,22 - out. * Isa 66:18 Re 7:9,10; 14:6,7 - take. * 1Sa 15:27,28 Isa 3:6; 4:1 Lu 8:44 Ac 19:12 - We will. * Nu 10:29-32 Ru 1:16,17 2Sa 15:19-22 2Ki 2:6 1Ch 12:18 Isa 55:5 * Isa 60:3 Ac 13:47,48 - we have. * Nu 14:14-16 De 4:6,7 Jos 2:9-13 1Ki 8:42,43 1Co 14:25 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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