1 An earnest persuasion to build the faith of resurrection, not on worldly power, but on God. 16 Worldly prosperity is not to be admired. VERSE 1 - A.M. cir. 3464. B.C. cir. 540. (Title.) A Psalm. This Psalm was probably written by one of the descendants of the sons of Korah, during the Babylonian captivity. - for. or, of. * Ps 46:1; 48:1 *titles - Hear. * Ps 34:11; 78:1 Pr 1:20-23 Mt 11:15; 13:9 Re 2:7,11,17,29 - inhabitants. * Ps 50:1 Isa 49:6 Mal 1:11 Mt 28:19,20 Ro 3:29; 10:18 VERSE 2 * Ps 62:9 1Sa 2:7,8 Job 34:19 Pr 22:2 Jer 5:4,5 Jas 1:9-11; 2:1-7 * Re 6:15-17 VERSE 3 - mouth. * De 32:2 Job 33:3,33 Pr 4:1,2; 8:6-11; 22:17,20,21 2Ti 3:15-17 - meditation. * Ps 19:14; 45:1; 104:34 Mt 12:35 VERSE 4 - incline. * :78:2 Mt 13:35 - parable. * Nu 23:7 Eze 20:49 Mt 13:11-15 - dark. * Pr 1:6 Da 8:23 Lu 12:3 2Co 3:12 VERSE 5 - Wherefore. * Ps 27:1,2; 46:1,2 Isa 41:10,11 Ac 27:24 Ro 8:33,34 Php 1:28 - days. * Pr 24:10 Am 5:13 Eph 5:16 - iniquity. * Ps 38:4 Pr 5:22 Ho 7:2 - heels. * Ps 22:16; 56:6,7 Ge 49:17 1Sa 26:20 VERSE 6 - trust. * Ps 52:7; 62:10 Job 31:24,25 Pr 10:15; 23:5 Mr 10:24 1Ti 6:17 - boast. * Es 5:11 Jer 9:23 Eze 28:4,5 Ho 12:8 Lu 12:19 VERSE 7 - give. * Mt 16:26; 20:28 1Ti 2:6 1Pe 1:18 VERSE 8 * Job 36:18,19 VERSE 9 - That he. * :89:48 Pr 10:2; 11:4 Ec 8:8 Zec 1:5 Lu 16:22,23 - see. * Ps 16:10 Joh 8:51,52 Ac 2:27,31; 13:33,35-37 VERSE 10 - wise. * Ec 2:16-21; 9:1,2 Ro 5:12-14 Heb 9:27 - fool. * :73:22; 92:6,7 94:8 Pr 12:1; 30:2 Jer 10:8 - leave. * :17; 17:14; 39:6 Pr 11:4 Ec 2:18,19,21,26; 5:13-16 Jer 17:11 * Lu 12:20 1Ti 6:6-10 VERSE 11 - Their inward, etc. Or, "Their grave is their house for ever, their dwelling place through all generations, though their names are celebrated over countries." * Ps 5:9; 64:6 Eze 38:10 Lu 11:39 Ac 8:22 - all generations. Heb. generation and generation. they call. * Ge 4:17 1Sa 15:12 2Sa 18:18 VERSE 12 - in honor. * :20; 39:5; 82:7 Jas 1:10,11 1Pe 1:24 - abideth. The word {yalin,} rendered abideth, signifies to lodge for a night. Man's continuance in the world, or in honor or distinction, resembles a traveller's lodging at an inn, whence he removes in the morning; and is frequently far more transient and evanescent. - beasts. * Ec 3:18-21; 9:12 VERSE 13 - folly. * Lu 12:20 1Co 3:19 - approve their sayings. Heb. delight in their mouth. * Jer 44:17 Lu 11:47,48; 16:27,28 VERSE 14 - Like. * Ps 44:11 Jer 12:3 Ro 8:36 - they. * Job 17:13,14; 21:13,26; 30:23 Ec 12:7 Isa 38:10,11 - death. * Job 24:19,20 - upright. * Ps 47:3 Da 7:22 Mal 4:3 Lu 22:30 1Co 6:2 Re 2:26,27; 20:4,5 - morning. * Ps 30:5 Ho 6:3 - their. * Ps 39:11 Job 4:21 - beauty. or, strength. in the grave, etc. or, the grave being an habitation to every one of them. * Job 30:23 VERSE 15 - God. * Ps 31:5; 56:13; 73:24 Ho 13:14 Re 5:9; 14:13 - power. Heb. hand. the grave. or, hell. * Ps 16:10; 86:13; 89:48 - shall. * Lu 23:46 Joh 14:3 Ac 7:59 VERSE 16 - Be not. * :5; 37:1,7 Es 3:1-6 Pr 28:12 - glory. * Ge 31:1 Es 5:11 Re 21:24,26 VERSE 17 - he shall. * Job 1:21; 27:19 Ec 5:15 Lu 12:20; 16:24 1Ti 6:7 - his. * Isa 5:14; 10:3 1Co 15:43 VERSE 18 - while he lived. Heb. in his life. blessed. * De 29:19 Ho 12:8 Lu 12:19 - praise. * 1Sa 25:6 Es 3:2 Ac 12:20-22 Re 13:3,4 VERSE 19 - He. Heb. The soul. * Ec 3:21; 12:7 Lu 12:20; 16:22,23 - to the generation. * Ge 15:15 1Ki 16:6 - never. * Ps 56:13 Job 33:30 Mt 8:12; 22:13 Jude 1:13 VERSE 20 - Man. * :12 Es 5:11-14; 7:10 - understandeth. * Job 4:21 - is like. * :73:18,19 Ec 3:18,19 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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