1 The ornaments and privileges of the church. VERSE 1 - A.M. 3489. B.C. 515. (Title.) Song. This Psalm is supposed to have been sung at the dedication of the second temple; though some think it was composed on the victory obtained by Jehoshaphat. * 2Ch 20:1-37 Ps 30:1 *title - for. or, of. * Ps 46:1 *title - Great. * :86:10; 99:3,4 145:3 147:5 - greatly. * :89:1-7 Ne 9:5 Re 15:3,4; 19:5 - city. * Ps 46:4; 65:1; 78:68; 87:3 Heb 12:22 Re 21:2,10-22 - mountain. * Ps 47:8; 99:9 Isa 2:2,3; 27:13 Jer 31:23 Ob 1:17 Mic 4:1 Zec 8:3 * Mt 24:15 VERSE 2 - Beautiful. * Ps 50:2 Jer 3:19 La 2:15 Da 8:9; 11:16 - joy. * Isa 60:15-20; 66:10 Eze 20:6 Mal 3:12 Heb 12:22 - on the sides. * Isa 14:13 - the city. * Ps 47:7,8 Mal 1:14 Mt 5:35 VERSE 3 * :76:1-5 125:1 2Ch 12:7; 14:9-15; 20:1-37 Isa 4:5,6; 37:33-36 * Zec 2:4,5 VERSE 4 * :83:2-8 2Sa 10:6,14,16-19 Isa 7:1; 8:8-10; 10:8; 29:5-8 * Re 17:12-14; 19:20; 20:8,9 VERSE 5 - were. * Ex 14:25 2Ki 7:6,7; 19:35-37 VERSE 6 - Fear. * Ex 15:15,16 Isa 13:6-8 Da 5:6 - pain. * Isa 21:3 Jer 30:6,7 Ho 13:13 VERSE 7 - breakest. * Eze 27:25,26 - ships. * 1Ki 22:48 Isa 2:16 - east. * Jer 18:17 VERSE 8 - As we. * Ps 44:1,2; 78:3-6 Isa 38:19 - city of the Lord. See on ver. * :1,2 - God. * Ps 46:5; 87:5 Isa 2:2 Mic 4:1 Mt 16:18 VERSE 9 - thought. * Ps 26:3; 77:10,11; 104:34; 105:5,6 - loving-kindness. * Ps 40:10; 63:3 So 1:4 Lu 22:19,20 - in the. * Ps 63:2; 77:12-14 2Ch 20:5-13 Isa 26:8 VERSE 10 - According. * :113:3; 138:2-4 Ex 3:13-15; 34:5-7 De 28:58 Jos 7:9 Mal 1:11,14 - thy right. * Ps 11:7; 45:7; 99:4; 145:17 Re 19:2,11 VERSE 11 - daughters. * :97:8 So 1:5; 2:7; 3:5; 5:16 Isa 37:22 Zec 9:9 Lu 23:28 - because. * Ps 58:10; 137:8,9 Jud 5:31 2Ch 20:26,27 Re 15:4; 16:5-7; 18:20 * Re 19:1-3 VERSE 12 - Walk. * Ne 12:31-40 Mt 24:1,2 - tell. * Isa 33:18-20 VERSE 13 - Mark ye well. Heb. Set your heart to. consider. or, raise up. * Isa 58:12 Am 9:11 Ac 15:14-16 - that ye. * :71:18; 78:4 De 11:19 Joe 1:3 VERSE 14 - this God. * Ps 16:2; 31:14; 73:24,26 La 3:21 - guide. * Ps 23:3,4; 25:9; 73:24 Pr 8:20 Isa 58:11 Joh 16:13 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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