1 The psalmist by his example incites others to praise God for his glorious, 5 and gracious works. 10 The fear of God breeds true wisdom. VERSE 1 - A.M. 3468. B.C. 536. Praise ye the Lord. Heb. Hallelujah. * :106:1,48 As this is an alphabetical Psalm, every member of each verse beginning consecutively with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Hallelujah, which begins with the fifth, must be considered as the title. - I will. * Ps 9:1; 103:1; 138:1 - assembly. * Ps 22:25; 35:18; 40:9,10; 89:5,7; 107:32; 108:3; 109:30; 149:1 * 1Ch 29:10-20 2Ch 6:3,4; 20:26-28 VERSE 2 - works. * :92:5 104:24 139:14 Job 5:9; 9:10; 26:12-14; 38:1-41; 41:1-34 * Isa 40:12 Jer 32:17-19 Da 4:3 Eph 1:19; 2:7-10 Re 15:3 - sought. * :77:11,12 104:24,34 107:43 143:5 Job 37:7 Ec 3:11 1Pe 1:10-12 - that have. * :92:4 Pr 17:16; 18:1,2; 24:14 Ro 1:28; 8:6 VERSE 3 - honorable. * Ps 19:1; 145:4,5,10-12,17 Ex 15:6,7,11 Eph 1:6-8; 3:10 Re 5:12-14 - righteousness. * :103:17; 119:142,144 Isa 51:5,6,8 Da 9:24 VERSE 4 - He hath. * :78:4-8 Ex 12:26,27; 13:14,15 De 4:9; 31:19-30 Jos 4:6,7,21-24 * 1Co 11:24-26 - gracious. * :86:5,15 103:8 Ex 34:6,7 Isa 63:7 Mic 7:18,19 Ro 5:20,21 * Eph 1:6-8 1Ti 1:14 - full. * :78:38; 112:4 145:8 VERSE 5 - hath given. * Ps 34:9,10; 37:3 Isa 33:16 Mt 6:26-33 Lu 12:30 - meat. Heb. prey. he will. * :89:34; 105:8 106:45 Ne 1:5 Da 9:4 Lu 1:72 VERSE 6 - shewed. * :78:12-72 105:27-45 De 4:32-38 Jos 3:14-17; 6:20; 10:13,14 - that he. * Ps 2:8; 44:2; 78:55; 80:8; 105:44 VERSE 7 - works. * :85:10; 89:14 98:3 De 32:4 2Ti 2:13 Re 15:3,4 - all his. * Ps 19:7; 105:8; 119:86,151,160 VERSE 8 - They. * Mt 5:18 Ro 3:31 - stand fast. Heb. are established. are done. * Ps 19:9; 119:127,128 Ro 7:12 Re 15:3 VERSE 9 - sent. * :130:7,8 Ex 15:13 De 15:15 Isa 44:6; 63:9 Mt 1:21 Lu 1:68 * Eph 1:7,14 Tit 2:14 Heb 9:12 1Pe 1:18-20 Re 5:9 - he hath. * :5 2Sa 23:5 1Ch 16:15 Isa 55:3 Jer 33:20,21 Ga 3:15-17 * Heb 13:20 - holy. * :89:7 99:3,5,9 Ex 15:11 De 28:58 Isa 6:3 Mal 1:11; 2:2 Lu 1:49 * Re 4:8 VERSE 10 - fear. * Job 28:28 Pr 1:7; 9:10 Ec 12:13 - a good understanding. or, good success. * Ps 1:3 De 4:6 Jos 1:7,8 Pr 3:4 2Ti 3:15-17 - do his commandments. Heb. do them. * Joh 13:17 Re 22:14 - his praise. * Mt 25:21,23 Joh 5:44; 12:43 Ro 2:7,29 1Co 4:5 2Co 4:17 1Pe 1:7 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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