1 The kingdom; 4 the priesthood; 5 the conquest; 7 and the passion of Christ. VERSE 1 - A.M. 2962. B.C. 1042. (Title.) This Psalm was probably composed by David after Nathan's prophetic address; and, from the grandeur of the subject and the sublimity of the expressions, it is evident that it can only refer, as the ancient Jews fully acknowledged, to the royal dignity, priesthood, victories, and triumphs of the MESSIAH. - The Lord. * Ps 8:1 Mt 22:42-46 Mr 12:35-37 Lu 22:41 - Sit. * Mr 16:19 Ac 2:34 Eph 1:20-22 Heb 12:2 1Pe 3:22 - until. * Ps 2:6-9; 45:6,7 1Co 15:25 Heb 1:3,13; 10:12,13 VERSE 2 - the rod. * Ex 7:19; 8:5 Mic 7:14 Mt 28:18-20 Ac 2:34-37 Ro 1:16 * 1Co 1:23,24 2Co 10:4,5 1Th 2:13 1Pe 1:12 - out. * Isa 2:3 Eze 47:1 Mic 4:2 - rule. * Ps 2:8,9; 22:28,29; 45:5 VERSE 3 - Thy. * Ps 22:27,28 Jud 5:2 Ac 2:41 Ro 11:2-6 2Co 8:1-3,12,16 Php 2:13 * Heb 13:21 - day. * Ac 1:8; 2:33; 4:30-35; 19:20 2Co 13:4 Ga 1:15,16 - beauties. * :96:9 Eze 43:12 Eph 1:4 1Th 4:7 Tit 2:14 - from the womb, etc. or, more than the womb of the morning: thou shalt have, etc. thou hast. * Ac 4:4; 21:20 Re 7:9 VERSE 4 - Lord. * :89:34-36 Heb 5:6; 6:13-18; 7:28 - will not. * Nu 23:19 - Thou. * Ge 14:18 Zec 6:13 Heb 6:20; 7:1-3,11,17 Re 1:6 VERSE 5 - at thy. * :1; 16:8 Mr 16:19 Ac 2:34-36; 7:55,56 - strike. * Ps 2:2-6,9-12; 45:4,5; 68:14,30; 149:7-9 Zec 9:9,10,13-15 * Re 17:12-14; 19:11-21; 20:8,9 - in the day. * Ps 21:8,9 Eze 38:18,19 Ro 2:5 Re 6:15-17; 11:18 VERSE 6 - judge. * 1Sa 2:10 Isa 2:4; 11:3; 42:1,4; 51:5 Joe 3:12-16 Mic 4:3 * Joh 5:22 Re 19:11 - fill. * Isa 34:2-8; 43:2-4; 66:16,17 Eze 38:21,22; 39:4,11-20 Re 14:20 - wound. * :68:21 Ge 3:15 Hab 3:13 - many. or, great. VERSE 7 - He shall. * :102:9 Jud 7:5,6 Job 21:20 Isa 53:12 Jer 23:15 Mt 20:22; 26:42 * Joh 18:11 - therefore. * Isa 53:11,12 Lu 24:26 Php 2:7-11 Heb 2:9,10 1Pe 1:11 - lift. * Ps 3:3; 27:6 Jer 52:31 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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