1 Women minister unto Christ of their substance. 4 Christ, after he had preached from place to place, attended by his apostles, propounds the parable of the sower, 16 and the candle; 19 declares who are his mother, and brethren; 22 rebukes the winds; 26 casts the legion of devils out of the man into the herd of swine; 37 is rejected of the Gadarenes,; 43 heals the woman of her bloody issue; 49 and raises from death Jairus's daughter. VERSE 1 - that. * Lu 4:43,44 Mt 4:23; 9:35; 11:1 Mr 1:39 Ac 10:38 - the glad. * Lu 2:10,11; 4:18 Isa 61:1-3 Mt 13:19 Ac 13:32 Ro 10:15 - and the. * Lu 6:14-16 Mt 10:2-4 Mr 3:16-19 VERSE 2 - certain. * Lu 23:27 Mt 27:55,56 Mr 15:40,41; 16:1 Joh 19:25 Ac 1:14 - out. * :30 Mr 16:9 VERSE 3 - Joanna. * Lu 24:10 - Herod's. * Lu 9:7-9 Joh 4:46-53 Ac 13:1 Php 4:22 - of their. * 1Ch 29:14 Isa 23:18 Mt 2:11; 25:40; 26:11 Ac 9:36-39 2Co 8:9 * 1Ti 5:10 VERSE 4 * Mt 13:2 Mr 4:1 VERSE 5 - sower. * :11 Mt 13:3,4,18,19,24-26,37 Mr 4:2-4,15,26-29 - fell. * :12 Heb 2:1 Jas 1:23,24 - it. * Ps 119:118 Mt 5:13 - and the. * Ge 15:11 VERSE 6 * :13 Jer 5:3 Eze 11:19; 36:26 Am 6:12 Mt 13:5,6,20,21 Mr 4:5,6,16 * Mr 4:17 Ro 2:4,5 Heb 3:7,8,15 VERSE 7 - thorns. * :14; 21:34 Ge 3:18 Jer 4:3 Mt 13:7,22 Mr 4:7,18,19 Heb 6:7,8 VERSE 8 - other. * :15 Mt 13:8,23 Mr 4:8,20 Joh 1:12,13; 3:3-5 Eph 2:10 Col 1:10 - an hundredfold. * Ge 26:12 - He that. * Pr 1:20-23; 8:1; 20:12 Jer 13:15; 25:4 Mt 11:15; 13:9 Re 2:7,11 VERSE 9 - What. * Ho 6:3 Mt 13:10,18,36; 15:15 Mr 4:10,34; 7:17,18 Joh 15:15 VERSE 10 - Unto. * Lu 10:21-24 Ps 25:14 Mt 11:25; 13:11,12; 16:17 Mr 4:11 Ro 16:25 * 1Co 2:7-11; 12:11 Eph 3:3-9 Col 1:26-28; 2:2 1Ti 3:16 * 1Pe 1:10-12 - that seeing. * De 29:4 Isa 6:9; 29:14; 44:18 Jer 5:21 Mt 13:14-17 Joh 12:40 * Ac 28:26,27 Ro 11:7-10 VERSE 11 - The seed. * Isa 8:20 Mt 13:19 Mr 4:14 *etc: * 1Co 3:6,7,9-12 Jas 1:21 1Pe 1:23-25 VERSE 12 - by. * :5 Pr 1:24-26,29 Mt 13:19 Mr 4:15 Jas 1:23,24 - then. * Pr 4:5 Isa 65:11 2Th 2:9-14 Re 12:9 VERSE 13 - receive. * Ps 106:12-14 Isa 58:2 Eze 33:32 Mt 13:20,21 Mr 4:16,17; 6:20 * Joh 5:35 Ga 3:1,4; 4:15-20 - and these. * Job 19:28 Pr 12:3,12 Eph 3:17 Col 2:7 Jude 1:12 - which. * Lu 22:31,32 Ho 6:4 Joh 2:23-25; 8:30-32; 12:42,43; 15:2,6 Ac 8:13-23 * 1Co 13:2; 15:2 Col 1:23 1Th 3:5 1Ti 1:19 2Ti 2:18,19 Heb 10:39 * Jas 2:26 2Pe 2:20,22 1Jo 2:19 VERSE 14 - and are. * :7; 16:13; 17:26-30; 18:24,25; 21:34 Mt 6:24,25; 13:22 Mr 4:19 * 1Ti 6:9,10,17 2Ti 4:10 1Jo 2:15-17 - and bring. * Lu 13:6-9 Joh 15:6 VERSE 15 - in an. * Lu 6:45 De 30:6 Ps 51:10 Jer 31:33; 32:29 Eze 36:26,27 Ro 7:18 * Eph 2:8 Jas 1:16-19 1Pe 2:1,2 - keep. * Lu 11:28 Job 23:11,12 Ps 1:1-3; 119:11,127-129 Pr 3:1 Jer 15:16 * Joh 14:15,21-24; 15:10 1Co 7:19 Heb 2:1 Jas 1:22-25 1Jo 2:3 - bring. * Mt 24:13 Ro 2:7; 6:22; 7:4 Ga 5:22-26 Php 1:11; 3:13-15 * Col 1:6,10 Heb 6:11,12; 10:36 Jas 1:4; 5:7,8 VERSE 16 - when. * Lu 11:33 Mt 5:15,16 Mr 4:21,22 Ac 26:18 Php 2:15,16 Re 1:20; 2:1 * Re 11:4 VERSE 17 - nothing. * Lu 12:2,3 Ec 12:14 Mt 10:26 1Co 4:5 VERSE 18 - heed. * Lu 9:44 De 32:46,47 Pr 2:2-5 Mr 4:23,24; 13:14 Ac 10:33; 17:11 * Heb 2:1 Jas 1:19-25 1Pe 2:1,2 - for. * Lu 19:26 Mt 13:12; 25:29 Mr 4:25 Joh 15:2 - from. * Lu 12:20,21; 16:2-4,19-25 Mt 7:22,23 1Co 13:1-3 - seemeth to have. or, thinketh that he hath. * Pr 14:12 Ro 12:3 1Co 3:18; 8:2; 14:37 Php 3:4 Jas 1:26 VERSE 19 * Mt 12:46-50 Mr 3:21,31-35 VERSE 20 - thy brethren. * Mt 13:55,56 Mr 6:3 Joh 7:3-6 Ac 1:14 1Co 9:5 Ga 1:19 VERSE 21 - My mother. * Lu 11:27,28 Mt 25:40,45; 28:10 Joh 15:14,15; 20:17 2Co 5:16; 6:18 * Heb 2:11-13 - which. * :15 Mt 7:21-26; 17:5 Joh 6:28,29; 13:17 Jas 1:22 1Jo 2:29; 3:22 * 1Jo 3:23 3Jo 1:11 VERSE 22 - that. * Mt 8:18,23-27 Mr 4:35-41 Joh 6:1 - Let. * Mt 14:22 Mr 5:21; 6:45; 8:13 VERSE 23 - he fell. * Ps 44:23 Isa 51:9,10 Heb 4:15 - came. * Ps 93:3,4; 107:23-30; 124:2-4; 148:8 Isa 54:11 Ac 27:14-20 VERSE 24 - Master. * Ps 69:1,2; 116:3,4; 142:4,5 La 3:54-56 Joh 2:2-6 Mt 14:30 * 2Co 1:9,10 - he arose. * Ps 65:7; 104:6-9; 107:25-29 Isa 50:2 Jer 5:22 Na 1:4 - and rebuked. As the agitation of the sea was merely the effect of the wind, it was necessary to remove the cause of the commotion before the effect would cease. But who, by simply saying Peace, be still, (Mar. 4:39,) could do this but God? One word of our Lord can change the face of nature, and calm the troubled ocean, as well as restore peace to the disconsolate soul. VERSE 25 - Where. * Lu 12:28 Mt 6:30; 8:26; 14:31; 17:20 Mr 4:40,41 Joh 11:40 - being. * Ge 1:9,10 Jos 10:12-14 Job 38:8-10 Pr 8:29; 30:4 VERSE 26 * Mt 8:28 *etc: - Gergesenes. * Mr 5:1 *etc: VERSE 27 - met. * Mr 5:2-5 - and ware. * 1Sa 19:24 - but. * Nu 19:16 Isa 65:4 VERSE 28 - he cried. * Lu 4:33-36 Mt 8:29 Mr 1:24-27; 5:6-8 Ac 16:16-18 - What. * :37,38 - I beseech. * Isa 27:1 2Pe 2:4 1Jo 3:8 Jas 2:19 Re 20:1-3,10 VERSE 29 - commanded. * Mr 5:8 Ac 19:12-16 - caught. * Lu 9:39,42 Mr 5:3-5; 9:20-26 2Ti 2:25,26 VERSE 30 - Legion. * Mt 26:53 Mr 5:9 - many. * :2 Mt 8:29 Mr 16:9 VERSE 31 - they. * :28 Job 1:11; 2:5 Php 2:10,11 - the deep. 'The abyss,' says Dr. Doddridge, 'the prison in which many of these fallen spirits are detained; and to which some, who may, like these, have been permitted for a while to range at large, are sometimes by Divine justice and power remanded.' * Mt 25:41 Re 9:2; 19:20; 20:2,3,14,15 VERSE 32 - there an. * Le 11:7 Isa 65:4; 66:3 Mt 8:30-33 Mr 5:11-13 - besought. * Job 1:10 Ps 62:11 Joh 19:11 1Jo 4:4 - he suffered. * 1Ki 22:22 Job 1:12; 2:6 Re 20:7 VERSE 33 - Then. By this was fully evinced the sovereign power of our Lord, and the reality of diabolical agency; 'for,' says Dr. Doddridge, 'it was self-evident that a herd of swine could not be confederates in any fraud; their death, therefore, in this instructive circumstance, was ten thousand times a greater blessing to mankind than if they had been slain for food, as was intended.' - the herd. * Joh 8:44 1Pe 5:8 Re 9:11 VERSE 34 - they fled. * Mt 8:33; 28:11 Mr 5:14 Ac 19:16,17 VERSE 35 - and found. * Isa 49:24,25; 53:12 Heb 2:14,15 1Jo 3:8 - sitting. * Lu 2:46; 10:39 Mr 5:15 Ac 22:3 - clothed. * :27; 15:17 - in his. * Ps 51:10 VERSE 36 VERSE 37 - besought. * :28; 5:8 De 5:25 1Sa 6:20 2Sa 6:8,9 1Ki 17:18 Job 21:14,15 Mt 8:34 * Mr 5:17 Ac 16:39 - and he. * Lu 9:5,56; 10:10,11,16 VERSE 38 - besought. * :28,37 De 10:20,21 Ps 27:4; 32:7; 116:12,16 Mr 5:18 Php 1:23 - saying. * Ex 12:25-27; 13:8,9,14-16 Ps 71:17,18; 78:3-6; 107:21,22,31,32 * Ps 111:2-4; 145:3-12 Isa 63:7-13 Mr 5:19,20 Ac 9:13-16 * Ga 1:23,24 1Ti 1:13-16 VERSE 39 - Return. * 1Ti 5:8 - and published. * Lu 17:15-18 De 10:21 Ps 66:16; 126:2,3 Da 4:1-3,34-37 Mr 1:45 * Joh 4:29 VERSE 40 - that. * Mt 9:1 Mr 5:21 - the people. * Lu 5:1; 19:6,37,38,48 Mr 6:20; 12:37 Joh 5:35 - waiting. * Pr 8:34 Ac 10:33 VERSE 41 - there. * Mt 9:18-25 Mr 5:22 *etc: - a ruler. * Lu 13:14 Ac 13:15; 18:8,17 - and he fell. * Lu 5:8; 17:16 Re 5:8 - and besought. * Mt 8:7,8 Mr 5:23 Joh 4:46-49; 11:21 Ac 9:38 VERSE 42 - one. * Lu 7:12 Ge 44:20-22 Job 1:18,19 Zec 12:10 - and she. * Job 4:20 Ps 90:5-8; 103:15,16 Ec 6:12 Eze 24:16,25 Ro 5:12 - But. * :45 Mr 5:24 VERSE 43 - having. * Le 15:25 *etc: * Mt 9:20-22 Mr 5:25 - twelve. * :27; 13:11,16 Mr 9:21 Joh 5:5,6; 9:1,21 Ac 3:2; 4:22; 14:8-10 - had. * 2Ch 16:12 Ps 108:12 Isa 2:22; 55:1-3 Mr 5:26; 9:18,22 - neither. * Job 13:4 VERSE 44 - behind. * Lu 7:38 - touched. * De 22:12 Mr 5:27,28; 6:56 Ac 5:15; 19:12 - immediately. * Lu 13:13 Ex 15:26 Mal 4:2 Mt 8:3; 20:34 Joh 5:13 VERSE 45 - Who. 'Not that he was ignorant who had touched him,' says Epiphanius, 'but that he might not be himself the divulger of the miracle, and that the woman, hearing the question, and drawing near, might testify the singular benefit she had received, and that, in consequence of her declaration, she might presently hear from his lips, that her faith had saved her; and by this means, others might be excited to come and be healed of their disorders.' - the multitude. * Lu 9:13 Mr 5:30-32 VERSE 46 - for. * Lu 6:19 1Pe 2:9 *marg: VERSE 47 - when. * Ps 38:9 Ho 5:3 - she came. * 1Sa 16:4 Ps 2:11 Isa 66:2 Ho 13:1 Hab 3:16 Mt 28:8 Mr 5:33 * Ac 16:29 1Co 2:3 2Co 7:15 Php 2:12 Heb 12:28 - she declared. * Lu 17:15,16 Ps 66:16 VERSE 48 - Daughter. * Mt 9:2,22; 12:20 2Co 6:18 - thy. * Lu 7:50; 17:19; 18:42 Mt 8:13 Mr 5:34 Ac 14:9 Heb 4:2 - go. * Ex 4:18 1Sa 1:17 2Ki 5:19 VERSE 49 - he. * :41-43 Mt 9:23-26 Mr 5:35 *etc: - trouble. * Lu 7:6; 11:7 Isa 7:12 Mr 5:35 VERSE 50 - believe. * :48 Isa 50:10 Mr 5:36; 9:23; 11:22-24 Joh 11:25,40 Ro 4:17,20 VERSE 51 - he suffered. * 1Ki 17:19-23 2Ki 4:4-6,34-36 Isa 42:2 Mt 6:5,6 Ac 9:40 - save. * Lu 6:14; 9:28 Mr 5:37-40; 14:33 VERSE 52 - all. * Ge 23:2; 27:34,35 2Sa 18:33 Jer 9:17-21 Ex 24:17 Zec 12:10 - she. * Mr 5:38,39 Joh 11:4,11-13 VERSE 53 - laughed. * Lu 16:14 Job 12:4; 17:2 Ps 22:7 Isa 53:3 - knowing. * Mr 15:44,45 Joh 11:39; 19:33-35 VERSE 54 - he put. * :51 Mr 5:40 - took. * Jer 31:32 Mt 9:25 Mr 1:31; 5:41; 8:23; 9:27 - Maid. * Lu 7:14,15 Joh 5:21,28,29; 11:43 Ac 9:40 Ro 4:17 VERSE 55 - her spirit. This expression, thus used of one who had been dead, strongly implies, that at death the soul not only exists separately, but returns and is re-united to the body, when it is raised from the dead. * 1Ki 17:21-23 Joh 11:44 - and he. * Lu 24:41-43 Mr 5:43 Joh 11:44 VERSE 56 - he charged. * Lu 5:14 Mt 8:4; 9:30 Mr 5:42,43 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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