1 Christ finds a greater faith in the centurion, a Gentile than in any of the Jews; 10 heals his servant, being absent; 11 raises from death the widow's son at Nain; 18 answers John's messengers with the declaration of his miracles; 24 testifies to the people what opinion he held of John; 31 inveighs against the Jews, who with neither the manners of John nor of Jesus could be won; 36 and suffering his feet to be washed and anointed by a woman who was a sinner, he shows how he is a friend to sinners, to forgive them their sins, upon their repentance. VERSE 1 - when. * Mt 7:28,29 - he entered. * Mt 8:5-13 VERSE 2 - centurion's. * Lu 23:47 Mt 27:54 Ac 10:1; 22:26; 23:17; 27:1,3,43 - who. * Ge 24:2-14,27,35-49; 35:8; 39:4-6 2Ki 5:2,3 Job 31:5 Pr 29:21 * Ac 10:7 Col 3:22-25; 4:1 - was sick. * Lu 8:42 Joh 4:46,47; 11:2,3 VERSE 3 * Lu 8:41; 9:38 Mt 8:5 Joh 4:47 Phm 1:10 VERSE 4 - worthy. * :6,7; 20:35 Mt 10:11,13,37,38 Re 3:4 VERSE 5 - he loveth. * 1Ki 5:1 2Ch 2:11,12 Ga 5:6 1Jo 3:14; 5:1-3 - and. * 1Ch 29:3 *etc: * Ezr 7:27,28 1Jo 3:18,19 VERSE 6 - Jesus. * Mt 20:28 Mr 5:24 Ac 10:38 - trouble. * Lu 8:49 - for. * :4; 5:8; 15:19-21 Ge 32:10 Pr 29:23 Mt 3:11; 5:26,27 Jas 4:6,10 VERSE 7 - but. * Lu 4:36; 5:13 Ex 15:26 De 32:39 1Sa 2:6 Ps 33:9; 107:20 Mr 1:27 VERSE 8 - under. * Ac 22:25,26; 23:17,23,26; 24:23; 25:26 - one. Gr. this man. and he goeth. * Ac 10:7,8 Col 3:22 1Ti 6:1,2 VERSE 9 - he marvelled. * Mt 8:10; 15:28 - not in. * Ps 147:19,20 Mt 9:33 Ro 3:1-3; 9:4,5 VERSE 10 * Mt 8:13; 15:28 Mr 9:23 Joh 4:50-53 VERSE 11 - he went. * Ac 10:38 VERSE 12 - the only. * Lu 8:42 Ge 22:2,12 2Sa 14:7 1Ki 17:9,12,18,23 2Ki 4:16,20 * Zec 12:10 - a widow. * Job 29:13 Ac 9:39,41 1Ti 5:4,5 Jas 1:27 - and much. * Lu 8:52 Joh 11:19 VERSE 13 - he. * Jud 10:16 Ps 86:5,15; 103:13 Isa 63:9 Jer 31:20 La 3:32,33 * Mr 8:2 Joh 11:33-35 Heb 2:17; 4:15 - Weep not. * Lu 8:52 Jer 31:15,16 Joh 20:13,15 1Co 7:30 1Th 4:13 VERSE 14 - bier. or, coffin. Young. * Lu 8:54,55 1Ki 17:21 Job 14:12,14 Ps 33:9 Isa 26:19 Eze 37:3-10 * Joh 5:21,25,28,29; 11:25,43,44 Ac 9:40,41 Ro 4:17 Eph 5:12 VERSE 15 * 1Ki 17:23,24 2Ki 4:32-37; 13:21 VERSE 16 - a fear. * Lu 1:65; 5:8,26; 8:37 Jer 33:9 Mt 28:8 Ac 5:5,11-13 - they. * Lu 2:20 Mt 9:8; 15:31 Ga 1:24 - a great. * :39; 9:19; 24:19 Joh 1:21,25; 4:19; 6:14; 7:40,41; 9:17 Ac 3:22,23; 7:37 - God. * Lu 1:68; 19:44 Ex 4:31 Ps 65:9; 106:4,5 VERSE 17 * :14 Mt 4:24; 9:31 Mr 1:28; 6:14 VERSE 18 - See on * Mt 11:2-6 Joh 3:26 VERSE 19 - John. When we remember the Baptist's solemn testimony to Christ, the sign from heaven, and the miraculous impulse which made him acknowledge Jesus the Messiah, we shall be constrained to think that he sent to Christ, not for his own satisfaction, but for that of his disciples. - two. * Lu 10:1 Jos 2:1 Mr 6:7 Ac 10:7,8 Re 11:3 - Art. * Ge 3:15; 22:18; 49:10 De 18:15-18 Ps 110:1-4 Isa 7:14; 9:6,7; 11:1 * Isa 40:10,11; 59:20,21 Jer 23:5,6 Da 9:24-26 Mic 5:2 Hag 2:7 * Zec 9:9 Mal 3:1-3; 4:2 Joh 4:25 VERSE 20 VERSE 21 - plagues. * 1Ki 8:37 Ps 90:7-9 Mr 3:10; 5:29,34 1Co 11:30-32 Heb 12:6 * Jas 5:14,15 - evil spirits. [Pneuma <4151> poneros <4190>,] are here clearly distinguished from bodily disorders. VERSE 22 - Go. * Joh 1:46 - how. * :21; 18:35-43 Job 29:15 Ps 146:8 Isa 29:18,19; 32:3,4; 35:5,6 * Isa 42:6,7,16; 61:1-3 Jer 31:8 Mt 9:28-30; 21:14 Joh 9:30-33 * Ac 26:18 - the lame. * Mt 15:30,31 Ac 3:2-8; 8:7; 14:8-10 - the lepers. See on ch. * Lu 5:12-15; 17:12-19 - the deaf. * Isa 43:8 Mr 7:32-37 - the dead. See on ver. * :14,15; 8:53-55 - to. * Lu 4:18 Zep 3:12 Jas 2:5 VERSE 23 * Lu 2:34 Isa 8:14,15 Mt 11:6; 13:57,58 Joh 6:60-66 Ro 9:32,33 * 1Co 1:21-28; 2:14 1Pe 2:7,8 VERSE 24 - What. See on * Mt 11:7,8 - wilderness. * Lu 1:80; 3:2 Mt 3:1-5 Mr 1:4,5 Joh 1:23 - A reed. * Ge 49:4 2Co 1:17-20 Eph 4:14 Jas 1:6-8 2Pe 2:17; 3:17 VERSE 25 - A man. * 2Ki 1:8 Isa 59:17 Mt 3:4 1Pe 3:3,4 - are in. * 2Sa 19:35 1Ki 10:5 Es 1:3,11; 4:2; 5:1; 8:15 Mt 6:29 VERSE 26 - A prophet. * Lu 1:76; 20:6 - and. * Lu 16:16 - See on * Mt 11:9-14 Joh 3:26 *etc: * Joh 5:35 VERSE 27 - Behold. * Lu 1:15-17,76 Isa 40:3 Mal 3:1; 4:5,6 Joh 1:23 VERSE 28 - Among. * Lu 1:14,15; 3:16 - but. * Lu 9:48; 10:23,24 Mt 11:11; 13:16,17 Eph 3:8,9 Col 1:25-27 * Heb 11:39,40 1Pe 1:10-12 VERSE 29 - justified. * :35 Jud 1:7 Ps 51:4 Ro 3:4-6; 10:3 Re 15:3; 16:5 - being. * Lu 3:12 Mt 3:5,6; 21:31,32 VERSE 30 - rejected. or, frustrated. * Lu 13:34 Jer 8:8 Ro 10:21 2Co 6:1 Ga 2:21 - the counsel. * Ac 20:27 Eph 1:11 - against. or, within. VERSE 31 - Whereunto. * La 2:13 Mt 11:16 *etc: * Mr 4:30 VERSE 32 - are. * Pr 17:16 Isa 28:9-13; 29:11,12 Jer 5:3-5 - See on * Mt 11:16-19 - children. * Zec 8:5 VERSE 33 - came. * Lu 1:15 Jer 16:8-10 Mt 3:4 Mr 1:6 - He. * Mt 10:25 Joh 8:48,52; 10:20 Ac 2:13 VERSE 34 - eating. * :36; 5:29; 11:37; 14:1 Joh 2:2; 12:2 - a friend. * Lu 15:2; 19:7 Mt 9:11 VERSE 35 * :29 Pr 8:32-36; 17:16 Ho 14:9 Mt 11:19 1Co 2:14,15 VERSE 36 - one. * Mt 26:6 *etc: * Mr 14:3 *etc: * Joh 11:2 *etc: - And he. * :34; 11:37; 14:1 VERSE 37 - which. * :34,39; 5:30,32; 18:13; 19:7 Mt 21:31 Joh 9:24,31 Ro 5:8 1Ti 1:9,15 * 1Pe 4:18 - an. * Mt 26:7 Mr 14:3 Joh 11:2; 12:2,3 VERSE 38 - weeping. * Lu 6:21; 22:62 Jud 2:4,5 Ezr 10:1 Ps 6:6-8; 38:18; 51:17; 126:5,6 * Isa 61:3 Jer 31:9,18-20 Joe 2:12 Zec 12:10 Mt 5:4 2Co 7:10,11 * Jas 4:9 - wash. * :44 Ge 18:4 Joh 13:4,5 - and anointed. * :45,46 Ec 9:8 So 1:3 Isa 57:9 VERSE 39 - he spake. * Lu 3:8; 12:17; 16:3; 18:4 2Ki 5:20 Pr 23:7 Mr 2:6,7; 7:21 - This man. * :16 Joh 7:12,40,41,47-52; 9:24 - would. * :37; 15:2,28-30; 18:9-11 Isa 65:5 Mt 9:12,13; 20:16; 21:28-31 VERSE 40 - answering. * Lu 5:22,31; 6:8 Joh 16:19,30 - Master. * Lu 18:18; 20:20,21 Eze 33:31 Mal 1:6 Mt 7:22; 26:49 Joh 3:2; 13:13 VERSE 41 - a certain. * Lu 11:4; 13:4 *marg: * Isa 50:1 Mt 6:12; 18:23-25 - the one. * :47 Ro 5:20 1Ti 1:15,16 - pence. See * Mt 18:28 *marg: - the other. * Lu 12:48 Nu 27:3 Jer 3:11 Joh 15:22-24 Ro 3:23 1Jo 1:8-10 VERSE 42 - when. * Ps 49:7,8 Mt 18:25,26,34 Ro 5:6 Ga 3:10 - he. * Ps 32:1-5; 51:1-3; 103:3 Isa 43:25; 44:22 Jer 31:33,34 Da 9:18,19 * Mic 7:18-20 Mt 6:12 Ac 13:38,39 Ro 3:24; 4:5-8 Eph 1:7; 4:32 * Col 3:13 VERSE 43 - I. * :47 1Co 15:9,10 2Co 5:14,15 1Ti 1:13-16 - Thou. * Lu 10:38 Ps 116:16-18 Mr 12:34 VERSE 44 - Seest. * :37-39 - thou. * Ge 19:2 Jud 19:21 1Sa 25:41 1Ti 5:10 Jas 2:6 VERSE 45 - gavest. * Ge 29:11; 33:4 2Sa 15:5; 19:39 Mt 26:48 Ro 16:16 1Co 16:20 * 1Th 5:26 - this. Many have supposed that this person was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the sister of Lazarus. But there is no indication in the gospel history, that Mary Magdalene was the sister of Lazarus; but on the contrary, it would appear that they were perfectly distinct persons, the sister of Lazarus residing at Bethany, while Mary Magdalene appears to have resided at Magdala, east of Jordan, a distance of nearly ninety miles. Add to this, that our Savior seems to have been now in or near Nain, not at Bethany; and the woman appears from the recital to have been previously unknown to him. VERSE 46 * Ru 3:3 2Sa 14:2 Ps 23:5; 104:15 Ec 9:8 Da 10:3 Am 6:6 Mic 6:15 * Mt 6:17 VERSE 47 - Her. * :42; 5:20,21 Ex 34:6,7 - which. * Isa 1:18; 55:7 Eze 16:63; 36:29-32 Mic 7:19 Ac 5:31 Ro 5:20 * 1Co 6:9-11 1Ti 1:14 1Jo 1:7 - she. * :43 Mt 10:37 Joh 21:15-17 2Co 5:14 Ga 5:6 Eph 6:24 Php 1:9 * 1Jo 3:18; 4:19; 5:3 VERSE 48 - Thy. * Mt 9:2 Mr 2:5 VERSE 49 - Who. * Lu 5:20,21 Mt 9:3 Mr 2:7 VERSE 50 - Thy. * Lu 8:18,42,48; 18:42 Hab 2:4 Mt 9:22 Mr 5:34; 10:52 Eph 2:8-10 * Jas 2:14-26 - go. * Ec 9:7 Ro 5:1,2 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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