1 Christ avouches his authority by a question of John's baptism. 9 The parable of the vineyard. 19 Of giving tribute to Caesar. 27 He convinces the Sadducees, that denied the resurrection. 41 How Christ is the Son of David. 45 He warns his disciples to beware of the scribes. VERSE 1 - that. * Lu 19:47,48 Mr 11:27 Joh 18:20 - the chief. * 1Ch 24:1-31 VERSE 2 - Tell. * Lu 19:35-40,45,46 Mt 21:23-27 Mr 11:28-33 - who. * Ex 2:14 Joh 2:18; 5:22-27 Ac 4:7-10; 7:27,35-39,51 VERSE 3 - I will. * Lu 22:68 Mt 15:2,3 Col 4:6 VERSE 4 - baptism. * Lu 7:28-35 Mt 11:7-19; 17:11,12; 21:25-32 Joh 1:6,19-28 - from. * Lu 15:18 Da 4:25,26 VERSE 5 - Why. * Joh 1:15-18,30,34; 3:26,36; 3:26,36; 5:33-35 Ac 13:25 VERSE 6 - all. * Mt 21:26,46; 26:5 Mr 12:12 Ac 5:26 - for. * Lu 1:76; 7:26-29 Mt 14:5; 21:26 Joh 10:41 VERSE 7 - that. * Isa 6:9,10; 26:11; 29:9-12,14; 41:28; 42:19,20; 44:18 Jer 8:7-9 * Zec 11:15,17 Mal 2:7-9 Joh 3:19,20; 9:39 2Th 2:10-12 2Ti 3:8,9 * 2Pe 3:3 VERSE 8 * Lu 22:68 Job 5:12,13 Pr 26:4,5 Mt 15:14; 16:4; 21:27 Mr 11:33 VERSE 9 - this. * Mt 21:33 *etc: * Mr 12:1 *etc: - planted. * Ps 80:8-14 Isa 5:1-7 Jer 2:21 Joh 15:1-8 1Co 3:6-9 - and let. * So 8:11,12 - husbandman. * De 1:15-18; 16:18; 17:8-15 - went. * Lu 19:12 VERSE 10 - the season. * Ps 1:3 Jer 5:24 Mt 21:34-36 Mr 12:2-5 - sent. * Jud 6:8-10 2Ki 17:13 2Ch 36:15,16 Ne 9:30 Jer 25:3-7; 26:2-6 * Jer 35:15; 44:4,5 Ho 6:4-6 Zec 1:3-6; 7:9-13 Joh 15:16 Ro 7:4 - beat. * Lu 11:47-50; 13:34 1Ki 22:24 2Ch 16:10; 24:19-21 Ne 9:26 Jer 2:30 * Jer 20:2; 26:20-24; 29:26,27; 37:15,16; 38:4-6 VERSE 11 - entreated. * Mt 23:30-37 Ac 7:52 1Th 2:2 Heb 11:36,37 - and sent. * Ho 10:1 VERSE 12 VERSE 13 - What. * Isa 5:4 Ho 6:4; 11:8 - I will. * Lu 9:35 Mt 3:17; 17:5 Joh 1:34; 3:16,17,35,36 Ro 8:3 Ga 4:4 * 1Jo 4:9-15 - it may. * Jer 36:3,7 VERSE 14 - reasoned. * :5 Mt 16:7; 21:25 - the heir. * Ps 2:1-6,8; 89:27 Mt 2:2-16 Ro 8:17 Heb 1:2 - let. * :19; 19:47; 22:2 Ge 37:18-20 Mt 27:21-25 Joh 11:47-50 Ac 2:23; 3:15 VERSE 15 - they. * Heb 13:12 - What. * Mt 21:37-40 Mr 12:6-9 VERSE 16 - destroy. * Lu 19:27 Ps 2:8,9; 21:8-10 Mt 21:41; 22:7 Ac 13:46 - shall give. * Ne 9:36,37 VERSE 17 - beheld. * Lu 19:41; 22:61 Mr 3:5; 10:23 - What. * Lu 22:37; 24:44 Joh 15:25 - The stone. * Ps 118:22 Isa 28:16 Zec 3:9 Mt 21:42 Mr 12:10 Ac 4:11 * 1Pe 2:7,8 VERSE 18 - shall fall. This is an allusion to the Jewish mode of stoning. 'The place of stoning was twice as high as a man. From the top of this one of the witnesses struck the culprit on the loins, and felled him to the ground: if he died of this, well; if not, the other witness threw a stone upon his heart,' etc. Our Lord seems to refer not only to the dreadful crushing of the Jews by the Romans, but also to their general dispersion to the present day. * Isa 8:14,15 Da 2:34,35,44,45 Zec 12:3 Mt 21:34 1Th 2:16 VERSE 19 - the same. * :14; 19:47,48 Mt 21:45,46; 26:3,4 Mr 12:12 VERSE 20 - they watched. * Ps 37:32,33; 38:12 Isa 29:20,21 Jer 11:19; 18:18; 20:10 * Mt 22:15,18 Mr 12:13,15 - feign. * 2Sa 14:2 1Ki 14:2-6 Ps 66:3; 81:15 *marg: * 2Pe 2:3 - they might deliver. * Mt 27:2 Joh 18:28-32 VERSE 21 - Master. * Ps 12:2; 55:21 Jer 42:2,3 Mt 22:16; 26:49,50 Mr 12:14 Joh 3:2 - sayest. * 2Co 2:17 Ga 1:10 1Th 2:4,5 - acceptest. * 2Ch 19:7 Job 34:19 Ac 10:34,35 Ga 2:6 - truly. or, of a truth. VERSE 22 * De 17:15 Ezr 4:13,19-22; 9:7 Ne 5:4; 9:37 Mt 22:17-21 * Mr 12:14-17 Ac 5:37 VERSE 23 - he. * Lu 5:22; 6:8; 11:17 Joh 2:24,25 1Co 3:19 Heb 4:13 - Why. * :20; 11:16,53,54 Ps 95:9 Mt 16:1; 22:18 1Co 10:9 VERSE 24 - a penny. See * Mt 18:28; 20:2 - image. This was the head of the emperor; the superscription his titles. Julius Caesar was the first who caused his image to be struck on the Roman coin; and Tiberius was emperor at this time. This therefore was a denarius of Caesar, [dinarah kesar-anah,] as it is termed in the Talmud; and consequently this was respecting the tribute required by the Roman government. - Caesar's. * :22; 2:1; 3:1; 23:2 Ac 11:28; 25:8-12; 26:32 Php 4:22 VERSE 25 - Render. * Pr 24:21 Mt 17:27; 22:21 Mr 12:17 Ro 13:6,7 1Pe 2:13-17 - unto God. * Ac 4:19,20; 5:29 1Co 10:31 1Pe 4:11 VERSE 26 - they could. * :20,39,40 Job 5:12,13 Pr 26:4,5 2Ti 3:8,9 - and they marvelled. * Lu 13:17 Mt 22:12,22,34 Ro 3:19 Tit 1:10 VERSE 27 - the Sadducees. * Mt 16:1,6,12; 22:23 *etc: * Mr 12:18 *etc: * Ac 4:1,2; 5:17; 23:6-8 1Co 15:12 2Ti 2:17,18 VERSE 28 * Ge 38:8,11,26 De 25:5-10 Ru 1:11,12 VERSE 29 - and died. * Le 20:20 Jer 22:30 VERSE 30 * :30 VERSE 31 VERSE 32 - died. * Jud 2:10 Ec 1:4; 9:5 Heb 9:27 VERSE 33 * Mt 22:24-28 Mr 12:19-23 VERSE 34 - The children. * Lu 16:8 - marry. * Lu 17:27 1Co 7:2 *etc: * Eph 5:31 Heb 13:4 VERSE 35 - accounted. * Lu 21:36 Ac 5:41 2Th 1:5 Re 3:4 - to. * Da 12:2,3 Joh 5:29 Ac 24:15 Heb 11:35 - neither. * Mt 22:29 Mr 12:24 VERSE 36 - can. * Isa 25:8 Ho 13:14 1Co 15:26,42,53,54 Php 3:21 1Th 4:13-17 * Re 20:6; 21:4; 22:2-5 - they are. * Zec 3:7 Mt 22:30 Mr 12:25 1Co 15:49,52 Re 5:6-14; 7:9-12; 22:9 - the children of God. * Ro 8:17-23 1Jo 3:2 VERSE 37 - even. * Ex 3:2-6 De 33:16 Ac 7:30-32 - when. There is a remarkable passage in Josephus, which proves that the best informed among the Jews believed in the immateriality and immortality of the soul, and that the souls of righteous men were in the presence of God in a state of happiness. 'They who lose their lives for the sake of God, live unto God, as do Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the rest of the patriarchs.' Not less remarkable is a passage in Shemoth Rabba, 'Why doth Moses say, (Ex. 32:13) Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? R. Abin saith, The Lord said unto Moses, I look for ten men from thee, as I looked for that number in Sodom. Find me out ten righteous persons among the people, and I will not destroy thy people. Then saith Moses, Behold, here am I, and Aaron, Eleazar, and Ithamar, Phinehas, and Caleb, and Joshua; but, saith God, there are but seven: where are the other three? When Moses knew not what to do, he saith, O Eternal God, [hayim hem ha-metim,] do those live who are dead? Yes, saith God. Then saith Moses, If those that are dead do live, remember Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.' * Ge 17:7; 28:13,21; 32:9 Mt 22:3-33 Mr 12:26,27 VERSE 38 - a God. * Ps 16:5-11; 22:23-26; 145:1,2 Heb 11:16 - for all. * Joh 6:57; 11:25,26; 14:19 Ro 6:10,11,22,23; 14:7-9 2Co 6:16; 13:4 * Col 3:3,4 Re 7:15-17; 22:1 VERSE 39 - thou. * Mt 22:34-40 Mr 12:28-34 Ac 23:9 VERSE 40 * Pr 26:5 Mt 22:46 Mr 12:34 VERSE 41 - How. * Mt 22:41,42 Mr 12:35 *etc: - Christ. * Lu 18:38,39 Isa 9:6,7; 11:1,2 Jer 23:5,6; 33:15,16,21 Mt 1:1 * Joh 7:42 Ac 2:30 Ro 1:3,4 Re 22:16 VERSE 42 - himself. * Lu 24:44 2Sa 23:1,2 Mt 22:43 Mr 12:36,37 Ac 1:20; 13:33-35 Heb 3:7 - the Lord. * Ps 110:1 Mt 22:44,45 Ac 2:34,35 1Co 15:25 Heb 1:13 VERSE 43 * Lu 19:27 Ps 2:1-9; 21:8-12; 72:9; 109:4-20; 110:5,6 Re 19:14-21 VERSE 44 - how. * Lu 1:31-35; 2:11 Isa 7:14 Mt 1:23 Ro 9:5 Ga 4:4 1Ti 3:16 Re 22:16 VERSE 45 * Mt 15:10; 23:1 Mr 8:34; 12:38 1Ti 5:20 VERSE 46 - Beware. * Lu 12:1 Mt 16:6 Mr 8:15 2Ti 4:15 - which. * Lu 11:43; 14:7 Pr 29:23 Mt 23:5-7 Mr 12:38,39 Ro 12:10 Php 2:3-5 * 3Jo 1:9 VERSE 47 - devour. * Isa 10:2 Jer 7:6-10 Eze 22:7 Am 2:7; 8:4-6 Mic 2:2,8; 3:2 * Mt 23:14 Mr 12:40 2Ti 3:6 - for. * Lu 12:1 Eze 33:31 Mt 23:26-28 1Th 2:5 2Ti 3:2-5 Tit 1:16 - the same. * Lu 10:12-14; 12:47,48 Mt 11:22-24 Jas 3:1 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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