1 Of Zacchaeus a publican. 11 The ten pieces of money. 28 Christ rides into Jerusalem with triumph; 41 weeps over it; 45 drives the buyers and sellers out of the temple; 47 teaching daily in it. The rulers seek to destroy him, but fear the people. VERSE 1 - Jericho. * Jos 2:1; 6:1 *etc: * Jos 6:26 1Ki 16:34 2Ki 2:18-22 VERSE 2 - the chief. [Architelones <754>,] rather, 'a chief publican,' or tax gatherer. Probably Zacchaeus, who appears from his name to have been a Jew, farmed the revenue of the district around Jericho, having others under him, who either rented of him smaller portions, or were employed as servants to collect the taxes. - and he. * Lu 18:24-27 2Ch 17:5,6 VERSE 3 - he sought. * Lu 9:7-9; 23:8 Joh 12:21 - because. * Lu 12:25 VERSE 4 - climbed. * Lu 5:19 - a sycamore. * 1Ki 10:27 1Ch 27:28 Isa 9:10 Am 7:14 VERSE 5 - he looked. * Ps 139:1-3 Eze 16:6 Joh 1:48; 4:7-10 - Zacchaeus. * Ec 9:10 2Co 6:1 - for. * :10 Ge 18:3-5; 19:1-3 Ps 101:2,3 Joh 14:23 Eph 3:17 Heb 13:2 * Re 3:20 VERSE 6 - he. * Lu 2:16 Ge 18:6,7 Ps 119:59,60 Ga 1:15,16 - joyfully. * Lu 5:29 Isa 64:5 Ac 2:41; 16:15,34 VERSE 7 - they all. * Lu 5:30; 7:34,39; 15:2; 18:9-14 Mt 9:11; 21:28-31 VERSE 8 - Behold. * Lu 3:8-13; 11:41; 12:33; 16:9; 18:22,23 Ps 41:1 Ac 2:44-46; 4:34,35 * 2Co 8:7,8 1Ti 6:17,18 Jas 1:10,11 - by false. * Lu 3:14 Ex 20:16 - I restore. * Ex 22:1-4 Le 6:1-6 1Sa 12:3 2Sa 12:6 Pr 6:31 VERSE 9 - unto him. Rather, as Elsner renders [pros <4314> autou <847>,] concerning him; for our Lord speaks of him in the third person. - This day. * Lu 2:30; 13:30 Joh 4:38-42 Ac 16:30-32 1Co 6:9-11 1Pe 2:10 - forsomuch. * Lu 13:16 Ro 4:11,12,16 Ga 3:7,14,29 VERSE 10 * Lu 5:31,32; 15:4-7,32 Eze 34:16 Mt 1:21; 9:12,13; 10:6; 15:24; 18:11 * Ro 5:6 1Ti 1:13-16 Heb 7:25 1Jo 4:9-14 VERSE 11 - they thought. * Lu 17:20 Ac 1:6 2Th 2:1-3 VERSE 12 - A certain. * Mt 25:14-30 Mr 13:34-37 - a far. * Lu 20:9; 24:51 Mt 21:38 Mr 12:1; 16:19 Ac 1:9,10 - to. * Mt 28:18 Joh 18:37 1Co 15:25 Eph 1:20-23 Php 2:9-11 1Pe 3:22 - and. * Ac 1:11; 17:31 Heb 9:28 Re 1:7 VERSE 13 - his. * Mt 25:14 Joh 12:26 Ga 1:10 Jas 1:1 2Pe 1:1 - delivered. * Mt 25:15 Ro 12:6-8 1Co 12:7-11,28,29 1Pe 4:9-11 - pounds. 'Mina, here translated a pound, is 12½ oz., which, according to 5s. the ounce, is 3£. 2s. 6d.' VERSE 14 * :27 1Sa 8:7 Ps 2:1-3 Isa 49:7 Zec 11:8 Joh 1:11; 15:18,23,24 * Ac 3:14,15; 4:27,28; 7:51,52 VERSE 15 - having. * Ps 2:4-6 - money. Gr. silver, and so. * :23 - that he. * Lu 12:48; 16:2 *etc: * Mt 18:23 *etc: * Mt 25:19 Ro 14:10-12 1Co 4:1-5 VERSE 16 - Lord. * 1Ch 29:14-16 1Co 15:10 Col 1:28,29 2Ti 4:7,8 Jas 2:18-26 VERSE 17 - Well. * Ge 39:4 1Sa 2:30 Mt 25:21 Ro 2:29 1Co 4:5 2Ti 2:10 1Pe 1:7; 5:4 - been. * Lu 16:10; 22:30 Mt 25:21 Re 2:26-29 VERSE 18 - thy. * Mt 13:23 Mr 4:20 2Co 8:12 VERSE 19 - Be. * Isa 3:10 1Co 3:8; 15:41,42,58 2Co 9:6 2Jo 1:8 VERSE 20 - Lord. * :13; 3:9; 6:46 Pr 26:13-16 Mt 25:24 Jas 4:17 VERSE 21 - I feared. * Ex 20:19,20 1Sa 12:20 Mt 25:24,25 Ro 8:15 2Ti 1:7 Jas 2:10 * 1Jo 4:18 - because. * 1Sa 6:19-21 2Sa 6:9-11 Job 21:14,15 Eze 18:25-29 Mal 3:14,15 * Ro 8:7 Jude 1:15 VERSE 22 - Out. * 2Sa 1:16 Job 15:5,6 Mt 12:37; 22:12 Ro 3:19 - Thou knewest. * Mt 25:26,27 VERSE 23 - Wherefore. * Ro 2:4,5 - usury. * Ex 22:25-27 De 23:19,20 VERSE 24 - Take. * Lu 12:20; 16:2 VERSE 25 - Lord. * Lu 16:2 2Sa 7:19 Isa 55:8,9 VERSE 26 - That unto. * Lu 8:18 Mt 13:12; 25:28,29 Mr 4:25 Joh 5:1-3 - and from. That is, the poor man, who possesses but little. * Lu 16:3 1Sa 2:30; 15:28 2Sa 7:15 Ps 109:8 Eze 44:12-16 Mt 21:43 * Ac 1:20 2Jo 1:8 Re 2:3; 3:11 VERSE 27 * :14,42-44; 21:22,24 Nu 14:36,37; 16:30-35 Ps 2:3-5,9; 21:8,9; 69:22-28 * Isa 66:6,14 Na 1:2,8 Mt 21:37-41; 22:7; 23:34-36 1Th 2:15,16 * Heb 10:13 VERSE 28 - he went. * Lu 9:51; 12:50; 18:31 Ps 40:6-8 Mr 10:32-34 Joh 18:11 Heb 12:2 * 1Pe 4:1 VERSE 29 - when. * Mt 21:1 *etc: * Mr 11:1 *etc: * Joh 12:12-16 - Bethany. * :37; 21:37; 22:39; 24:50 Zec 14:4 Ac 1:12 VERSE 30 * :32; 22:8-13 1Sa 10:2-9 Joh 14:29 VERSE 31 - the Lord. * Ps 24:1; 50:10-12 Mt 21:2,3 Mr 11:3-6 Ac 10:36 VERSE 32 * :32 VERSE 33 * :33 VERSE 34 * Zec 9:9 Joh 10:35; 12:16 2Co 8:9 VERSE 35 - they cast. * 2Ki 9:13 Mt 21:7 Mr 11:7,8 Joh 12:14 Ga 4:15,16 VERSE 36 * Mt 21:8 VERSE 37 - at. * :20 Mr 13:3; 14:26 - the whole. * Lu 7:16 Ex 15:1 *etc: * Jud 5:1 *etc: * 2Sa 6:2-6 1Ki 8:55,56 1Ch 15:28; 16:4 *etc: * 2Ch 29:28-30,36 Ezr 3:10-13 Ps 106:12,13 Joh 12:12,13 VERSE 38 - Blessed. * Lu 13:35 Ps 72:17-19; 118:22-26 Zec 9:9 Mt 21:9 Mr 11:9,10 - peace. * Lu 2:10-14 Ro 5:1 Eph 2:14-18 Col 1:20 - glory. * Eph 1:6,12; 3:10,21 1Ti 1:17 1Pe 1:12 Re 5:9-14; 19:1-6 VERSE 39 - rebuke. * Isa 26:11 Mt 23:13 Joh 11:47,48; 12:10,19 Ac 4:1,2,16-18 * Jas 4:5 VERSE 40 * Ps 96:11; 98:7-9; 114:1-8 Isa 55:12 Hab 2:11 Mt 3:9; 21:15,16 * Mt 27:45,51-54 2Pe 2:6 VERSE 41 - and wept. * Ps 119:53,136,158 Jer 9:1; 13:17; 17:16 Ho 11:8 Joh 11:35 * Ro 9:2,3 VERSE 42 - If. * De 5:29; 32:29 Ps 81:13 Isa 48:18 Eze 18:31,32; 33:11 - in this. * :44 Ps 32:6; 95:7,8 Isa 55:6 Joh 12:35,36 2Co 6:1,2 - the things. * Lu 1:77-79; 2:10-14; 10:5,6 Ac 10:36; 13:46 Heb 3:7,13,15; 10:26-29 * Heb 12:24-26 - but. * Isa 6:9,10; 29:10-14; 44:18 Mt 13:14,15 Joh 12:38-41 Ac 28:25-27 * Ro 11:7-10 2Co 3:14-16; 4:3,4 2Th 2:9-12 VERSE 43 - the days. * Lu 21:20-24 De 28:49-58 Ps 37:12,13 Da 9:26,27 Mt 22:7; 23:37-39 * Mr 13:14-20 1Th 2:15,16 - cast. Or, 'cast a bank' or rampart [charax <5482>.] This was literally fulfilled when Jerusalem was besieged by Titus; who surrounded it with a wall of circumvallation in three days, though not less than 39 furlongs in circumference; and when this was effected, the Jews were so enclosed on every side, that no person could escape from the city, and no provision could be brought in. * Isa 29:1-4 Jer 6:3-6 VERSE 44 - lay. * 1Ki 9:7,8 Mic 3:12 - thy children. * Lu 13:34,35 Mt 23:37,38 - leave. * Lu 21:6 Mt 24:2 Mr 13:2 - because. * :42; 1:68,78 La 1:8 Da 9:24 Joh 3:18-21 1Pe 2:12 VERSE 45 - went. * Mt 21:12,13 Mr 11:15-17 Joh 2:13-17 - sold. * De 14:25,26 VERSE 46 * Ps 93:5 Isa 56:7 Jer 7:11 Eze 43:12 Ho 12:7 Mt 23:14 VERSE 47 - taught. * Lu 21:37,38 Mt 21:23 Mr 11:27 *etc: * Joh 18:20 - the chief priests. * Mt 26:3,4 Mr 11:18; 12:12; 14:1 Joh 7:19,44; 8:37-40; 10:39 * Joh 11:53-57 VERSE 48 - could. * Lu 20:19,20; 22:2-4 Mt 22:15,16 - were very attentive to hear him. or, hanged on him. [Kremannumi <2910> autou <847> akouo <191>,] literally, 'they hung upon him hearing;' which is beautifully expressive of their earnest attention, and high gratification. * Ne 8:3 Joh 7:46-49 Ac 16:14 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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