1 The Song of Deborah and Barak. VERSE 1 - Sang Deborah. This verse briefly recites the subject of this inspired song, which consists of eight stanzas: The first opens with a devout thanksgiving. The second describes the magnificent scenes at Mount Sinai, etc. The third states the apostasy and consequent punishment of the Israelites. The fourth contrasts their present happy state. The fifth censures the recreant tribes of Reuben, Gad, etc. The sixth records the defeat of the confederate kings of Canaan. The seventh contains a panegyric on Jael. And the eight describes the fond anticipations and disappointment of the mother of Sisera. * Ex 15:1,21 Nu 21:17 1Sa 2:1 2Ch 20:21,27 Job 38:7 * Ps 18:1 *title * Isa 12:1-6; 25:1; 26:1 Lu 1:46,67,68 Re 15:3,4; 19:1-3 VERSE 2 - for the avenging. * De 32:43 2Sa 22:47,48 Ps 18:47; 48:11; 94:1; 97:8; 136:15,19,20 * Ps 149:6-9 Re 16:5,6; 18:20; 19:2 - when. * :9 2Ch 17:16 Ne 11:2 Ps 110:3 1Co 9:17 2Co 8:12; 9:7 Php 2:13 * Phm 1:14 VERSE 3 - O ye kings. * De 32:1,3 Ps 2:10-12; 49:1,2; 119:46; 138:4,5 - I, even I. * :7 Ge 6:17; 9:9 Ex 31:6 Le 26:28 1Ki 18:22; 19:10,14 Ezr 7:21 VERSE 4 - Lord. * De 33:2 Ps 68:7,8 Hab 3:3-6 - the earth. * 2Sa 22:8 Job 9:6 Ps 18:7-15 - dropped. * Ps 77:17 VERSE 5 - mountains. * De 4:11 Ps 97:5; 114:4 Isa 64:1-3 Na 1:5 Hab 3:10 - melted. Heb. flowed. that Sinai. * Ex 19:18; 20:18 De 4:11,12; 5:22-25 Heb 12:18 VERSE 6 - Shamgar. * Jud 3:31 - Jael. * Jud 4:17,18 - the highways. * Le 26:22 2Ch 15:5 Isa 33:8 La 1:4; 4:18 Mic 3:12 - travellers. Heb. walkers of paths. by-ways. Heb. crooked ways. * Ps 125:5 VERSE 7 - the villages. * Es 9:19 - a mother. * Jud 4:4-6 2Sa 20:19 Isa 49:23 Ro 16:13 VERSE 8 - new gods. * Jud 2:12,17 De 32:16,17 - was there. * Jud 4:3 1Sa 13:19-22 VERSE 9 - offered. See on ver. * :2 1Ch 29:9 2Co 8:3,4,12,17; 9:5 VERSE 10 - Speak. or, Meditate. * Ps 105:2; 145:5,11 - ride. * Jud 10:4; 12:14 - ye that sit. * Ps 107:32 Isa 28:6 Joe 3:12 VERSE 11 - the noise. * La 5:4,9 - in the places. Dr. Shaw mentions a beautiful rill of water in Barbary, which runs into a large bason, called {shrub we krub,} "drink and be off," because of the danger of meeting with robbers and assassins in this place, who fall upon those who come to drink. * Ge 26:20-22 Ex 2:17-19 Isa 12:3 - righteous acts. Heb. righteousnesses. * 1Sa 12:7 Ps 145:7 Mic 6:5 - villages. See on ver. * :7 - go down. * De 22:24 Job 29:7 Isa 28:6 Jer 7:2 VERSE 12 - awake, Deborah. * Ps 57:8; 103:1,2; 108:2 Isa 51:9,17; 52:1,2; 60:1 Jer 31:26 * 1Co 15:34 Eph 5:14 - lead. * Ps 68:18 Isa 14:2; 33:1; 49:24-26 Eph 4:8 2Ti 2:26 VERSE 13 - he made. * Ps 49:14 Isa 41:15,16 Eze 17:24 Da 7:18-27 Ro 8:37 Re 2:26,27 * Re 3:9 - the Lord. * Ps 75:7 VERSE 14 - of Ephraim. * Jud 3:27; 4:5,6 - Amalek. See on ch. * Jud 3:13 Ex 17:8-16 - after. * Jud 4:10,14 - Machir. * Nu 32:39,40 - handle the pen. Heb. draw with the pen. VERSE 15 - the princes. See on * 1Ch 12:32 - Barak. See on ch. * Jud 4:6,14 - foot. Heb. his feet. {Beraglaiv,} rather, "with his footmen:" so LXX. Alex. [pkzous autou,] and Luther, {mit feinem Fubvolt.} * Ac 20:13 - For the. or, In the divisions, etc. * Ac 15:39 - thoughts. Heb. impressions. * Pr 22:13 2Co 11:2 VERSE 16 - sheepfolds. * Nu 32:1-5,24 Php 2:21; 3:19 - For. or, In. * :15 *marg: - great. * Ps 4:4; 77:6 La 3:40,41 VERSE 17 - Gilead. * Jos 13:25,31 - Asher. * Jos 19:24-31 - sea shore. or, sea-port. breaches. or, creeks. VERSE 18 - Zebulun. See on ch. * Jud 4:10 - jeoparded. Heb. exposed to reproach. their lives. * Es 4:16 Ac 20:24 1Jo 3:16 Re 12:11 - in the high. * Jud 4:6,10,14 VERSE 19 - kings. * Jos 10:22-27; 11:1-15 Ps 48:4-6; 68:12-14; 118:8-12 Re 17:12-14 * Re 19:19 - Taanach. * Jud 1:27 1Ki 4:12 - they took. * :30 Ge 14:22; 4:16 Ps 44:12 VERSE 20 - fought. * Jos 10:11 1Sa 7:10 Ps 77:17,18 - the stars. * Jud 4:15 - courses. Heb. paths. VERSE 21 - Kishon. * Jud 4:7,13 1Ki 18:40 Ps 83:9,10 - O my soul. * Ge 49:18 Ps 44:5 Isa 25:10 Mic 7:10 VERSE 22 - horsehoofs. Anciently, horses were not shod; nor are they at the present day in some parts of the East. The flight was so rapid that the hoofs of their horses were splintered and broken by the roughness of the roads; in consequence of which they became lame, and could not carry off their riders. * Ps 20:7; 33:17; 147:10,11 Isa 5:28 Jer 47:4 Mic 4:13 - pransings. or, tramplings, or, plungings. mighty ones. Or, as Dr. Waterland renders, "mighty horses," or "strong steeds," as Dr. Kennicott, i.e., their war-horses, which gives great energy to the text, and renders it perfectly intelligible. VERSE 23 - Curse ye. * 1Sa 26:19 Jer 48:10 1Co 16:22 - Meroz. This city of Meroz seems to have been, at this time, a place of considerable importance, since something great was expected from it; but probably, after the angel of the Lord had pronounced this curse, it dwindled and like the fig-tree which Christ cursed, withered away; so that we never read of it after this in Scripture. - the angel. * Jud 2:1; 4:6; 6:11; 13:3 Mt 25:41 - they came. * Jud 21:9,10 Ne 3:5 - to the help. * 1Sa 17:47; 18:17; 25:28 Ro 15:18 1Co 3:9 2Co 6:1 VERSE 24 * Jud 4:17 Ge 14:19 Pr 31:31 Lu 1:28,42 VERSE 25 - asked. See on ch. * Jud 4:19-21 - butter. {Chemah,} may signify buttermilk, which is made by the Arabs by agitating the milk in a leathern bag; and is highly esteemed because of its refreshing and cooling qualities. VERSE 26 - with the. Heb. She hammered. she smote off. Or rather, "she smote his head, then she struck through and pierced his temples:" which is more consonant to the original, and to fact, as it does not appear that she smote off his head. * 1Sa 17:49-51 2Sa 20:22 VERSE 27 - At. Heb. Between. where. * Ps 52:7 Mt 7:2 Jas 2:13 - dead. Heb. destroyed. VERSE 28 - through. * 2Ki 1:2 So 2:9 - Why is. * Jud 4:15 So 8:14 Jas 5:7 VERSE 29 - answer. Heb. her words. * :29 VERSE 30 - Have they not sped. * Ex 15:9 Job 20:5 - every man. Heb. the head of a man. of divers. * Ge 37:3 2Sa 13:18 Ps 45:14 VERSE 31 - So let. * Ps 48:4,5; 58:10,11; 68:1-3; 83:9-18; 92:9; 97:8 Re 6:10; 18:20 * Re 19:2,3 - them that. * Ex 20:6 De 6:5 Ps 91:14; 97:10 Ro 8:28 1Co 8:3 Eph 6:24 * Jas 1:12; 2:5 1Pe 1:8 1Jo 4:19-21; 5:2,3 - the sun. * 2Sa 23:4 Ps 19:4,5; 37:6 Pr 4:18 Da 12:3 Ho 6:3 Mt 13:43 - And the land. The victory here celebrated in this song, was of such happy consequence to Israel, that for the principal part of one age, they enjoyed the peace to which it had been the means of opening the way. The land had rest forty years, that is, so long it was from this victory to the raising up of Gideon. And well would it have been for the Israelites, if while the tribes had rest, they had taken advantage of the cessation from war, and had walked in the fear of the Lord. * Jud 3:11,30 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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