1 Deborah and Barak deliver them from Jabin and Sisera. 17 Jael kills Sisera. VERSE 1 - A.M. 2699. B.C. 1305. An. Ex. Is. 186. did evil. * Jud 2:11,19,20; 3:7,12; 6:1; 10:6 Le 26:23-25 Ne 9:23-30 * Ps 106:43-45 Jer 5:3 VERSE 2 - sold. See on ch. * Jud 2:14,15; 10:7 Isa 50:1 Mt 18:25 "It seems to concern only north Israel." - Hazor. * Jos 11:1,10,11; 19:36 - Sisera. * 1Sa 12:9 Ps 83:9 - Harosheth. * :13,16 VERSE 3 - cried. * Jud 3:9,15; 10:16 1Sa 7:8 Ps 50:15; 78:34 Jer 2:27,28 - chariots. * Jud 1:19 Jos 17:16 - mightily. * Jud 5:8 De 28:29,33,47,48 Ps 106:42 VERSE 4 - A.M. 2719. B.C. 1285. An. Ex. Is. 206. * Ex 15:20 2Ki 22:14 Ne 6:14 Joe 2:28,29 Mic 6:4 Lu 2:36 * Ac 21:9 1Co 11:5 Ga 3:28 VERSE 5 - the palm. * Ge 35:8 - between. * Jos 16:2; 18:22,25 1Sa 1:1,19; 6:16,17; 25:1 Jer 31:15 - came up. * Ex 18:13,16,19,26 De 17:8-12 2Sa 15:2-6 VERSE 6 - Barak. * Jud 5:1 Heb 11:32 - Kedesh-naphtali. * Jos 19:32,37; 21:32 - Hath. * Jos 1:9 Ps 7:6 Isa 13:2-5 Ac 13:47 - Tabor. * Jud 8:18 1Sa 10:3 Ps 89:12 Jer 46:18 Ho 5:1 - ten thousand. * :10; 5:14-18 VERSE 7 - And I. * Ex 14:4 Jos 11:20 Eze 38:10-16 Joe 3:11-14 - Kishon. * Jud 5:21 1Ki 18:40 Ps 83:9,10 - deliver. * :14 Ex 21:13 Jos 8:7; 10:8; 11:6 1Sa 24:10,18 VERSE 8 * Ex 4:10-14 Mt 14:30,31 VERSE 9 - nevertheless. * 1Sa 2:30 2Ch 26:18 - sell Sisera. See on ch. * Jud 2:14 - into. * :17-22; 5:24-27; 9:54 2Sa 20:21,22 VERSE 10 - Zebulun. * :6; 5:18 - at his. * Jud 5:15 Ex 11:8 1Sa 25:27 1Ki 20:11 *marg: VERSE 11 - Heber. * Jud 1:16 Nu 10:29; 24:21 - Hobab. * Ex 2:18; 3:1; 18:1 - Zaanaim. * Jos 19:33,37 - Zaanannim. Kedesh. * :6 Jos 19:37 VERSE 12 - mount Tabor. * :6 Jos 19:12,34 Ps 89:12 Jer 46:18 VERSE 13 - gathered. Heb. gathered by cry, or proclamation. nine. See on ver. * :2,3,7 - chariots of iron. Probably chariots armed with iron scythes, projecting from the axle on each side, by which the infantry might be easily cut down or thrown into confusion. The ancient Britons are said to have had such chariots. VERSE 14 - Up. * Jud 19:28 Ge 19:14; 44:4 Jos 7:13 1Sa 9:26 - for this. This is exactly the purpose for which the Septuagint states, ver. 8, that Barak wished Deborah to accompany him: "Because I know not the day in which God will send his angel to give me prosperity." - is not. * De 9:3 2Sa 5:24 Ps 68:7,8 Isa 52:12 Mic 2:13 - mount. Mount Tabor, called by the Arabs Djebel Tour, is almost entirely insulated, and rises up in the plain of Esdraelon, about six miles from Nazareth, in a conical form, somewhat like a sugar-loaf. Josephus states its height to be thirty stadia, with a plain of 26 stadia in circumference on its top, on which was formerly a city, which was used as a military post. It is described as an exceedingly beautiful mountain, having a rich soil, producing excellent herbage, and adorned with groves and clumps of trees. VERSE 15 * Jud 5:20,21 Jos 10:10 2Ki 7:6 2Ch 13:15-17 Ps 83:9,10 Heb 11:32 VERSE 16 - pursued. * Le 26:7,8 Jos 10:19,20; 11:8 Ps 104:35 Ro 2:12 Jas 2:13 - there. * Isa 43:17 - a man left. Heb. unto one. VERSE 17 - fled. * Job 12:19-21; 18:7-12; 40:11,12 Ps 37:35,36; 107:40 Pr 29:23 * Am 5:19,20 - Jael. * Jud 5:6,24 - peace. * Ps 69:22 Isa 57:21 VERSE 18 - Jael. * 2Ki 6:19 - mantle. or, rug, or blanket. VERSE 19 - Give me. * Jud 5:25,26 Ge 24:43 1Ki 17:10 Isa 41:17 Joh 4:7 VERSE 20 - Is there. * Jos 2:3-5 2Sa 17:20 VERSE 21 - took. * Jud 3:21,31; 5:26; 15:15 1Sa 17:43,49,50 1Co 1:19,27 - a nail. One of the spikes of the tent. See Note on Ex 35:18. - and took. Heb. and put. smote. * Ps 3:7 - he died. * Jud 5:27 VERSE 22 - and I will. * 2Sa 17:3,10-15 VERSE 23 * 1Ch 22:18 Ne 9:24 Ps 18:39,47; 47:3; 81:14 1Co 15:28 Heb 11:33 VERSE 24 - prospered, etc. Heb. going, went and was hard against. * 1Sa 3:12 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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