1 Rahab receives and conceals the two spies sent from Shittim. 8 The covenant between her and them. 23 Their return and relation. VERSE 1 - sent. or, had sent. Shittim. * Nu 25:1; 33:49 - to spy secretly. * Nu 13:2,17-21 Jud 18:2,14,17 Mt 10:16 Eph 5:5 - even Jericho. * Jos 5:10; 6:1-24 - harlot's house. Though the word {zonah} generally denotes a prostitute, yet many very learned men are of opinion that it should be here rendered an innkeeper or hostess, from {zoon,} to furnish or provide food. In this sense it was understood by the Targumist, who renders it, {ittetha pundekeetha,} "a woman, a tavern-keeper," and so St. Chrysostome, in his second sermon on Repentance, calls her [ .] The Greek [ ,] by which the LXX. render it, and which is adopted by the Apostles, is derived from [ ,] to sell, and is also supposed to denote a tavern keeper. Among the ancients, women generally kept houses of entertainment. Herodotus says, "Among the Egyptians, the women carry on all commercial concerns, and keep taverns, while the men continue at home and weave." The same custom prevailed among the Greeks. * Jos 6:17,25 Mt 1:5 - Rachab. * Jos 21:31 Heb 11:31 Jas 2:25 - lodged. Heb. lay. VERSE 2 - told the king. * Ps 127:1 Pr 21:30 Isa 43:13 Da 4:35 VERSE 3 - Bring. * Jos 10:23 Ge 38:24 Le 24:14 Job 21:30 Joh 19:4 Ac 12:4,6 - to search. * Ge 42:9-12,31 2Sa 10:3 1Ch 19:3 VERSE 4 * Ex 1:19 2Sa 16:18,19; 17:19,20 2Ki 6:19 VERSE 5 - of shutting. * :7 Ne 13:19 Isa 60:11 Eze 47:1,2,12 Re 21:25 - the men went out. * Jer 50:20 Ro 3:7,8 VERSE 6 - to the roof. * :8 Ex 1:15-21 De 22:8 2Sa 11:2 Mt 24:17 - hid them. * Ex 2:2 2Sa 17:19 1Ki 18:4,13 2Ki 11:2 Jer 36:26 Col 3:3 * Heb 11:23 VERSE 7 - the fords. * Jud 3:28; 12:5 - they shut. * :5 Ac 5:23 VERSE 8 VERSE 9 - I know. * Ex 18:11 2Ki 5:15 Job 19:25 Ec 8:12 Heb 11:1,2 - that the Lord. * Ge 13:14-17; 15:18-21 Ex 3:6-8 De 32:8 Ps 115:16 Jer 27:5 * Mt 20:15 - your terror. * Ge 35:5 Ex 15:15,16; 23:27 De 2:25; 11:25; 28:10 Jud 7:14 * 1Sa 14:15 2Ki 7:6 - faint. Heb. melt. * :11 1Sa 14:16 2Sa 17:10 Ps 112:10 Isa 19:1 Na 2:10 VERSE 10 - For we. * Jos 4:24 Ex 14:21-31; 15:14-16 - what ye did. * Nu 21:21-35 De 2:30-37; 3:1-8 VERSE 11 - our hearts. See on ch. * Jos 5:1; 7:5; 14:8 De 1:28; 20:8 Isa 13:7 Na 2:10 - did there remain. Heb. rose up. * Re 6:16 - for the Lord. * De 4:39 1Ki 8:60 Ps 83:18; 102:15 Jer 16:19-21 Da 4:34,35 * Da 6:25-27 Zec 8:20-23 VERSE 12 - swear. * Jos 9:15,18-20 1Sa 20:14,15,17; 30:15 2Ch 36:13 Jer 12:16 - that ye will. * 1Sa 20:14-17; 24:21,22 Es 8:6 2Ti 1:16-18 Jas 2:13 - my father's. * :13 Ge 24:3,9 Ro 1:31 1Ti 5:8 - give me. * :18 Ex 12:13 Eze 9:4-6 Mr 14:44 VERSE 13 - my father. It is observable that in this enumeration of her kindred, there is no mention made of a husband. It is most likely that she was a single woman or widow, who obtained an honest livelihood by keeping a house for the entertainment of strangers; and not a woman of ill fame, as some have supposed. The spies sent on this occasion were certainly some of the most confidential persons that Joshua had in his host, and their errand was of the greatest importance; is it then not most likely that they lodged at an inn? * :13 VERSE 14 - for your's. Heb. instead of you to die. * 1Ki 20:39 - when the Lord. * Jos 6:17,25 Ge 24:49 Nu 10:29-32 Jud 1:24,25 1Sa 20:8 2Sa 9:1 * Pr 18:24 Mt 5:7 VERSE 15 - she let them. * 1Sa 19:12-17 Ac 9:25 2Co 11:33 - for her house. * Jos 6:20 VERSE 16 - Get you. * :22 1Sa 23:14,29 Ps 11:1 VERSE 17 * :20 Ge 24:3-8 Ex 20:7 Le 19:11,12 Nu 30:2 2Sa 21:1,2,7 VERSE 18 - scarlet thread. * :21 Le 14:4 Nu 4:8; 19:6 Heb 9:19 - bring. Heb. gather. thy father. * :13; 6:23 Ge 7:1; 12:2; 19:12-17 Es 8:6 Lu 19:9 Ac 10:27,33 * Ac 11:14 2Ti 1:16 VERSE 19 - whosoever. * Ex 12:13,23 Nu 35:26-28 1Ki 2:36-42 Mt 24:17 Ac 27:31 Php 3:9 * Heb 10:29 1Jo 2:27,28 - street, his blood. * Le 20:9,11 2Sa 1:16; 3:28,29 Eze 33:4,5 Mt 27:24,25 Ac 18:6 * Ac 20:26 - house, his blood. * :14 2Sa 4:11 1Ki 2:32 Mt 27:25 VERSE 20 - And if thou. * Pr 11:13 - we will be quit. See on ver. * :17 VERSE 21 - And she bound. See on ver. * :18 Mt 7:24 Joh 2:5 VERSE 22 - found them not. * 1Sa 19:10-12 2Sa 17:20 Ps 32:6,7 VERSE 23 VERSE 24 - Truly the Lord * Jos 1:8; 21:44,45 Ex 23:31 Nu 13:32,33 Pr 25:13 - all the inhabitants * Jos 2:9-11 Ps 48:5,6 Re 6:16,17 - faint [heb] melt * Jos 2:9,11; 5:1 Ex 15:15 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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