1 The Lord appoints Joshua to succeed Moses. 3 The borders of the promised land. 5 God promises to assist Joshua. 8 He gives him instructions. 10 Joshua prepares the people to pass over Jordan. 12 He puts the two tribes and half in mind of their promise to Moses. 16 They promise him fealty. VERSE 1 - the death. * Jos 12:6 - See on * De 33:1; 34:5 Ac 13:36,37 Ro 1:1 Tit 1:1 Jas 1:1 Re 1:18 - Joshua. * Ex 17:9-13 - See on * Nu 13:8,16 De 1:38; 31:3,23; 34:9 Ac 7:45 - Jesus. Moses' minister. * Ex 24:13 Nu 11:28 1Ki 19:16 2Ki 3:11; 4:27-29; 5:25-27 * Mt 20:26,27 Lu 16:10 VERSE 2 - Moses. See on ver. * :1 Isa 42:1 Heb 3:5,6; 7:23,24 - arise. * Nu 27:16-21 De 3:28; 31:7 VERSE 3 * Jos 14:9 De 11:24 Tit 1:2 VERSE 4 - From the wilderness. That is, their utmost limits should be from the Desert of Arabia Petr'a on the south, to Lebanon on the north; and from the Euphrates on the east, to the Great Sea, or the Mediterranean, on the west. The Israelites did not possess the full extent of this grant till the time of David. * Ge 15:18-21 Ex 23:31 Nu 34:2-18 De 1:7; 3:25; 11:24 1Ch 5:9 * 1Ch 18:3 VERSE 5 - There shall. * De 7:24; 20:4 Ps 46:11 Ro 8:31,37 - as I was. * :9,17; 3:7; 6:27 Ex 3:12 De 31:8,23 Mt 28:20 Ac 18:9,10 2Ti 4:17 - I will not. * De 31:6-8 Isa 41:10-14; 43:2-5 Heb 13:5 VERSE 6 - Be strong. * :7,9 1Sa 4:9 1Ki 2:2 1Ch 22:13; 28:10 2Ch 32:7,8 Ps 27:14 * Isa 35:3,4 Da 10:19 Hag 2:4 Zec 8:9 1Co 16:13 Eph 6:10 * 2Ti 2:1 - unto this people, etc. or, thou shalt cause this people to inherit the land. divide. * Nu 34:17-29 - which I sware. * Ge 26:3 VERSE 7 - which Moses. See on ver. * :1; 11:15 Nu 27:23 De 31:7 - turn not. * De 5:32; 12:32; 28:14 Pr 4:27; 8:20 - that. * De 29:9 1Ki 2:3 1Ch 22:13 - prosper. or, do wisely. * :8 *marg: VERSE 8 - book. * De 6:6-9; 11:18,19; 17:18,19; 30:14; 31:11 Ps 37:30,31; 40:10 * Ps 119:42,43 Isa 59:21 Mt 12:35 Eph 4:29 - thou shalt. * Ps 1:2,3; 19:14; 119:11,15,97,99 Pr 2:1-5; 3:1 Col 3:16 * 1Ti 4:14-16 - observe. See on * De 5:29,32,33; 6:1-3 Mt 7:21,24; 28:20 Lu 11:28 Joh 13:17; 14:21 * Jas 1:22-25 Re 22:14 - have good success. or, do wisely. * :7 *marg: VERSE 9 - Have. * De 31:7,8,28 Jud 6:14 2Sa 13:28 Ac 4:19 - Be strong. * :6,7 - be not. See on * Ge 28:15 De 20:1 Ps 27:1,2 Jer 1:7,8 - for the Lord. * Ps 46:7 Isa 43:1,5 VERSE 10 - the officers of the people. The {shoterim,} or officers, were different from the {shophetim,} who were the judges among the people. The {shoterim} have been supposed to be subordinate officers, whose business it was to see the decisions of the {shophetim} carried into effect. Calmet conjectures, that the {shoterim} here may have been the heralds of the army. * :10 VERSE 11 - three days. * Jos 3:2 Ex 19:11 2Ki 20:5 Ho 6:2 - ye shall. See on * De 9:1; 11:31 VERSE 12 VERSE 13 - Remember. * Jos 22:1-4 Nu 32:20-28 De 3:18 VERSE 14 - armed. Heb. marshalled by five. * Ex 13:18 - the mighty. * De 20:8 Re 17:4 VERSE 15 - Until. * Nu 32:17-22 Ga 5:13; 6:2 Php 1:21-26; 2:4 - then ye shall. * Jos 22:4-9 1Co 12:26; 13:5 VERSE 16 * Nu 32:25 De 5:27 Ro 13:1-5 Tit 3:1 1Pe 2:13-15 VERSE 17 - only the Lord. * :5 1Sa 20:13 1Ki 1:37 1Ch 28:20 Ps 20:1,4,9; 118:25,26 * Mt 21:9 1Ti 2:1,2 VERSE 18 - that doth rebel. * De 17:12 1Sa 11:12 Ps 2:1-6 Lu 19:27 Heb 10:28,29; 12:25 - he shall be. * Ro 13:1-5 - only be. See on ver. * :6,7,9 Ezr 10:4 1Co 16:13 Eph 6:10 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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