1 In Maher-shalal-hash-baz, he prophesies that Syria and Israel shall be subdued by Assyria. 5 Judah likewise for their infidelity. 9 God's judgments shall be irresistible. 11 Comfort shall be to them that fear God. 19 Great afflictions to idolaters. VERSE 1 - Take thee. * Jer 36:2,28,32 - write. * Isa 30:8 Job 19:23,24 Hab 2:2,3 - a man's pen. * Re 13:18; 21:17 - Maher-shalal-hash-baz. Heb. in making speed to the spoil, he hasteneth the prey. Or, Make speed, etc. hasten, etc. VERSE 2 - I took. * Ru 4:2,10,11 2Co 13:1 - Uria. * 2Ki 16:10,11; 18:2 VERSE 3 - went. Heb. approached. the prophetess. * Jud 4:4 2Ki 22:14 - she conceived. * Ho 1:3-9 - Call his name. * Isa 7:13,14 - Maher-shalal-hash-baz. * :1 VERSE 4 - before. * Isa 7:15,16 De 1:39 Jon 4:11 Ro 9:11 - the riches of Damascus, etc. or, he that is before the king of Assyria shall take away the riches, etc. * Isa 10:6-14; 17:3 2Ki 15:29; 16:9; 17:3,5,6 VERSE 5 - A.M. 3263. B.C. 741. spake * Isa 7:10 VERSE 6 - refuseth. * 1Ki 7:16 2Ch 13:8-18 - the waters of Shiloah. * Ne 3:15 Joh 9:7 - Siloam. - that go softly. * Jer 2:13,18; 18:14 - rejoice. * Isa 7:1,2,6 Jud 9:16-20 VERSE 7 - the Lord bringeth. * Isa 17:12,13; 28:17; 59:19 Ge 6:17 De 28:49-52 Jer 46:7,8 Da 9:26 * Da 11:10,22 Am 8:8; 9:5 Na 1:8 Lu 6:48 Re 12:15,16; 17:15 - strong. * Ezr 4:10 Ps 72:8 - the king. * Isa 7:1-6,17; 10:8-14 Eze 31:3-18 - he shall come. * 2Ki 17:3-6; 18:9-12 VERSE 8 - he shall pass. * Isa 10:28-32; 22:1-7; 28:14-22; 29:1-9; 36:1-37:38 - reach. * Isa 30:28 - the stretching, etc. Heb. the fulness of the breadth of thy land shall be the stretchings out of his wings. * Eze 17:3 - O Immanuel. * Isa 7:14 Mt 1:23 - Emmanuel. * Isa 28:20 VERSE 9 - Associate. * Isa 7:1,2; 54:15 Jer 46:9-11 Eze 38:9-23 Joe 3:9-14 Mic 4:11-13 * Zec 14:1-3 Re 17:12-14; 20:8,9 - and ye. or, yet ye. * Isa 14:5,6; 28:13 Ps 37:14,15 Pr 11:21 - gird. * Isa 37:36 1Ki 20:11 VERSE 10 - counsel. * Isa 7:5-7 2Sa 15:31; 17:4,23 Job 5:12 Ps 2:1,2; 33:10,11; 46:1,7 * Ps 83:3-18 Pr 21:30 La 3:37 Na 1:9-12 Ac 5:38,39 - for God. * Isa 7:14; 9:6; 41:10 De 20:1 Jos 1:5 2Ch 13:12; 33:7,8 Ps 46:7,11 * Mt 1:23; 28:20 Ro 8:13,31 1Jo 4:4 VERSE 11 - with a strong hand. Heb. in strength of hand. * Jer 20:7,9 Eze 3:14 Ac 4:20 - instructed. * Ps 32:8 Pr 1:15 Jer 15:19 Eze 2:6-8 VERSE 12 - not, A confederacy. * Isa 7:2-6; 51:12,13 2Ki 16:5-7 - fear ye. * Isa 7:4; 57:9-11 Ps 53:5 Mt 28:2-5 Lu 12:4,5; 21:9 1Pe 3:14,15 VERSE 13 - Sanctify. * Isa 26:3,4 Le 10:3 Nu 20:12,13; 27:14 Ro 4:20 - and let him. * Ge 31:53 Ps 76:7 Mal 2:5 Mt 10:28 Lu 12:5 Re 15:4 VERSE 14 - he shall be. * Isa 26:20 Ps 46:1,2 Pr 18:10 Eze 11:16 - a stone. * Isa 28:16 Lu 2:34 Ro 9:32,33; 11:9-11,35 1Pe 2:8 - a snare. * Ps 11:6; 69:22 Mt 13:57 Lu 21:35 VERSE 15 - stumble. * Mt 11:6; 15:14; 21:44 Lu 20:17,18 Joh 6:66 1Co 1:23 VERSE 16 - Bind up. * Isa 29:11 Da 12:4 - the testimony. * :20 De 4:45 2Ki 11:12 Joh 3:32,33 Heb 3:5 1Jo 5:9-12 Re 19:10 - seal. * Da 9:24 Re 5:1,5; 10:4 - among. * Isa 54:13 Ps 25:14 Pr 8:8,9 Da 12:9,10 Mt 13:11 Mr 4:10,11,34 * Mr 10:10 1Co 2:14 Re 2:17 VERSE 17 - I will. * Isa 25:9; 26:8; 33:2; 64:4 Ge 49:18 Ps 27:14; 33:20; 37:34; 39:7; 40:1 * Ps 130:5 La 3:25,26 Ho 12:6 Mic 7:7 Hab 2:3 1Th 1:10 2Th 3:5 * Heb 10:36-39 - hideth. * Isa 54:8; 59:2; 64:7 De 31:17,18; 32:20 Eze 39:23,24 Mic 3:4 - I will look. * Isa 50:10 Lu 2:38 Heb 9:28 VERSE 18 - I and the. * :3; 7:3,16; 53:10 Ps 22:30 Heb 2:13,14 - for signs. * Ps 71:7 Eze 14:8 Zec 3:8 Lu 2:34 1Co 4:9-13 Heb 10:33 - which. * Isa 12:6; 14:32; 24:23 1Ch 23:25 Ps 9:11 Zec 8:3 Heb 12:22 VERSE 19 - Seek. * Isa 19:3 Le 20:6 De 18:11 1Sa 28:8 1Ch 10:13 2Ch 33:6 - that peep. * Isa 29:4 - should not. * 1Sa 28:16 2Ki 1:3 2Pe 2:1 - for the living. * Ps 106:28 Jer 10:10 1Th 1:9 VERSE 20 - the law. * :16 Lu 10:26; 16:29-31 Joh 5:39,46,47 Ac 17:11 Ga 3:8-29 * Ga 4:21,22 2Ti 3:15-17 2Pe 1:19 - it is. * Isa 30:8-11 Ps 19:7,8; 119:130 Jer 8:9 Mic 3:6 Mt 6:23; 22:29 * Mr 7:7-9 Ro 1:22 2Pe 1:9 - light. Heb. morning. * Pr 4:18 Ho 6:3 Mal 4:2 2Pe 1:19 VERSE 21 - through. * :7,8 - hardly bestead. * Isa 9:20 De 28:33,34,53-57 2Ki 25:3 Jer 14:18; 52:6 La 4:4,5,9,10 - they shall fret. * Pr 19:3 - curse. * Ex 22:28 2Ki 6:33 Job 1:11; 2:5,9 Re 9:20,21; 16:9-11 VERSE 22 - look. * Isa 5:30; 9:1 2Ch 15:5,6 Jer 13:16; 30:6,7 Am 5:18-20 Zep 1:14,15 * Mt 8:12; 24:29 Lu 21:25,26 Jude 1:13 - driven to darkness. * Job 18:18 Pr 14:32 Jer 23:12 Mt 22:13 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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