1 Ahaz, being troubled with fear of Rezin and Pekah, is comforted by Isaiah. 10 Ahaz, having liberty to choose a sign, and refusing it, hath for a sign, Christ promised. 17 His judgment is prophesied to come by Assyria. VERSE 1 - the days. * 2Ki 16:1 2Ch 28:1-6 - Rezin. * Isa 8:6 2Ki 15:37 Ps 83:3-5 - but could. * :4-9; 8:9,10 VERSE 2 - the house. * :13; 6:13; 37:35 2Sa 7:16 1Ki 11:32; 12:16; 13:2 Jer 21:12 - is confederate with. Heb. resteth on. * :17; 11:13 2Ch 25:10; 28:12 Eze 37:16-19 Ho 12:1 - And his heart. * Isa 8:12; 37:27 Le 26:36,37 Nu 14:1-3 De 28:65,66 2Ki 7:6,7 * Ps 11:1; 27:1,2; 112:7,8 Pr 28:1 Mt 2:3 VERSE 3 - Go forth. * Ex 7:15 Jer 19:2,3; 22:1 - Shear-jashub. that is, The remnant shall return. * Isa 6:13; 10:21; 55:7 Ro 9:27 - the end. * Isa 36:2 2Ki 18:17; 20:20 - highway. or, causeway. VERSE 4 - Take heed. * Isa 30:7,15 Ex 14:13,14 2Ch 20:17 La 3:26 - fear not. * Isa 8:11-14; 35:4; 41:14; 51:12,13 Mt 10:28; 24:6 - neither be faint-hearted. Heb. let not they heart be tender. * De 20:3 1Sa 17:32 - the two tails. * :8; 8:4 2Ki 15:29,30 Am 4:11 VERSE 5 - Syria. * Ps 2:2; 83:3,4 Na 1:11 Zec 1:15 VERSE 6 - go up. * Isa 2:3; 5:24; 14:8,13 - vex. or, waken. lit. disgust. \\S#6973h\\. * Ge 27:46 - weary. VERSE 7 * Isa 8:10; 10:6-12; 37:29; 46:10,11 Ps 2:4-6; 33:11; 76:10 Pr 21:30 * La 3:37 Da 4:35 Ac 4:25-28 VERSE 8 - For the head. Dr. Jubb transposes the former part of ver. 9, and renders, "Though the head of Syria be Damascus; and the head of Damascus Retzin; and the head of Ephraim be Samaria; and the head of Samaria Remaliah's son; yet within threescore and five years Ephraim shall be broken, that he be no more a people." This renders the passage perfectly clear; and the prophecy received its full accomplishment when Esarhaddon carried away the remains of the ten tribes. * 2Sa 8:6 - within. * Isa 8:4; 17:1-3 2Ki 17:5-23 Ezr 4:2 - that it be not a people. Heb. from a people. * Ho 1:6-10 VERSE 9 - the head. * 1Ki 16:24-29 2Ki 15:27 - If ye, etc. or, ye not believe? it is because ye are not stable. * 2Ch 20:20 Ac 27:11,25 Ro 11:20 Heb 11:6 1Jo 5:10 VERSE 10 - Moreover, etc. Heb. and the Lord added to speak. * Isa 1:5,13; 8:5; 10:20 Ho 13:2 *marg: VERSE 11 - a sign. * Isa 37:30; 38:7,8,22 Jud 6:36-40 2Ki 20:8-11 Jer 19:1,10; 51:63,64 * Mt 12:38-40; 16:1-4 - ask it either in the depth. or, make thy petition deep. VERSE 12 - I will not ask. * 2Ki 16:15 2Ch 28:22 - neither. * Eze 33:31 - tempt. * De 6:16 Mal 3:15 Ac 5:9 1Co 10:9 VERSE 13 - O house. * :2 2Ch 21:7 Jer 21:12 Lu 1:69 - Is it a small. * Ge 30:15 Nu 16:9,13 Eze 16:20,47; 34:18 - to weary. * 2Ch 36:15,16 Jer 6:11 - will ye. * Isa 1:24; 43:24; 63:10; 65:3-5 Am 3:13 Mal 2:17 Ac 7:51 Heb 3:10 VERSE 14 - Behold. * Ge 3:15 Jer 31:22 Mt 1:23 Lu 1:35 - shall call. or, thou, O virgin, shalt call. * Ge 4:1,2,25; 16:11; 29:32; 30:6,8 1Sa 1:20; 4:21 - Immanuel. * Isa 8:8; 9:6 Joh 1:1,2,14 Ro 9:5 1Ti 3:16 VERSE 15 - Butter. Connecting this verse with the preceding and following, we may render with Dr. Jubb and Lowth, "Behold the virgin ({häâlmah,} as the word uniformly signifies, Ge 24:43. Ex 2:8. Ps 68:26. Pr 30:19. So 1:3; 6:8.) shall conceive and bear a son, and thou shalt call his name Immanuel; butter and honey shall he eat when he shall know to refuse the evil and choose the good. For," etc. * :22 Mt 3:4 - know. * Ps 51:5 Am 5:15 Lu 1:35; 2:40,52 Ro 12:9 Php 1:9,10 VERSE 16 - before. * De 1:39 Jon 4:11 - the land. * Isa 8:4; 9:11; 17:1-3 2Ki 15:29,30; 16:9 VERSE 17 - bring upon. * Isa 8:7,8; 10:5,6; 36:1-37:38 2Ki 18:1-19:37 2Ch 28:19-21; 32:1-33 * 2Ch 33:11; 36:6-20 Ne 9:32 - the day. * 1Ki 12:16-19 2Ch 10:16-19 VERSE 18 - hiss. * Isa 5:26 - fly. * Isa 30:1,2; 31:1 Ex 8:21,24 De 1:44; 7:20 Jos 24:12 Ps 118:12 - bee. * :17 2Ki 23:33,34 VERSE 19 - in the holes. * Isa 2:19,21 2Ch 33:11 Jer 16:16 Mic 7:17 - bushes. or, commendable trees. VERSE 20 - shave. * Isa 10:6 2Ki 16:7,8 2Ch 28:20,21 Jer 27:6,7 Eze 5:1-4; 29:18,20 - head. * Isa 1:5; 9:14-17; 24:2 VERSE 21 - a man. * :25; 5:17; 17:2; 37:30 Jer 39:10 VERSE 22 - butter and honey. * :15 2Sa 17:29 Mt 3:4 - land. Heb. midst of the land. VERSE 23 - a thousand vines. * So 8:11,12 Mt 21:33 - be for briers. * Isa 5:6; 32:12-14 Jer 4:26 Heb 6:8 VERSE 24 * Ge 27:3 VERSE 25 - but it. * :21,22; 13:20-22; 17:2 Zep 2:6 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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