1 The description of the rites and bloody sacrifices of the law; 11 which are far inferior to the dignity and perfection of the blood and sacrifice of Christ. VERSE 1 - the first. * Heb 8:7,13 - had. * :10 Le 18:3,4,30; 22:9 Nu 9:12 Eze 43:11 Lu 1:6 - ordinances. or, ceremonies. and. * :10,11; 8:2 Ex 25:8 Col 2:8 VERSE 2 - a tabernacle. * Ex 26:1-30; 29:1,35; 36:8-38; 39:32-34; 40:2,18-20 - the first. * Ex 25:23-40; 26:35; 37:10-24; 39:36-38; 40:4,22-24 - the table. * Ex 40:4 Le 24:5,6 - the shewbread. * Ex 25:23,30 - the sanctuary. or, holy. * Ex 26:33 VERSE 3 - the second. * Heb 6:19; 10:20 Ex 26:31-33; 36:35-38; 40:3,21 2Ch 3:14 Isa 25:7 * Mt 27:51 - the Holiest. * :8; 10:19 1Ki 8:6 VERSE 4 - the golden. * Le 16:12 1Ki 7:50 Re 8:3 - the ark. * Ex 25:10-16; 26:33; 37:1-5; 39:35; 40:3,21 - was. * Ex 16:33,34 - and Aaron's. * Nu 17:5,8,10 Ps 110:2,3 - and the. * Ex 25:16,21; 26:33; 34:29; 40:3,20,21 De 10:2-5 1Ki 8:9,21 * 2Ch 5:10 VERSE 5 - over. * Ex 25:17-22; 37:6-9 Le 16:2 Nu 7:89 1Sa 4:4 1Ki 8:6,7 2Ki 19:15 * Ps 80:1; 99:1 Eph 3:10 1Pe 1:12 - the mercy-seat. * Heb 4:16 Le 16:2,13 1Ch 28:11 VERSE 6 - the priests. * Ex 27:21; 30:7,8 Nu 28:3 2Ch 26:16-19 Da 8:11 Lu 1:8-11 VERSE 7 - into. * :24,25 Ex 30:10 Le 16:2-20,34 - not. * Heb 5:3; 7:27; 10:19,20 - errors. * Le 5:18 2Sa 6:7 2Ch 33:9 Ps 19:12; 95:10 Isa 3:12; 9:16; 28:7 * Isa 29:14 Ho 4:12 Am 2:14 VERSE 8 - Holy Ghost. * Heb 3:7; 10:15 Isa 63:11 Ac 7:51,52; 28:25 Ga 3:8 2Pe 1:21 - the way. * :3; 4:15,16; 10:19-22 Joh 10:7,9; 14:6 Eph 2:18 VERSE 9 - a figure. * :24; 11:19 Ro 5:14 1Pe 3:21 - the time. * Heb 7:11; 11:39,40 1Pe 1:11,12 - gifts. See on ch. * Heb 5:1 - that could. * :13,14; 7:18,19; 10:1-4,11 Ps 40:6,7 Ga 3:21 - as pertaining. * Ps 51:16-19 VERSE 10 - in meats. * Heb 13:9 Le 11:2 *etc: * De 14:3-21 Eze 4:14 Ac 10:13-15 Col 2:16 - divers. * Heb 6:2 *Gr: * Heb 10:22 Ex 29:4; 30:19-21; 40:12 Le 14:8,9; 16:4,24; 17:15,16; 22:6 * Nu 19:7-21 De 21:6; 23:11 - carnal. * :1; 7:16 Ga 4:3,9 Eph 2:15 Col 2:20-22 - ordinances. or, rites, or, ceremonies. until. * Heb 2:5; 6:5 Ga 4:4 Eph 1:10 VERSE 11 - Christ. * Ge 49:10 Ps 40:7 Isa 59:20 Mal 3:1 Mt 2:6; 11:3 Joh 4:25 * 1Jo 4:2,3; 5:20 2Jo 1:7 - an high priest. * Heb 2:17; 3:1; 4:15; 5:5,6; 7:1,11-26,27; 8:1 - of good. * Heb 10:1 - by a greater. * :1-9; 8:2 Joh 1:14 *Gr: - not made. * :23,24 Ac 7:48; 17:24,25 2Co 5:1 Col 2:11 VERSE 12 - by the. * :13; 10:4 Le 8:2; 9:15; 16:5-10 - by his. * Heb 1:3; 10:9-14 Ac 20:28 Eph 1:7 Col 1:14 Tit 2:14 1Pe 1:18,19 * Re 1:5; 5:9 - he entered. * :7,24-26; 10:12,19 - once. * :26,28; 10:10 Zec 3:9 - having. * :15; 5:9 Da 9:24 Mr 3:29 Ga 3:13,14 1Th 1:10 VERSE 13 - if. * Le 16:14,16 - and. * Nu 19:2-21 - the purifying. * Nu 8:7; 19:12 2Ch 30:19 Ps 51:7 Ac 15:9 1Pe 1:22 VERSE 14 - How. * De 31:27 2Sa 4:11 Job 15:16 Mt 7:11 Lu 12:24,28 Ro 11:12,24 - the blood. See on ver. * :12 1Pe 1:19 1Jo 1:7 Re 1:5 - who. * Isa 42:1; 61:1 Mt 12:28 Lu 4:18 Joh 3:34 Ac 1:2; 10:38 Ro 1:4 * 1Pe 3:18 - eternal. * De 33:27 Isa 57:15 Jer 10:10 Ro 1:20 1Ti 1:17 - offered. * :7; 7:27 Mt 20:28 Eph 2:5; 5:2 Tit 2:14 1Pe 2:24; 3:18 - without. * Le 22:20 Nu 19:2-21; 28:3,9,11 De 15:21; 17:1 Isa 53:9 * Da 9:24-26 2Co 5:21 1Pe 1:19; 2:22 1Jo 3:5 - spot. or, fault. purge. * :9; 1:3; 10:2,22 - dead works. See on ch. * Heb 6:1 - to serve. * Lu 1:74 Ro 6:13,22 Ga 2:19 1Th 1:9 1Pe 4:2 - the living. * Heb 11:21 De 5:26 1Sa 17:26 2Ki 19:16 Jer 10:10 Da 6:26 Ac 14:15 * 2Co 6:16 1Ti 3:15 VERSE 15 - the mediator. * Heb 7:22; 8:6; 12:24 1Ti 2:5 - the new. See on ch. * Heb 8:8 2Co 3:6 - means. * :16,28; 2:14; 13:20 Isa 53:10-12 Da 9:26 - for. * :12; 11:40 Ro 3:24-26; 5:6,8,10 Eph 1:7 1Pe 3:18 Re 5:9; 14:3,4 - the first. * :1; 8:7,13 - they which. * Heb 3:1 - See on * Ro 8:28,30; 9:24 2Th 2:14 - promise. * Heb 6:13; 11:13,39,40 Jas 1:12 1Jo 2:25 - eternal. * Ps 37:18 Mt 19:29; 25:34,36 Mr 10:17 Lu 18:18 Joh 10:28 Ro 6:23 * 2Ti 2:10 Tit 1:2; 3:7 1Pe 1:3,4; 5:10 VERSE 16 - be. or, be brought in. * :16 VERSE 17 * Ge 48:21 Joh 14:27 *Gr: * Ga 3:15 VERSE 18 - the first. * Heb 8:7-9 Ex 12:22; 24:3-8 - dedicated. or, purified. * :14,22 VERSE 19 - the blood. * :12; 10:4 Ex 24:5,6,8 *etc: * Le 1:2,3,10; 3:6; 16:14-18 - scarlet. or, purple. * Le 14:4-6,49-52 Nu 19:6 Mt 27:28 Mr 15:17,20 Joh 19:2,5 - hyssop. * Ex 12:22 Nu 19:18 Ps 51:7 - sprinkled. * Heb 12:24 Ex 24:8 Isa 52:15 Eze 36:25 1Pe 1:2 VERSE 20 - This. * Heb 13:20 Zec 9:11 Mt 26:28 - testament. Rather, covenant. Ver. 16, 17, may be better rendered, 'For where a covenant is, there must necessarily be the death of that by which it is confirmed; for a covenant is confirmed over dead victims, and does not avail while that by which it is confirmed liveth.' - See on * De 29:12 Jos 9:6 VERSE 21 * Ex 29:12,20,36 Le 8:15,19; 9:8,9,18; 16:14-19 2Ch 29:19-22 * Eze 43:18-26 VERSE 22 - almost. * Le 14:6,14,25,51,52 - and without. * Le 4:20,26,35; 5:10,12,18; 6:7; 17:11 VERSE 23 - the patterns. * :9,10,24; 8:5; 10:1 Col 2:17 - the heavenly. * :11,12,14,24; 10:4,10-17 Lu 24:26,46 Joh 14:3 1Pe 1:19-21 Re 5:9 VERSE 24 - the holy. * :11 Mr 14:58 Joh 2:19-21 - the figures. * :9,23; 8:2 - but. * Heb 1:3; 6:20; 7:26; 8:2,5; 12:2 Ps 68:18 Mr 16:19 Lu 24:51 Joh 6:62 * Joh 16:28 Ac 1:9-11; 3:21 Eph 1:20-22; 4:8-11 Col 3:2 1Pe 3:22 - appear. * Heb 7:25 Ex 28:12,29 Zec 3:1 Ro 8:33 1Jo 2:1,2 Re 8:3 VERSE 25 - offer. * :7,14,26; 10:10 - as. * :12 Ex 30:10 Le 16:2-34 VERSE 26 - the foundation. * Mt 25:34 Joh 17:24 1Pe 1:20 Re 13:8; 17:8 - in. * Heb 1:2 Isa 2:2 Da 10:14 Mic 4:1 1Co 10:11 Ga 4:1 Eph 1:10 * 1Pe 1:20 - he appeared. * :12; 7:27; 10:4,10 Le 16:21,22 2Sa 12:13; 24:10 Job 7:21 Da 9:24 * Joh 1:29 1Pe 2:24; 3:18 1Jo 3:5 - the sacrifice. * :14; 10:12,26 Eph 5:2 Tit 2:14 VERSE 27 - as. * Ge 3:19 2Sa 14:14 Job 14:5; 30:23 Ps 89:48 Ec 3:20; 9:5,10; 12:7 * Ro 5:12 - but. * Heb 6:2 Job 19:25 Ec 11:9; 12:14 Mt 25:31 *etc: * Joh 5:26-29 Ac 17:31 Ro 2:5; 14:9-12 1Co 4:5 2Co 5:10 2Ti 4:1 * Jude 1:15 Re 20:11 VERSE 28 - was. * :25 Ro 6:10 1Pe 3:18 1Jo 3:5 - to bear. * Le 10:17 Nu 18:1,23 Isa 53:4-6,11,12 Mt 26:28 Ro 5:15 1Pe 2:24 - them. * Php 3:20 1Th 1:10 2Ti 4:8 Tit 2:13 2Pe 3:12 - he appear. * Zec 14:5 Joh 14:3 Ac 1:11 1Th 4:14-16 2Th 1:5-9; 2:1 1Jo 3:2 * Re 1:7 - without. * Ro 6:10; 8:3 - unto. * Isa 25:9 Ro 8:23 1Co 15:54 Php 3:21 1Th 4:17 2Th 1:10 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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