1 By the eternal priesthood of Christ the Levitical priesthood of Aaron is abolished; 7 and the temporal covenant with the fathers, by the eternal covenant of the Gospel. VERSE 1 - sum. Or, chief, principal point, in both which senses [kephalaion <2774>] is used by profane writers. - We have. See on ch. * Heb 7:26-28 - who. See on ch. * Heb 1:3,13; 10:12; 12:2 Eph 6:20 Col 3:1 Re 3:21 - the Majesty. * 1Ch 29:11 Job 37:22 Ps 21:5; 45:3,4; 104:1; 145:12 Isa 24:14 * Mic 5:4 VERSE 2 - minister. * Heb 9:8-12; 10:21 Ex 28:1,35 Lu 24:44 Ro 15:8 - the sanctuary. or, holy things. the true. * Heb 9:11,23,24 - which. * Heb 11:10 2Co 5:1 Col 2:11 VERSE 3 - serve. See on ch. * Heb 5:1; 7:27 - have. * Heb 9:14; 10:9-12 Joh 6:51 Eph 5:2 Tit 2:14 VERSE 4 - he should. * Heb 7:11-15 Nu 16:40; 17:12,13; 18:5 2Ch 26:18,19 - there are priests. or, they are priests. gifts. [Doron <1435>,] gifts, or offerings, comprehended propitiatory sacrifices as well as freewill-offerings. - See. * Heb 11:4 VERSE 5 - unto. [Hupodeigmati kai <2532> skia <4639>,] or, 'with the representation and shadow,' as Dr. Macknight renders. - the example. * Heb 9:9,23,24; 10:1 Col 2:17 - See. * Ex 25:40; 26:30; 27:8 Nu 8:4 1Ch 28:12,19 Ac 7:44 - pattern. [Tupos <5179>,] type, plan, or form. VERSE 6 - obtained. * :7-13 2Co 3:6-11 - the mediator. * Heb 7:22; 12:24 Ga 3:19,20 - covenant. or, testament. See on ch. * Heb 7:22; 9:15-20 - was established. [Nomotheteo <3549>,] 'was ordained (or established) by law.' - upon. * Heb 8:10-12 Ro 9:4 Ga 3:16-21 Tit 1:2 2Pe 1:4 VERSE 7 - had. * :6; 7:11,18 Ga 3:21 VERSE 8 - he saith. See on * Jer 31:31-34 - the days. * Heb 10:16,17 Jer 23:5,7; 30:3; 31:27,31-34,38 Lu 17:22 - a new. * Heb 9:15; 12:24 Mt 26:28 Mr 14:24 Lu 22:20 1Co 11:25 2Co 3:6 - covenant. * Isa 55:3 Jer 32:40; 33:24-26 Eze 16:60,61; 37:26 VERSE 9 - the covenant. * Heb 9:18-20 Ex 24:3-11; 34:10,27,28 De 5:2,3; 29:1,12 Ga 3:15-19 * Ga 4:24 - I took. * Ge 19:16 Job 8:20 *marg: * So 8:5 Isa 41:13; 51:18 Mr 8:23 Ac 9:8; 13:11 - to lead. * Ex 19:4,5 Ps 77:20; 78:52-54; 105:43; 136:11-14 Isa 40:11; 63:9 * Isa 63:11-13 - they continued. * Ex 32:8 De 29:25; 31:16-18 Jos 23:15,16 2Ki 17:15-18 Ps 78:10 * Ps 78:11,57 Isa 24:5,6 Jer 11:7,8; 22:8,9; 31:32 Eze 16:8,59 * Eze 20:37,38 - regarded. * Jud 10:13,14 La 4:16 Am 5:22 Mal 2:13 VERSE 10 - this is. * Heb 10:16,17 - I will put. Gr. I will give. * Ex 24:4,7; 34:1,27 De 30:6 Jer 31:33; 32:40 Eze 11:19; 36:26,27 * 2Co 3:3,7,8 Jas 1:18,21 1Pe 1:23 - in. or, upon. I will be. * Heb 11:16 Ge 17:7,8 So 2:16 Jer 24:7; 31:1,33; 32:38 Eze 11:20; 36:28 * Eze 37:27; 39:22 Ho 1:10; 2:23 Zec 8:8; 13:9 Mt 22:32 1Co 6:16 - they shall. * Ex 19:5,6 Ro 9:25,26 Tit 2:14 1Pe 2:9 VERSE 11 - they shall. * Isa 2:3; 54:13 Jer 31:34 Joh 6:45 1Jo 2:27 - Know the. * 2Ki 17:27,28 1Ch 28:9 2Ch 30:22 Ezr 7:25 - for all. * Isa 54:13 Jer 24:7 Eze 34:30 Hab 2:14 1Jo 5:20 - from. * Jer 6:13; 42:1,8; 44:12 Ac 8:10 VERSE 12 * Heb 10:16,17 Ps 25:7; 65:3 Isa 43:25; 44:22 Jer 33:8; 50:20 Mic 7:19 * Ac 13:38,39 Ro 11:27 Eph 1:7 Col 1:14 1Jo 1:7-9; 2:1,2 Re 1:5 VERSE 13 - A new. See on ver. * :8 - he hath. * Heb 7:11,12,18,19; 9:9,10 - ready. * Isa 51:6 Mt 24:35 1Co 13:8 2Co 5:17 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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