1 The honor of our Savior's priesthood. 11 Negligence in the knowledge thereof is reproved. VERSE 1 - every. * Heb 10:11 Ex 28:1 *etc: * Ex 29:1 *etc: * Le 8:2 - is ordained. * Heb 8:3 - for men. * Heb 2:17 Nu 16:46-48; 18:1-3 - both. * Heb 8:3; 9:9; 10:11; 11:4 Le 9:7,15-21 VERSE 2 - Who. * Heb 2:18; 4:15 - have compassion on. or, reasonably bear with. ignorant. * Nu 15:22-29 1Ti 1:13 - them. * Heb 12:13 Ex 32:8 Jud 2:17 Isa 30:11 - is compassed. * Heb 7:28 Ex 32:2-5,21-24 Nu 12:1-9; 20:10-12 Lu 22:32 2Co 11:30 * 2Co 12:5,9,10 Ga 4:13 VERSE 3 - as. * Heb 7:27; 9:7 Ex 29:12-19 Le 4:3-12; 8:14-21; 9:7; 16:6,15 VERSE 4 * Ex 28:1 Le 8:2 Nu 3:3; 16:5,7,10,35,40,46-48; 17:3-11; 18:1-5 * 1Ch 23:13 2Ch 26:18 Joh 3:27 VERSE 5 - Christ. * Joh 7:18; 8:54 - Thou. * Heb 1:5 Ps 2:7 Mic 5:2 Joh 3:16 Ac 13:33 Ro 8:3 VERSE 6 - Thou. * :10; 6:20; 7:3,15,17,21 Ps 110:4 - Melchisedec. * Ge 14:18,19 VERSE 7 - the. * Heb 2:14 Joh 1:14 Ro 8:3 Ga 4:4 1Ti 3:16 1Jo 4:3 2Jo 1:7 - when. * Ps 22:1-21; 69:1; 88:1 Mt 26:28-44 Mr 14:32-39 Le 2:2; 4:4-14 * Joh 17:1 - with. * Mt 27:46,50 Mr 15:34,37 - tears. * Isa 53:3,11 Joh 11:35 - unto. * Mt 26:52,53 Mr 14:36 - and. * Heb 13:20 Ps 18:19,20; 22:21,24; 40:1-3; 69:13-16 Isa 49:8 Joh 11:42 * Joh 17:4,5 - in that he feared. or, for his piety. * Heb 12:28 Mt 26:37,38 Mr 14:33,34 Lu 22:42-44 Joh 12:27,28 VERSE 8 - he were. * Heb 1:5,8; 3:6 - yet. * Heb 10:5-9 Isa 50:5,6 Mt 3:15 Joh 4:34; 6:38; 15:10 Php 2:8 VERSE 9 - being. * Heb 2:10; 11:40 Da 9:24 Lu 13:32 Joh 19:30 *Gr: - he became. * Heb 12:2 Ps 68:18-20 Isa 45:22; 49:6 Ac 3:15 *marg: * Ac 4:12 - eternal. * Heb 2:3; 9:12,15 Ps 45:17; 51:6,8 2Th 2:16 2Ti 2:10 1Jo 5:20 Jude 1:21 - unto. * Heb 11:8 Isa 50:10; 55:3 Zec 6:15 Mt 7:24-27; 17:5 Ac 5:32 Ro 1:5 * Ro 2:8; 6:17; 10:16; 15:18 2Co 10:5 2Th 1:8 1Pe 1:22 VERSE 10 * :5,6; 6:20 VERSE 11 - we. * 1Ki 10:1 Joh 6:6; 16:12 2Pe 3:16 - dull. * Isa 6:10 Mt 13:15 Mr 8:17,18,21 Lu 24:25 Ac 28:27 VERSE 12 - for the. * Mt 17:17 Mr 9:19 - teachers. * Ezr 7:10 Ps 34:11 1Co 14:19 Col 3:16 Tit 2:3,4 - teach. * Isa 28:9,10,13 Php 3:1 - the first. * Heb 6:1 - the oracles. * 2Sa 16:23 Ac 7:38 Ro 3:2 1Pe 4:11 - as have. * :13 Isa 55:1 1Co 3:1-3 1Pe 2:2 VERSE 13 - is unskilful. Gr. hath no experience. the word. * Ps 119:123 Ro 1:17,18; 10:5,6 2Co 3:9 2Ti 3:16 - he. * Isa 28:9 Mt 11:25 Mr 10:15 Ro 2:20 1Co 13:11; 14:20 Eph 4:14 * 1Pe 2:2 VERSE 14 - of full age. or, perfect. * Mt 5:48 1Co 2:6 Eph 4:13 Php 3:15 Jas 3:2 *Gr: - use. or, an habit, or, perfection. their * Job 6:30; 12:11; 34:3 Ps 119:103 So 1:3; 2:3 Mt 6:22,23 Eph 1:18 - to discern. * Ge 3:5 2Sa 14:17 1Ki 3:9,11 Isa 7:15 Ro 14:1 *Gr: * 1Co 2:14,15 Php 1:9,10 *Gr: * 1Th 5:21 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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