1 The rest of Christians is attained by faith. 12 The power of God's word. 14 By our high priest Jesus, the Son of God, 16 we may and must go boldly to the throne of grace. VERSE 1 - us therefore. * :11; 2:1-3; 12:15,25; 13:7 Pr 14:16; 28:14 Jer 32:40 Ro 11:20 * 1Co 10:12 - a promise. * :9 Nu 14:34 1Sa 2:30 Ro 3:3,4 2Ti 2:13 - his. * :3-5 - See on ch. * Heb 3:11 - any. * Mt 7:21-23,26,27; 24:48-51; 25:1-3 Lu 12:45,46; 13:25-30 Ro 3:23 * 1Co 9:26,27 VERSE 2 - unto us. * Ac 3:26; 13:46 Ga 3:8; 4:13 1Pe 1:12 - preached. Gr. of hearing. * Ro 10:16,17 *marg: - did. * Ro 2:25 1Co 13:3 1Ti 4:8 - not being, etc. or because they were not united by faith to. ver. * :6; 3:12,18,19; 11:6 1Th 1:5; 2:13 2Th 2:12,13 Jas 1:21 VERSE 3 - we. * Heb 3:14 Isa 28:12 Jer 6:16 Mt 11:28,29 Ro 5:1,2 - As I. See on ch. * Heb 3:11 Ps 95:11 - the works. * Ge 1:31 Ex 20:11 - from. * Heb 9:26 Mt 13:35 Eph 1:4 1Pe 1:20 VERSE 4 - in. See on ch. * Heb 2:6 - God. * Ge 2:1,2 Ex 20:11; 31:17 VERSE 5 * :3; 3:11 VERSE 6 - it remaineth. * :9 1Co 7:29 - some. * Nu 14:12,31 Isa 65:15 Mt 21:43; 22:9,10 Lu 14:21-24 Ac 13:46,47 * Ac 28:28 - they. * :2; 3:19 Ga 3:8 - it was. or, the gospel was. entered. See on ch. * Heb 3:18,19 VERSE 7 - saying. * Heb 3:7,8 2Sa 23:1,2 Mt 22:43 Mr 12:36 Lu 20:42 Ac 2:29,31; 28:25 - To day. * Heb 3:7,15 Ps 95:7 - after. * 1Ki 6:1 Ac 13:20-23 VERSE 8 - Jesus, that is, Joshua. See on * Ac 7:45 - had. * Heb 11:13-15 De 12:9; 25:19 Jos 1:15; 22:4; 23:1 Ps 78:55; 105:44 VERSE 9 - remaineth. * :1,3; 3:11 Isa 11:10; 57:2; 60:19,20 Re 7:14-17; 21:4 - rest. or, keeping of a sabbath. people. * Heb 11:25 Ps 47:9 Mt 1:21 Tit 2:14 1Pe 2:10 VERSE 10 - he that. * Heb 1:3; 10:12 Re 14:13 - hath. * Joh 19:30 1Pe 4:1,2 - as. See on ver. * :3,4 VERSE 11 - Let. * :1; 6:11 Mt 7:13; 11:12,28-30 Lu 13:24; 16:16 Joh 6:27 Php 2:12 * 2Pe 1:10,11 - lest. See on ch. * Heb 3:12,18,19 - unbelief. or, disobedience. * Ac 26:19 Ro 11:30-32 Eph 2:2; 5:6 Col 3:6 Tit 1:16; 3:3 *Gr: VERSE 12 - the word. * Heb 13:7 Isa 49:2 Lu 8:11 Ac 4:31 2Co 2:17; 4:2 Re 20:4 - is quick. * Ps 110:2; 119:130 Ec 12:11 Isa 55:11 Jer 23:29 Ro 1:16 1Co 1:24 * 2Co 10:4,5 1Th 2:13 Jas 1:18 1Pe 1:23 Joh 6:51 1Pe 2:4,5 *Gr: - sharper. * Ps 45:3; 149:6 Pr 5:4 Isa 11:4; 49:2 Ac 2:37; 5:33 Eph 6:17 * Re 1:16; 2:16; 19:15,21 - and is. * Ps 139:2 Jer 17:10 1Co 14:24,25 Eph 5:13 Re 2:23 VERSE 13 - is there. * 1Sa 16:7 1Ch 28:9 2Ch 6:30 Ps 7:9; 33:13-15; 44:21; 90:8; 139:11 * Ps 139:12 Pr 15:3,11 Jer 17:10,23,24 Joh 2:24; 21:17 1Co 4:5 * Re 2:23 - naked. * Job 26:6; 34:21; 38:17 - with. * Ec 12:14 Mt 7:21,22; 25:31,32 Joh 5:22-29 Ac 17:31 Ro 2:16 * Ro 14:9-12 2Co 5:10 Re 20:11-15 VERSE 14 - a great. * Heb 2:17; 3:1; 3:5,6 - that is. * Heb 1:3; 6:20; 7:25,26; 8:1; 9:12,24; 10:12; 12:2 Mr 16:19 Lu 24:51 * Ac 1:11; 3:21 Ro 8:34 - Jesus. * Heb 1:2,8 Mr 1:1 - let. See on ch. * Heb 2:1; 3:6,14; 10:23 VERSE 15 - we have. * Heb 5:2 Ex 23:9 Isa 53:4,5 Ho 11:8 Mt 8:16,17; 12:20 Php 2:7,8 - tempted. See on ch. * Heb 2:17,18 Lu 4:2; 22:28 - yet. * Heb 7:26 Isa 53:9 Joh 8:46 2Co 5:21 1Pe 2:22 1Jo 3:5 VERSE 16 - come. * Heb 10:19-23; 13:6 Ro 8:15-17 Eph 2:18; 3:12 - the throne. * Heb 9:5 Ex 25:17-22 Le 16:2 1Ch 28:11 - obtain. * Isa 27:11; 55:6,7 Mt 7:7-11 2Co 12:8-10 Php 4:6,7 1Pe 2:10 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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