1 The duty of children towards their parents; 5 of servants towards their masters. 10 Our life is a warfare, not only against flesh and blood, but also spiritual enemies. 13 The complete armor of a Christian; 18 and how it ought to be used. 21 Tychicus is commended. VERSE 1 - obey. * Ge 28:7; 37:13 Le 19:3 De 21:18 1Sa 17:20 Es 2:20 Pr 1:8; 6:20 * Pr 23:22; 30:11,17 Jer 35:14 Lu 2:51 Col 3:20 *etc: - in. * :5,6 Ro 16:2 1Co 15:58 Col 3:16,17,23,24 1Pe 2:13 - for. * Ne 9:13 Job 33:27 Ps 19:8; 119:75,128 Ho 14:9 Ro 7:12; 12:2 * 1Ti 5:4 VERSE 2 * Ex 20:12 De 27:16 Pr 20:20 Jer 35:18 Eze 22:7 Mal 1:6 * Mt 15:4-6 Mr 7:9-13 Ro 13:7 VERSE 3 * De 4:40; 5:16; 6:3,18; 12:25,28; 22:7 Ru 3:1 Ps 128:1,2 Isa 3:10 * Jer 42:6 VERSE 4 - ye. * Ge 31:14,15 1Sa 20:30-34 Col 3:21 - but. * Ge 18:19 Ex 12:26,27; 13:14,15 De 4:9; 6:7,20-24; 11:19-21 * Jos 4:6,7; 4:21-24; 24:15 1Ch 22:10-13; 28:9,10,20; 29:19 Ps 71:17 * Ps 71:18; 78:4-7 Pr 4:1-4; 19:18; 22:6,15; 23:13,14; 29:15,17 * Isa 38:19 2Ti 1:5; 3:15 Heb 12:7-10 VERSE 5 - be. * Ge 16:9 Ps 123:2 Mal 1:6 Mt 6:24; 8:9 Ac 10:7,8 Col 3:22 * 1Ti 6:1-3 Tit 2:9,10 1Pe 2:18-21 - according. * Phm 1:16 - with. * 1Co 2:3 2Co 7:15 Php 2:12 1Pe 3:2 - in. * :24 Jos 24:14 1Ch 29:17 Ps 86:11 Mt 6:22 Ac 2:46 2Co 1:12 * 2Co 11:2,3 - as. * Eph 1:1-23 1Co 7:22 Col 3:17-24 VERSE 6 - eye-service. * Php 2:12 Col 3:22 1Th 2:4 - doing. * Eph 5:17 Mt 7:21; 12:50 Col 1:9; 4:12 1Th 4:3 Heb 10:36; 13:21 * 1Pe 2:15; 4:2 1Jo 2:17 - from. * Jer 3:10; 24:7 Ro 6:17 Col 3:23 VERSE 7 - good. * Ge 31:6,38-40 2Ki 5:2,3,13 - as. * :5,6 1Co 10:31 VERSE 8 - whatever. * Pr 11:18; 23:18 Isa 3:11 Mt 5:12; 6:1,4; 10:41,42; 16:27 Lu 6:35 * Lu 14:14 Ro 2:6-10 2Co 5:10 Col 3:24 Heb 10:35; 11:26 - whether. * Ga 3:28 Col 3:11 VERSE 9 - ye. * Le 19:13; 25:39-46 De 15:11-16; 24:14,15 Ne 5:5,8,9 Job 24:10-12 * Job 31:13-15 Isa 47:6; 58:3-6 Am 8:4-7 Mal 3:5 Col 4:1 Jas 5:4 - the same. * :5-7 Mt 7:12 Lu 6:31 Jas 2:8,13 - forbearing. or, moderating. * Le 25:43 1Sa 15:17 Da 3:6,15; 5:19,20 - knowing. * Ps 140:12 Ec 5:8 Mt 22:8,10; 24:48,51 Lu 12:45,46 Joh 13:13 * 1Co 7:22 - your Master. Some read, both your and their Master. * 1Co 1:2 Php 2:10,11 - neither. See on * Ac 10:34 Ro 2:11 Col 3:25 VERSE 10 - Finally. * 2Co 13:11 Php 3:1; 4:8 1Pe 3:8 - be. * Eph 1:19; 3:16 De 20:3,4; 31:23 Jos 1:6,7,9 1Sa 23:16 1Ch 28:10,20 * 2Ch 15:7 Ps 138:3 Isa 35:3,4; 40:28,31 Hag 2:4 Zec 8:9,13 * 1Co 16:13 2Co 12:9,10 Php 4:13 Col 1:11 2Ti 2:1; 4:17 1Pe 5:10 VERSE 11 - Put. * Eph 4:24 Ro 13:14 Col 3:10 - the whole. * :13 Ro 13:12 2Co 6:7; 10:4 1Th 5:8 - able. * :13 Lu 14:29-31 1Co 10:13 Heb 7:25 Jude 1:24 - the wiles. * Eph 4:14 *Gr: * Mr 13:22 2Co 2:11; 4:4; 11:3,13-15 2Th 2:9-11 1Pe 5:8 2Pe 2:1-3 * Re 2:24; 12:9; 13:11-15; 19:20; 20:2,3,7,8 VERSE 12 - wrestle. * Lu 13:24 1Co 9:25-27 2Ti 2:5 Heb 12:1,4 - flesh and blood. Gr. blood and flesh. * Mt 16:17 1Co 15:50 Ga 1:16 - principalities. * Eph 1:21; 3:10 Ro 8:38 Col 2:15 1Pe 3:22 - against the. * Eph 2:2 Job 2:2 Lu 22:53 Joh 12:31; 14:30; 16:11 Ac 26:18 2Co 4:4 * Col 1:13 - spiritual wickedness. or, wicked spirits. high. or, heavenly. See on ch. * Eph 1:3 VERSE 13 - take. See on ver. * :11-17 2Co 10:4 - the whole. [Panoplia <3833>,] a complete suit of armor, both offensive and defensive, from [pan,] all, and [hoplon <3696>,] armor. - in the. * Eph 5:6,16 Ec 12:1 Am 6:3 Lu 8:13 Re 3:10 - done all. or, overcome all. to stand. * Mal 3:2 Lu 21:36 Col 4:12 Re 6:17 VERSE 14 - having. * Eph 5:9 Isa 11:5 Lu 12:35 2Co 6:7 1Pe 1:13 - the breastplate. The [thorax <2382>,] or breastplate, consisted of two parts; one of which covered the whole region of the thorax or breast, and the other the back, as far down as the front part extended. * Isa 59:17 1Th 5:8 Re 9:9,17 VERSE 15 - your. * De 33:25 So 7:1 Hab 3:19 Lu 15:22 - the gospel. * Isa 52:7 Ro 10:15 2Co 5:18-21 VERSE 16 - the shield. The [thureos <2375>] was a large oblong shield, or scuta, like a door, [thura <2374>,] made of wood and covered with hides. * Ge 15:1 Ps 56:3,4,10,11 Pr 18:10 2Co 1:24; 4:16-18 Heb 6:17,18 * Heb 11:24-34 1Pe 5:8,9 1Jo 5:4,5 - to quench. * 1Th 5:19 VERSE 17 - the helmet. * 1Sa 17:5,58 Isa 59:17 1Th 5:8 - the sword. * Isa 49:2 Heb 4:12 Re 1:16; 2:16; 19:15 - which. * Mt 4:4,7,10,11 Heb 12:5,6; 13:5,6 Re 12:11 VERSE 18 - Praying. * Eph 1:16 Job 27:10 Ps 4:1; 6:9 Isa 26:16 Da 6:10 Lu 3:26,37; 18:1-7 * Lu 21:36 Ac 1:14; 6:4; 10:2; 12:5 Ro 12:12 Php 4:6 Col 4:2 * 1Th 5:17 2Ti 1:3 - supplication. * 1Ki 8:52,54,59; 9:3 Es 4:8 Da 9:20 Ho 12:4 1Ti 2:1 Heb 5:7 - in the. * Eph 2:22 Zec 12:10 Ro 8:15,26,27 Ga 4:6 Jude 1:20 - watching. * Mt 26:41 Mr 13:33; 14:38 Lu 21:36; 22:46 Col 4:2 1Pe 4:7 - all perseverance. * Ge 32:24-28 Mt 15:25-28 Lu 11:5-8; 18:1-8 - supplication. See on ver. * :19; 1:16; 3:8,18 Php 1:4 1Ti 2:1 Col 1:4 Phm 1:5 VERSE 19 - for. * Ro 15:30 2Co 1:11 Php 1:19 Col 4:3 1Th 5:25 2Th 3:1 Phm 1:22 * Heb 13:18 - utterance. * Ac 2:4 1Co 1:5 2Co 8:7 - that I. * Ac 4:13,29,31; 9:27,29; 13:46; 14:3; 18:26; 19:8; 28:31 * 2Co 3:12 *marg: * 2Co 7:4 Php 1:20 1Th 2:2 - the mystery. * Eph 1:9; 3:3,4 1Co 2:7; 4:1 Col 1:26,27; 2:2 1Ti 3:16 VERSE 20 - I am. * Pr 13:17 Isa 33:7 2Co 5:20 - bonds. or, a chain. See on ch. * Eph 3:1; 4:1 2Sa 10:2-6 Ac 26:29; 28:20 Php 1:7,13,14 2Ti 1:16; 2:9 * Phm 1:10 - therein. or, thereof. boldly. See on ver. * :19 Isa 58:1 Jer 1:7,8,17 Eze 2:4-7 Mt 10:27,28 Ac 5:29; 28:31 * Col 4:4 Php 1:20 1Th 2:2 1Jo 3:16 Jude 1:3 VERSE 21 - that. * Php 1:12 Col 4:7 - Tychicus. * Ac 20:4 2Ti 4:12 Tit 3:12 - beloved. * Col 4:9 Phm 1:16 2Pe 3:15 - faithful. * 1Co 4:17 Col 1:7 1Ti 4:6 1Pe 5:12 VERSE 22 * Php 2:19,25 Col 4:7,8 1Th 3:2 2Th 2:17 VERSE 23 - Peace. See on * Ro 1:7 1Co 1:3 Ge 43:23 1Sa 25:6 Ps 122:6-9 Joh 14:27 Ga 6:16 * 1Pe 5:14 Re 1:4 - and love. * Ga 5:6 1Ti 1:3; 5:8 2Th 1:3 1Ti 1:14 Phm 1:5-7 VERSE 24 - Grace. * 1Co 16:23 2Co 13:14 Col 4:18 2Ti 4:22 Tit 3:15 Heb 13:25 - love. See on * Joh 21:15-17 1Co 16:22 - in sincerity. or, with incorruption. * Mt 22:37 2Co 8:8,12 Tit 2:7 - Amen. See on * Mt 6:13; 28:20 GOTO NEXT BOOK - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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