1 After general exhortations to love; 3 to flee fornication; 4 and all uncleanness; 7 not to converse with the wicked; 15 to walk warily; 18 and to be filled with the Spirit; 22 he descends to the particular duties, how wives ought to obey their husbands; 25 and husbands ought to love their wives, 32 even as Christ does his church. VERSE 1 - followers. * Eph 4:32 Le 11:45 Mt 5:45,48 Lu 6:35,36 1Pe 1:15,16 1Jo 4:11 - as. * Jer 31:20 Ho 1:10 Joh 1:12 Col 3:12 1Jo 3:1,2 VERSE 2 - walk. * Eph 3:17; 4:2,15 Joh 13:34 Ro 14:16 1Co 16:14 Col 3:14 1Th 4:9 * 1Ti 4:12 1Pe 4:8 1Jo 3:11,12,23; 4:20,21 - as. * :25; 3:19 Mt 20:28 Joh 15:12,13 2Co 5:14,15; 8:9 Ga 1:4; 2:20 * 1Ti 2:6 Tit 2:14 Heb 7:25-27; 9:14,26; 10:10,11 1Pe 2:21-24 * 1Jo 3:16 Re 1:5; 5:9 - a sacrifice. * Ro 8:3 *marg: * 1Co 5:7 Heb 9:23; 10:12 - for a. * Ge 8:21 Le 1:9,13,17; 3:16 Am 5:21 2Co 2:15 VERSE 3 - fornication. * :5; 4:19,20 Nu 25:1 De 23:17,18 Mt 15:19 Mr 7:21 Ac 15:20 Ro 1:29 * Ro 6:13 1Co 5:10,11; 6:9,13,18; 10:8 2Co 12:21 Ga 5:19-21 * Col 3:5 1Th 4:3,7 Heb 12:16; 13:4 2Pe 2:10 Re 2:14,21; 9:21; 21:8 * Re 22:15 - covetousness. * :5 Ex 18:21; 20:17 Jos 7:21 1Sa 8:3 Ps 10:3; 119:36 Pr 28:16 * Jer 6:13; 8:10; 22:17 Eze 33:31 Mic 2:2 Mr 7:22 Lu 12:15; 16:14 * Ac 20:33 1Co 6:10 Col 3:5 1Ti 3:3; 6:10 2Ti 3:2 Tit 1:7,11 * Heb 13:5 1Pe 5:2 2Pe 2:3,14 - named. * :12 Ex 23:13 1Co 5:1 - as. * Ro 16:2 Php 1:27 1Ti 2:10 Tit 2:3 VERSE 4 - filthiness. * Eph 4:29 Pr 12:23; 15:2 Ec 10:13 Mt 12:34-37 Mr 7:22 Col 3:8 * Jas 3:4-8 2Pe 2:7,18 Jude 1:10,13 - convenient. * Ro 1:28 Phm 1:8 - but. * :19,20; 1:16 Ps 33:1; 92:1; 107:21,22 Da 6:10 Joh 6:23 2Co 1:11; 9:15 * Php 4:6 Col 3:15-17 1Th 3:9; 5:18 Heb 13:15 VERSE 5 - this. * 1Co 6:9,10 Ga 5:19,21 - that no. See on ver. * :3 Heb 13:4 - who is. * Ga 5:21 Col 3:5 1Ti 6:10,17 Re 21:8; 22:15 VERSE 6 - no. * Jer 29:8,9,31 Eze 13:10-16 Mic 3:5 Mt 24:4,24 Mr 13:5,22 * Ga 6:7,8 Col 2:4,8,18 2Th 2:3,10-12 1Jo 4:1 - vain. * 2Ki 18:20 Jer 23:14-16 - cometh. * Nu 32:13,14 Jos 22:17,18 Ps 78:31 Ro 1:18 Col 3:6 - children. See on ch. * Eph 2:2,3 - disobedience. or, unbelief. * Heb 3:19 1Pe 2:8 *Gr: VERSE 7 * :11 Nu 16:26 Ps 50:18 Pr 1:10-17; 9:6; 13:20 1Ti 5:22 Re 18:4 VERSE 8 - ye were. * Eph 2:11,12; 4:18; 6:12 Ps 74:20 Isa 9:2; 42:16; 60:2 Jer 13:16 * Mt 4:16 Lu 1:79 Ac 17:30; 26:18 Ro 1:21; 2:19 2Co 6:14 Col 1:13 * Tit 3:3 1Pe 2:9 1Jo 2:8 - but. * Isa 42:6,7; 49:6,9; 60:1,3,19,20 Joh 1:4,5,9; 8:12; 12:46 1Co 1:30 * 2Co 3:18; 4:6 1Th 5:4-8 1Jo 2:9-11 - walk. * :2 Isa 2:5 Lu 16:8 Joh 12:36 Ga 5:25 1Pe 2:9-11 1Jo 1:7 VERSE 9 - the fruit. See on * Ga 5:22,23 - goodness. * Ps 16:2,3 Ro 2:4; 15:14 1Pe 2:25 3Jo 1:11 - righteousness. * Php 1:11 1Ti 6:11 Heb 1:8; 11:33 1Pe 2:24 1Jo 2:29; 3:9,10 - truth. * Eph 4:15,25; 6:14 Joh 1:47 VERSE 10 - Proving. * 1Sa 17:39 Ro 12:1,2 Php 1:10 1Th 5:21 - acceptable. * Ps 19:14 Pr 21:3 Isa 58:5 Jer 6:20 Ro 14:18 Php 4:18 1Ti 2:3 * 1Ti 5:4 Heb 12:28 1Pe 2:5,20 VERSE 11 - no. * :7 Ge 49:5-7 Ps 1:1,2; 26:4,5; 94:20,21 Pr 4:14,15; 9:6 Jer 15:17 * Ro 16:17 1Co 5:9-11; 10:20,21 2Co 6:14-18 2Th 3:6,14 1Ti 6:5 * 2Ti 3:5 2Jo 1:10,11 Re 18:4 - unfruitful. * Pr 1:31 Isa 3:10,11 Ro 6:21 Ga 6:8 - works. * Eph 4:22 Job 24:13-17 Joh 3:19-21 Ro 1:22-32; 13:12 1Th 5:7 - but. * Ge 20:16 Le 19:17 Ps 141:5 Pr 9:7,8; 13:18; 15:12; 19:25; 25:12 * Pr 29:1 Isa 29:21 Mt 18:15 Lu 3:19 1Ti 5:20 2Ti 4:2 Tit 2:15 VERSE 12 - it. * :3 Ro 1:24-27 1Pe 4:3 - in. * 2Sa 12:12 Pr 9:17 Ec 12:14 Jer 23:24 Lu 12:1,2 Ro 2:16 * Re 20:12 VERSE 13 - reproved. or, discovered. * La 2:14 Ho 2:10; 7:1 - for. * Mic 7:9 Joh 3:20,21 1Co 4:5 Heb 1:13 VERSE 14 - he. or, it. Awake. * Isa 51:17; 52:1; 60:1 Ro 13:11,12 1Co 15:34 1Th 5:6 * 2Ti 2:26 *marg: - arise. * Eph 2:5 Isa 26:19 Eze 37:4-10 Joh 5:25-29; 11:43,44 Ro 6:4,5,13 * Col 3:1 - Christ. * Joh 8:12; 9:5 Ac 13:47 2Co 4:6 2Ti 1:10 VERSE 15 - See. * :33 Mt 8:4; 27:4,24 1Th 5:15 Heb 12:25 1Pe 1:22 Re 19:10 - walk. * Ex 23:13 Mt 10:16 1Co 14:20 Php 1:27 Col 1:9; 4:5 - not. * 2Sa 24:10 Job 2:10 Ps 73:22 Pr 14:8 Mt 25:2 Lu 24:25 * Ga 3:1,3 1Ti 6:9 Jas 3:13 VERSE 16 - Redeeming. * Ec 9:10 Ro 13:11 Ga 6:10 Col 4:5 - the days. * Eph 6:13,15 Ps 37:19 Ec 11:2; 12:1 Am 5:13 Joh 12:35 Ac 11:28,29 * 1Co 7:26,29-31 VERSE 17 - be. See on ver. * :15 Col 4:5 - understanding. * De 4:6 1Ki 3:9-12 Job 28:28 Ps 111:10; 119:27 Pr 2:5; 14:8; 23:23 * Jer 4:22 Joh 7:17 Ro 12:2 Col 1:9 1Th 4:1-3; 5:18 1Pe 4:2 VERSE 18 - be not. * Ge 9:21; 19:32-35 De 21:20 Ps 69:12 Pr 20:1; 23:20,21,29-35 * Isa 5:11-13,22 Mt 24:49 Lu 12:45; 21:34 Ro 13:13 1Co 5:11; 6:10 * 1Co 11:21 Ga 5:21 1Th 5:7 - excess. * Mt 23:25 1Pe 4:3,4 - but. * Ps 63:3-5 So 1:4; 7:9 Isa 25:6; 55:1 Zec 9:15-17 Lu 11:13 * Ac 2:13-18; 11:24 Ga 5:22-25 VERSE 19 - to yourselves. * Ac 16:25 1Co 14:26 Col 3:16 Jas 5:13 - psalms. Psalms, [psalmos <5568>,] from [psallo <5567>,] to touch or play on a musical instrument, properly denotes such sacred songs or poems as are sung to stringed instruments, and may here refer to those of David; hymns, [humnos <5215>,] from [hudo,] to sing, celebrate, praise, signifies songs in honor of God; and songs [ode <5603>,] from [aeido,] to sing, denotes any regular poetic composition adapted to singing, and is here restricted to those which are spiritual. * Ps 95:2; 105:2 Mt 26:30 - making. * Ps 47:7,8; 62:8; 86:12; 105:3; 147:7 Isa 65:14 Mt 15:8 Joh 4:23,24 VERSE 20 - thanks. See on ver. * :4 Job 1:21 Ps 34:1 Isa 63:7 Ac 5:41 1Co 1:4 Php 1:3; 4:6 * Col 1:11,12; 3:17 1Th 3:9; 5:18 2Th 1:3; 2:13 - in. * Joh 14:13,14; 15:16; 16:23-26 Col 3:17 Heb 13:15 1Pe 2:5; 4:11 VERSE 21 - submitting. * :22,24 Ge 16:9 1Ch 29:24 Ro 13:1-5 1Co 16:16 Php 2:3 1Ti 2:11 * 1Ti 3:4 Heb 13:17 1Pe 2:13; 5:5 - in. * 2Ch 19:7 Ne 5:9,15 Pr 24:21 2Co 7:1 1Pe 2:17 VERSE 22 - submit. * :24 Ge 3:16 Es 1:16-18,20 1Co 14:34 Col 3:18 *etc: * 1Ti 2:11,12 Tit 2:5 1Pe 3:1-6 - as. * Eph 6:5 Col 3:22,23 VERSE 23 - husband. See on * 1Co 11:3-10 - even. * Eph 1:22,23; 4:15 Col 1:18 - he. * :25,26 Ac 20:28 1Th 1:10 Re 5:9 VERSE 24 - in. * :33 Ex 23:13; 29:35 Col 3:20,22 Tit 2:7,9 VERSE 25 - love. * :28 Ge 2:24; 24:67 2Sa 12:3 Pr 5:18,19 Col 3:19 1Pe 3:7 - loved. * :2 Mt 20:28 Lu 22:19,20 Joh 6:51 Ac 20:28 Ga 1:4; 2:20 1Ti 2:6 * 1Pe 1:18-21 Re 1:5; 5:9 VERSE 26 - he. * Joh 17:17-19 Ac 26:18 1Co 6:11 Tit 2:14 Heb 9:14; 10:10 1Pe 1:2 * Jude 1:1 - with. * Eze 16:9; 36:25 Zec 13:1 Joh 3:5 Ac 22:16 Tit 3:5-7 Heb 10:22 * 1Pe 3:21 1Jo 5:6 - by. * Joh 15:8; 17:7 Jas 1:18 1Pe 1:22,23 VERSE 27 - he. * 2Co 4:14; 11:2 Col 1:22,28 Jude 1:24 - glorious. * Ps 45:13; 87:3 Isa 60:15-20; 62:3 Jer 33:9 Heb 12:22-24 * Re 7:9-17; 21:10-26 - not. * So 4:7 Heb 9:14 1Pe 1:19; 1:19 2Pe 3:14 - but. * Eph 1:4 2Co 11:2 Col 1:22,28 1Th 5:23 Jude 1:21 Re 21:27 VERSE 28 - as. * :31,33 Ge 2:21-24 Mt 19:5 VERSE 29 - hated. * :31 Pr 11:17 Ec 4:5 Ro 1:31 - nourisheth. * Isa 40:11 Eze 34:14,15,27 Mt 23:37 Joh 6:50-58 VERSE 30 * Eph 1:23 Ge 2:23 Ro 12:5 1Co 6:15; 12:12-27 Col 2:19 VERSE 31 * Ge 2:24 Mt 19:5 Mr 10:7,8 1Co 6:16 VERSE 32 - a great. * Eph 6:19 Col 2:2 1Ti 3:8,16 - speak. * Ps 45:9-17 So 1:1-8:14 Isa 54:5; 62:4,5 Joh 3:29 2Co 11:2 * Re 19:7,8; 21:2 VERSE 33 - let. * :25,28,29 Col 3:19 1Pe 3:7 - reverence. * :22 1Ki 1:31 Es 1:20 Heb 12:9 1Pe 3:2-6 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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