1 Of divorce. 5 A new married man goes not to war. 6 Of pledges. 7 Of man-stealers. 8 Of leprosy. 10 Of pledges. 14 The hire is to be given. 16 Of justice. 19 Of charity. VERSE 1 - hath taken. * De 21:15; 22:13 Ex 21:10 - uncleanness. Heb. matter of nakedness. then let him. * :3 Jer 3:8 Mt 5:31,32; 19:7-9 Mr 10:4-12 - divorcement. Heb. cutting off. * Isa 50:1 - send her. * De 22:19,29 Mal 2:16 Mt 1:19 Lu 16:18 1Co 7:11,12 VERSE 2 - she may go. * Le 21:7,14; 22:13 Nu 30:9 Eze 44:22 Mt 5:32 Mr 10:11 1Co 7:15 VERSE 3 VERSE 4 - Her former. * Jer 3:1 - thou shalt. * Le 18:24-28 Jos 22:17,18 VERSE 5 - a man. See on ch. * De 20:7 Ge 2:24 Mt 19:4-6 Mr 10:6-9 1Co 7:10-15 Eph 5:28,29 * Tit 2:4,5 - neither, etc. Heb. not any thing shall pass upon him. cheer up. * Pr 5:18 Ec 9:9 1Co 7:29 VERSE 6 - shall take. Small hand-mills, which ground at one time only a sufficient quantity for a day's consumption; hence they were forbidden to take either of the stones to pledge, because if they did, they would be deprived of the means of preparing their necessary food, and the family be without bread. On this account they are called in the text, a man's life. The same reason holds good against receiving in pledge, or distraining for debt, any instrument of labor, by which men earn their livelihood. * Ex 22:26,27 Re 18:22 - life. * De 20:19 Ge 44:30 Lu 12:15 VERSE 7 - found. * Ex 21:16 Eze 27:13 1Ti 1:10 Re 18:13 - then that. See on * Ex 21:16; 22:1-4 - and thou shalt. See on ch. * De 19:19 VERSE 8 * Le 13:1-14:57 Mt 8:4 Mr 1:44 Lu 5:14; 17:14 VERSE 9 - Remember. * Lu 17:32 1Co 10:6,11 - Miriam. * Nu 5:2; 12:10-15 2Ki 7:3 2Ch 26:20,21 VERSE 10 - When. See on ch. * De 15:8 - lend thy brother any thing. Heb. lend the loan of any thing to thy brother. VERSE 11 * :11 VERSE 12 * :17 Job 22:6; 24:3,9 VERSE 13 - deliver. * Ex 22:26,27 Job 24:7,8; 29:11-13; 31:16-20 Eze 18:7,12,16; 33:15 * Am 2:8 2Ti 1:16-18 - the sun. * :15 2Co 9:13,14 Eph 4:26 - in his own raiment. The raiment here referred to was most likely the same as the {hyke} of the Arabs, a long kind of blanket, resembling a Highland plaid, generally about six yards in length, and five or six feet broad; in which they often carry their provisions, as well as wrap themselves in, in the day, and sleep in at night, it being their only substitute for a bed. How necessary, then, it was to restore the {hyke} to a poor man before the going down of the sun, that he might have something to repose on, will sufficiently appear from these considerations. - shall be. * De 6:25; 15:9,10 Ge 15:6 Ps 106:30,31; 112:9 Isa 58:8 Da 4:27 * Jas 1:27; 2:13-23 VERSE 14 * Le 25:40-43 Job 24:10,11; 31:13-15 Pr 14:31; 22:16 Eze 22:7 * Am 2:7; 4:1; 8:4 Mal 3:5 Lu 10:7 VERSE 15 - At his. * Le 19:13 Pr 3:27,28 Jer 22:13 Mt 20:8 Mr 10:19 Jas 5:4 - setteth his heart upon it. Heb. lifteth his soul unto it. * Ps 24:4; 25:1; 86:4 - lest he. * De 15:9 Ex 22:23,24 Job 31:38; 34:28; 35:9 Pr 22:22,23; 23:10,11 * Isa 5:7 Jas 5:4 VERSE 16 * 2Ki 14:5,6 2Ch 25:4 Jer 31:29,30 Eze 18:20 VERSE 17 - pervert. * De 16:19; 27:19 Ex 22:21,22; 23:2,6,9 1Sa 12:3,4 Job 22:8,9 * Job 29:11-17 Ps 82:1-5; 94:3-6,20,21 Pr 22:22,23; 31:5 Ec 5:8 * Isa 1:23; 3:15; 33:15 Jer 5:28; 22:3 Eze 22:7,29 Am 5:7-12 * Mic 2:1,2; 7:3 Zec 7:10 Mal 3:5 Lu 3:14 Jas 2:6 - nor take. See on * Ex 22:26,27 VERSE 18 - See on ver. * :22; 5:15; 15:15; 16:12 VERSE 19 - When thou. * Le 19:9,10; 23:22 Ru 2:16 Ps 41:1 - it shall be. * :20,21 - See on ch. * De 14:29; 26:13 - may bless. * De 15:10 Job 31:16-22; 42:12 Ps 41:1-3; 112:9 Pr 11:24,25; 14:21 * Pr 19:17 Isa 32:8; 58:7-11 Lu 6:35,38; 14:13,14 2Co 9:6-8 * 1Jo 3:17-19 VERSE 20 - go over the boughs again. Heb. bough it after thee. * :20 VERSE 21 - gatherest. See on ver. * :19 Le 19:9,10 - afterward. Heb. after thee. VERSE 22 * :18 - See on ch. * De 5:14,15; 7:8 Isa 51:1 2Co 8:8,9 Eph 5:1,2 1Jo 4:10,11 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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