1 Who may or may not enter into the congregation. 9 Uncleanness is to be avoided in the host. 15 Of the fugitive servant. 17 Of filthiness. 18 Of abominable sacrifices. 19 Of usury. 21 Of vows. 24 Of trespasses. VERSE 1 - wounded. * Le 21:17-21; 22:22-24 Ga 3:28 - shall not enter. It is evident that his law was not meant to exclude such Israelites either from the common benefits of civil society, or any essential religious advantages; but merely to lay them under a disgraceful distinction. This would tend to discourage parents from thus treating their children; a practice which was exceedingly common in those ages and countries. To this they were induced by the custom which prevailed, of employing such in the houses of the great and the courts of princes; so that they often rose to the highest posts of honor and authority. Some expositors therefore consider the phrase, "shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord," as meaning, that they should be incapable of bearing any office in that government which was placed over the people of God, who must thus enter a protest against this custom, and deliver selfish parents from this temptation. * :2,3,8 Ne 13:1-3 Isa 56:3,4 La 1:10 VERSE 2 * Isa 57:3 Zec 9:6 Joh 8:41 Heb 12:8 VERSE 3 - Ammonite. These nations were subjected for their impiety, wickedness, and enmity to Israel, (ver. 4, 5,) to peculiar disgrace; and on this account were not permitted to hold any office among the Israelites. This did not, however, disqualify them from becoming convert; for Ruth, who was a Moabitess, was married to Boaz, and became one of the progenitors of our Lord. * Ru 4:6,10-22 Ne 4:3,7; 13:1,2,23 Isa 56:3 VERSE 4 - Because they met. * De 2:28,29 Ge 14:17,18 1Sa 25:11 1Ki 18:4 Isa 63:9 Zec 2:8 * Mt 25:40 Ac 9:4 - because they hired. See on * Nu 22:5,7,17 Ne 13:2 VERSE 5 - Nevertheless. * Nu 22:35; 23:5-12,16-26; 24:9 Mic 6:5 Ro 8:31 2Co 4:17 - because the. * De 7:7,8; 33:3 Ps 73:1 Jer 31:3 Eze 16:8 Mal 1:2 Ro 9:13; 11:28 * Eph 2:4,5 VERSE 6 - Thou shalt. * 2Sa 8:2; 12:31 Ezr 9:12 Ne 13:23-25 - prosperity. Heb. good. VERSE 7 - he is thy. * Ge 25:24-26,30 Nu 20:14 Ob 1:10-12 Mal 1:2 - because thou. * De 10:19 Ge 45:17,18; 46:7; 47:6,12,27 Ex 22:21; 23:9 Le 19:34 * Ps 105:23 Ac 7:10-18 VERSE 8 - enter into. See on ver. * :1 Ro 3:29,30 Eph 2:12,13 - third generation. * :2,3 Ex 20:5,6 VERSE 9 * Jos 6:18; 7:11-13 Jud 20:26 2Ch 19:4; 20:3-13; 31:20,21; 32:1-22 * Lu 3:14 Re 19:11-14 VERSE 10 * Le 15:16 Nu 5:2,3 1Co 5:11-13 VERSE 11 - when evening. * Le 11:25; 15:17-23 - cometh on. Heb. turneth toward. wash himself. * Le 14:9; 15:5,11,13; 22:6 Ps 51:2,7 Eze 36:25 Mt 3:11 * Lu 11:38,39 Eph 5:26,27 Heb 9:9,10; 10:22 1Pe 3:21 Re 1:5 In such a vast camp as that of the Israelites, (See Notes on Nu ch. 1; 2,) and indeed, as Scheuchzer remarks, in every well regulated camp, cleanliness is considered as indispensably necessary. VERSE 12 * :12 VERSE 13 - wilt ease thyself. Heb. sittest down. cover that. * Eze 24:6-8 VERSE 14 - walketh. * Ge 17:1 Le 26:12 2Co 6:16 - unclean thing. Heb. nakedness of any thing. VERSE 15 We cannot suppose that this law required the Israelites to entertain slaves who had robbed their masters, or left their service without cause; but such only as were cruelly treated, and fled to them for protection, especially from the neighboring nations. To such they were commanded to afford shelter, and shew great kindness. * 1Sa 30:15 Ob 1:14 Phm 10:19 VERSE 16 - shall dwell. * Isa 16:3,4 Lu 15:15-24 Tit 3:2,3 - liketh him best. Heb. is good for him. thou shalt not. * Ex 22:21; 23:9 Jer 7:6 Zec 7:10 Mal 3:5 Jas 2:6 VERSE 17 - There shall be, etc. The prohibition in the text, like many others, has no direct application to practices that were common among the Israelites at that time; but was intended to guard them against the enormities which were practised among the surrounding nations. * De 22:21,29 Le 19:29 Pr 2:16 - whore. or, sodomitess. * Ro 1:26 - sodomite. * Ge 19:4,5 Jud 19:22 1Ki 14:24; 15:12; 22:46 2Ki 23:7 Ro 1:27,28 * 1Co 6:9 1Ti 1:10 VERSE 18 - hire. * Eze 16:33 - dog. * Ps 22:16 Pr 26:11 Isa 56:10,11 Mt 7:6 Php 3:2 2Pe 2:22 * Re 22:15 - any vow. See on ver. * :21; 12:6 Le 7:16 Ps 5:4-6 Isa 61:8 Hab 1:13 Mal 1:14 VERSE 19 * Ex 22:25 Le 25:35-37 Ne 5:1-7 Ps 15:5 Eze 18:7,8,13,16-18 * Eze 22:12 Lu 6:34,35 VERSE 20 - a stranger. * De 14:21; 15:3 Le 19:33,34 - that the. See on ch. * De 15:10 Pr 19:17 Isa 1:19 Lu 14:14 1Co 15:58 VERSE 21 * :18 Ge 28:20; 35:1-3 Le 27:2-34 Nu 30:2-16 Ps 56:12; 66:13,14 * Ps 76:11; 116:18 Ec 5:4,5 Jon 1:16; 2:9 Na 1:15 VERSE 22 VERSE 23 - That which. * Nu 30:2 Jud 11:30,31,35 1Sa 1:11 Ps 66:13,14; 116:18 Pr 20:25 * Ec 5:4,5 - hast vowed. * 1Sa 14:24 Jer 44:25-27 Mr 6:22,23 Ac 23:12,21 VERSE 24 - thou mayest. * Ro 12:13 1Co 10:26 Heb 13:5 VERSE 25 - then thou mayest. * Mt 12:1,2 Mr 2:23 Lu 6:1,2 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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