549 Summer - Made by God #PS 74:17 - Yearly return of, secured by covenant #GE 8:22 - Characterised By . Excessive heat #JER 17:8 . Excessive drought #PS 32:4 - Approach of, indicated by shooting out of leaves on trees #MT 24:32 - Many kinds of fruit were ripe and used during #2SA 16:1; JER 40:10; 48:32 - The ancients had houses or apartments suited to #JUD 3:20,24; AM 3:15 - The ant provided her winter food during #PR 6:8; 30:25 - The wise are diligent during #PR 10:5 - Illustrative of seasons of grace #JER 8:20 550 Sun, The - Called the greater light #GE 1:16 - GOD . Created #GE 1:14,16; PS 74:16 . Placed in the firmament #GE 1:17 . Appointed to rule the day #GE 1:16; PS 136:8; JER 31:35 . Appointed to divide seasons #GE 1:14 . Exercises sovereign power over #Job 9:7 . Causes, to rise both on evil and good #MT 5:45 . Causes to know its time of setting #PS 104:19 - Made to praise and glorify God #PS 148:3 - The power and brilliancy of its rising alluded to #JUD 5:31; 2SA 23:4 - Clearness of its light alluded to #SO 6:10 - Compared to a bridegroom coming forth from his chamber #PS 19:5 - Compared to a strong man rejoicing to run a race #PS 19:5 - Diffuses light and heat to all the earth #PS 19:6 - THE RAYS OF . Pleasant to man #Job 30:28; EC 11:7 . Produce and ripen fruits #DE 33:14 . Soften and melt some substances #EX 16:21 . Wither and burn up the herbs of the field #MR 4:6; JAS 1:11 . Change the color of the skin #SO 1:6 . Frequently destructive to human life #2KI 4:18-20; PS 121:6; ISA 49:10 - Indicates the hours of the day by the shadow on the dial #2KI 20:9 - THE JEWS . Commenced their day with the rising of #GE 19:23,24,27,28; JUD 9:33 . Commenced their evening with the setting of #GE 28:11; DE 24:13; MR 1:32 . Expressed the east by rising of #NU 21:11; DE 4:41,47; JOS 12:1 . Expressed the west by setting of #JOS 1:4 . Expressed the whole earth by, from rising of, to setting of #PS 50:1; 113:3; ISA 45:6 . Forbidden to worship #DE 4:19; 17:3 . Made images of #2CH 14:5; 34:4 . Consecrated chariots and horses, as symbols of #2KI 23:11 . Worshipped #2KI 23:5; JER 8:2 - Worshippers of, turned their faces towards the east #EZE 8:16 - MIRACLES CONNECTED WITH . Standing still for a whole day in the valley of Ajalon #JOS 10:12,13 . Shadow put back on the dial #2KI 20:11 . Darkened at the crucifixion #LU 23:44,45 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of God's favor #PS 84:11 . Of Christ's coming #MAL 4:2 . Of the glory of Christ #MT 17:2; RE 1:16; 10:1 . Of supreme rulers #GE 37:9; ISA 13:10 . (Its clearness,) of the purity of the church #SO 6:10 . (Its brightness,) of the future glory of saints #DA 12:3; MT 13:43 . (Its power,) of the triumph of saints #JUD 5:31 . (Darkened,) of severe calamities #EZE 32:7; JOE 2:10,31; MT 24:29; RE 9:2 . (Going down at noon,) of premature destruction #JER 15:9; AM 8:9 . (No more going down,) of perpetual blessedness #ISA 60:20 . (Before or in sight of,) of public ignominy #2SA 12:11,12; JER 8:2 551 Swearing Falsely - Forbidden #LE 19:12; NU 30:2; MT 5:33 - Hateful to God #ZEC 8:17 - We should not love #ZEC 8:17 - Fraud often leads to #LE 6:2,3 - Saints abstain from #JOS 9:20; PS 15:4 - Blessedness of abstaining from #PS 24:4,5 - THE WICKED . Addicted to #JER 5:2; HO 10:4 . Plead excuses for #JER 7:9,10 . Shall be judged on account of #MAL 3:5 . Shall be cut off for #ZEC 5:3 . Shall have a curse upon their houses for #ZEC 5:4 - False witnesses guilty of #DE 19:16,18 - Exemplified . Saul #1SA 19:6,10 . Shimei #1KI 2:41-43 . Jews #EZE 16:59 . Zedekiah #EZE 17:13-19 . Peter #MT 26:72,74 552 Swearing, Profane - Of all kinds is desecration of God's name and is forbidden #EX 20:7; MT 5:34-36; 23:21,22; JAS 5:12 - THE WICKED . Addicted to #PS 10:7; RO 3:14 . Love #PS 109:17 . Clothe themselves with #PS 109:18 - Guilt of #EX 20:7; DE 5:11 - Woe denounced against #MT 23:16 - Nations visited for #JER 23:10; HO 4:1-3 - Punishment for #LE 24:16,23; PS 59:12; 109:17,18 - Exemplified . Son of Israelitish woman #LE 24:11 . Gehazi #2KI 5:20 . Peter #MT 26:74 553 Swine - When wild inhabited the woods #PS 80:13 - Unclean and not to be eaten #LE 11:7,8 - DESCRIBED . Fierce and ungenerous #MT 7:6 . Filthy in its habits #2PE 2:22 . Destructive to agriculture #PS 80:13 - Fed upon husks #LU 15:16 - Sacrificing of, an abomination #ISA 66:3 - Kept in large herds #MT 8:30 - Herding of, considered as the greatest degradation to a Jew #LU 15:15 - The Gergesenes punished for having #MT 8:31,32; MR 5:11,14 - The ungodly Jews condemned for eating #ISA 65:4; 66:17 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . The wicked #MT 7:6 . Hypocrites #2PE 2:22 554 Sword, The - Probable origin #GE 3:24 - Was pointed #EZE 21:15 - Frequently had two edges #PS 149:6 - DESCRIBED AS . Sharp #PS 57:4 . Bright #NA 3:3 . Glittering #DE 32:41; Job 20:25 . Oppressive #JER 46:16 . Hurtful #PS 144:10 - Carried in a sheath or scabbard #1CH 21:27; JER 47:6; EZE 21:3-5 - Suspended from the girdle #1SA 17:39; 2SA 20:8; NE 4:18; PS 45:3 - WAS USED . By the patriarchs #GE 34:25; 48:22 . By the Jews #JUD 20:2; 2SA 24:9 . By heathen nations #JUD 7:22; 1SA 15:33 . For self-defence #LU 22:36 . For destruction of enemies #NU 21:24; JOS 6:21 . For punishing criminals #1SA 15:33; AC 12:2 . Sometimes for self-destruction #1SA 31:4,5; AC 16:27 - Hebrews early acquainted with making of #1SA 13:19 - In time of war, plough shares made into #JOE 3:10 - In time of peace made into plough shares #ISA 2:4; MIC 4:3 - Sharpened and furbished before going to war #PS 7:12; EZE 21:9 - Was brandished over the head #EZE 32:10 - Was thrust through enemies #EZE 16:40 - Often threatened as a punishment #LE 26:25,33; DE 32:25 - Often sent as a punishment #EZR 9:7; PS 78:62 - Was one of God's four sore judgments #EZE 14:21 - Those slain by, communicated ceremonial uncleanness #NU 19:16 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of the word of God #EPH 6:17; HEB 4:12 . Of the word of Christ #ISA 49:2; RE 1:16 . Of the justice of God #DE 32:41; ZEC 13:7 . Of the protection of God #DE 33:29 . Of war and contention #MT 10:34 . Of severe and heavy calamities #EZE 5:2,17; 14:17; 21:9 . Of deep mental affliction #LU 2:35 . Of the wicked #PS 17:13 . Of the tongue of the wicked #PS 57:4; 64:3; PR 12:18 . Of persecuting spirit of the wicked #PS 37:14 . Of the end of the wicked #PR 5:4 . Of false witnesses #PR 25:18 . Of judicial authority #RO 13:4 . (Drawing of,) of war and destruction #LE 26:33; EZE 21:3-5 . (Putting, into its sheath,) of peace and friendship #JER 47:6 . (Living by,) of rapine #GE 27:40 . (Not departing from one's house,) of perpetual calamity #2SA 12:10 555 Synagogues - Places in which the Jews assembled for worship #AC 13:5,14 - Early notice of their existence #PS 74:8 - Probably originated in the schools of the prophets #1SA 19:18-24; 2KI 4:23 - Revival of, after the captivity #NE 8:1-8 - SERVICE OF, CONSISTED OF . Prayer #MT 6:5 . Reading the word of God #NE 8:18; 9:3; 13:1; AC 15:21 . Expounding the word of God #NE 8:8; LU 4:21 . Praise and thanksgiving #NE 9:5 - Service in, on the Sabbath day #LU 4:16; AC 13:14 - GOVERNED BY . A president or chief ruler #AC 18:8,17 . Ordinary rulers #MR 5:22; AC 13:15 - Provided with a minister, who had charge of the sacred books #LU 4:17,20 - Had seats fro the congregation #AC 13:14 - Chief seats in, reserved for elders #MT 23:6 - The portion of Scripture for the day sometimes read by one of the congregation #LU 4:16 - Strangers were invited to address the congregation in #AC 13:15 - CHRIST OFTEN . Attended #LU 4:16 . Preached and taught in #MT 4:23; MR 1:39; LU 13:10 . Performed miracles in #MT 12:9,10; MR 1:23; LU 13:11 - The Apostles frequently taught and preached in #AC 9:20; 13:5; 17:1,17 - Often used as courts of justice #AC 9:2; JAS 2:2 - OFFENDERS WERE OFTEN . Given up to, for trial #LU 12:11; 21:12 . Punished in #MT 10:17; 23:34; AC 22:19 . Expelled from #JOH 9:22,34; 12:42; 16:2 - The building of, considered a noble and meritorious work #LU 7:5 - Sometimes several, in the same city #AC 6:9; 9:2 - Each sect had its own #AC 6:9 556 Syria - Originally included Mesopotamia #GE 25:20; 28:5; DE 26:5; AC 7:2 - More properly the country around Damascus #2SA 8:6 - Damascus the capital of #ISA 7:8 - Abana and Pharpar rivers of #2KI 5:12 - Governed by kings #1KI 22:31; 2KI 5:1 - INHABITANTS OF . Called Syrians #2SA 10:11; 2KI 5:20 . Called Syrians of Damascus #2SA 8:5 . An idolatrous people #JUD 10:6; 2KI 5:18 . A warlike people #1KI 20:23,25 . A commercial people #EZE 27:18 . Spoke the Syriack language #2KI 18:26; EZR 4:7; DA 2:4 - Israel followed the idolatry of #JUD 10:6 - DAVID . Destroyed the army of, which assisted Hadadezer #2SA 8:5 . Garrisoned and made tributary #2SA 8:6 . Dedicated the spoils of #2SA 8:11,12 . Obtained renown by his victory over #2SA 8:13 . Sent Joab against the armies of, hired by the Ammonites #2SA 10:6-14 . Destroyed a second army of #2SA 10:15-19 - Asa sought aid of, against Israel #1KI 15:18-20 - Elijah anointed Hazael king over, by divine direction #1KI 19:15 - Benhadad king of, besieged Samaria #1KI 20:1-12 - THE ISRAELITES . Under Ahab encouraged and assisted by God, overcame #1KI 20:13-20 . Forewarned of invasion by, at the return of the year #1KI 20:22-25 . Insignificant before #1KI 20:26,27 . Encouraged and assisted by God overcame a second time #1KI 20:28-30 . Craftily drawn into a league with #1KI 20:31-43 . At peace with, for three years #1KI 22:1 . Under Ahab sought to recover Ramoth-gilead from #1KI 22:3-29 . Defeated by, and Ahab slain #1KI 22:30-36 . Harassed by frequent incursions of #2KI 5:2; 6:23 . Heard the secrets of, from Elisha #2KI 6:8-12 - God smote with blindness those sent against Elisha by the king of #2KI 6:14,18-20 - Besieged Samaria again #2KI 6:24-29 - Army of, miraculously routed #2KI 7:5,6 - Death of the king of, and the cruelty of his successor foretold by Elisha #2KI 8:7,15 - Joram king of Israel in seeking to recover Ramothgilead from, severely wounded #2KI 8:28,29; 9:15 - Israel delivered into the hands of, for the sins of Jehoahaz #2KI 13:3,7,22 - A savior raised up for Israel against #2KI 13:5,23-25 - Elisha predicted to Joash his three victories over #2KI 13:14-19 - Joined with Israel against Ahaz and besieged Jerusalem #2KI 16:5; ISA 7:12 - Retook Elath and drove out the Jews #2KI 16:6 - Subdued and its inhabitants taken captive by Assyria #2KI 16:9 - PROPHECIES RESPECTING . Destruction of Rezin king of #ISA 7:8,16 . Ceasing to be a kingdom #ISA 17:1-3 . Terror and dismay in, occasioned by its invasion #JER 49:23,24 . Destruction of its inhabitants #JER 49:26 . Plundering of Damascus #ISA 8:4 . Burning of Damascus #JER 49:27; AM 1:4 . Its calamities, the punishments of its sins #AM 1:3 . Its inhabitants to be captives #AM 1:3 . Its history in connection with the Macedonia empire #DA 11:6-45 - Subdued and governed by the Romans #LU 2:2 - Gospel preached and many churches founded in #AC 15:23,41 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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