543 Sobriety - Commanded #1PE 1:13; 5:8 - The gospel designed to teach #TIT 2:11,12 - With watchfulness #1TH 5:6 - With prayer #1PE 4:7 - REQUIRED IN . Ministers #1TI 3:2,3; TIT 1:8 . Wives of ministers #1TI 3:11 . Aged men #TIT 2:2 . Young men #TIT 2:6 . Young women #TIT 2:4 . All saints #1TH 5:6,8 - Women should exhibit, in dress #1TI 2:9 - We should estimate our character and talents with #RO 12:3 - We should live in #TIT 2:12 - Motives to #1PE 4:7; 5:8 544 Spear - An offensive weapon #2SA 23:8,18 - First mention of, in Scripture #JOS 8:18 - PARTS OF MENTIONED . The staff of wood #1SA 17:7 . The head of iron or brass #1SA 17:7; 2SA 21:16 - Probably pointed at both ends #2SA 2:23 - Called the glittering spear #Job 39:23; HAB 3:11 - DIFFERENT KINDS OF . Lances #JER 50:42 . Javelins #NU 25:7; 1SA 18:10 . Darts #2SA 18:14; Job 41:26,29 - Those who used, called spearmen #PS 68:30; AC 23:23 - Frequently used by horse soldiers #NA 3:3 - Furbished before war #JER 46:4 - Pruning-hooks made into, before war #JOE 3:10 - Made into pruning-hooks in peace #ISA 2:4; MIC 4:3 - THE ISRAELITES . Acquainted with the making of #1SA 13:19 . Frequently used #NE 4:13,16 . Ill provided with, in the times of Deborah and Saul #JUD 5:8; 1SA 13:22 - Provided by the kings of Israel in great abundance #2CH 11:12; 32:5 - Frequently thrown from the hand #1SA 18:11; 19:10 - Often retained in the hand of the person using #NU 25:7; 2SA 2:23 - Stuck in the ground beside the bolster during sleep #1SA 26:7-11 - Illustrative of the bitterness of the wicked #PS 57:4 545 Stars, The - Infinite in number #GE 15:5; JER 33:2 - GOD . Created #GE 1:16; PS 8:3; 148:5 . Set, in the firmament of heaven #GE 1:17 . Appointed to give light by night #GE 1:16,14; PS 136:9; JER 31:35 . Numbers and names #PS 147:4 . Established, for ever #PS 148:3,6; JER 31:36 . Obscures #Job 9:7 - Revolve in fixed orbits #JUD 5:20 - Shine in the firmament of heaven #DA 12:3 - Appear of different magnitudes #1CO 15:41 - Appear after sunset #NE 4:21; Job 3:9 - CALLED . The host of heaven #DE 17:3; JER 33:22 . Stars of light #PS 148:3 . Stars of heaven #ISA 13:10 - When grouped together called constellations #2KI 23:5; ISA 13:10 - Exhibit the greatness of God's power #PS 8:3; ISA 40:26 - Made to praise God #PS 148:3 - Impure in the sight of God #Job 25:5 - MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE . Morning star #RE 2:28 . Arcturus #Job 9:9; 38:32 . Pleiades #Job 9:9; 38:31; AM 5:8 . Orion #Job 9:9; 38:31; AM 5:8 . Mazzaroth #Job 38:32 - One of extraordinary brightness appeared at Christ's birth #MT 2:2,9 - Idolaters worshipped #JER 8:2; 19:13 - The Israelites forbidden to worship #DE 4:19; 17:2-4 - Punishment for worshipping #DE 17:5-7 - False gods frequently worshipped under the representation of #AM 5:26; AC 7:43 - Astrology and star-gazing practised by the Babylonians #ISA 47:13 - Use of, in navigation, alluded to #AC 27:20 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of Christ #NU 24:17 . Of angels #Job 38:7 . Of ministers #RE 1:16,20; 2:1 . Of princes and subordinate governors #DA 8:10; RE 8:12 . (Bright and morning star,) of Christ #RE 22:16 . (Morning star,) of glory to be given to faithful saints #RE 2:28 . (Shining of,) of the reward of faithful ministers #DA 12:3 . (Withdrawing their light,) of severe judgments #ISA 13:10; EZE 32:7; JOE 2:10; 3:15 . (Setting the nest amongst,) of pride and carnal security #OB 1:4 . (Wandering,) of false teachers #Jude 1:13 546 Steadfastness - Exhibited by God in all his purposes and ways #NU 23:19; DA 6:26; JAS 1:17 - Commanded #PHP 4:1; 2TH 2:15; JAS 1:6-8 - Godliness necessary to #Job 11:13-15 - SECURED BY . The power of God #PS 55:22; 62:2; 1PE 1:5; Jude 1:24 . The presence of God #PS 16:8 . Trust in God #PS 26:1 . The intercession of Christ #LU 22:31,32 - A characteristic of saints #Job 17:9; JOH 8:31 - SHOULD BE MANIFESTED . In cleaving to God #DE 10:20; AC 11:23 . In the work of the Lord #1CO 15:58 . In continuing in the Apostles' doctrine #AC 2:42 . In holding fast our profession #HEB 4:14; 10:23 . In holding fast the confidence and rejoicing of the hope #HEB 3:6,14 . In keeping the faith #COL 2:5; 1PE 5:9 . In standing fast in the faith #1CO 16:13 . In holding fast what is good #1TH 5:21 . In maintaining Christian liberty #GA 5:1 . In striving for the faith of the gospel #PHP 1:27; Jude 1:3 . Even under affliction #PS 44:17-19; RO 8:35-37; 1TH 3:3 - Saints pray for #PS 17:5 - Saints praise God for #PS 116:8 - MINISTERS . Exhorted to #2TI 1:13,14; TIT 1:9 . Should exhort to #AC 13:43; 14:22 . Should pray for, in their people #1TH 3:13; 2TH 2:17 . Encouraged by, in their people #1TH 3:8 . Rejoiced by, in their people #COL 2:5 - The wicked void of #PS 78:8,37 - Principle of-Illustrated #MT 7:24,25; JOH 15:4; COL 2:7 - Want of-Illustrated #LU 8:6,13; JOH 15:6; 2PE 2:17; Jude 1:12 - Exemplified . Caleb #NU 14:24 . Joshua #JOS 24:15 . Josiah #2KI 22:2 . Job #Job 2:3 . David #PS 18:21,22 . Shadrach #DA 3:18 . Daniel #DA 6:10 . The Christians #AC 2:42 . Corinthians #1CO 15:1 . Colossians #COL 2:5 . Those who overcame Satan #RE 12:11 547 Strangers in Israel - All foreigners sojourning in Israel were counted as #EX 12:49 - Under the care and protection of God #DE 10:18; PS 146:9 - Very numerous in Solomon's reign #2CH 2:17 - CHIEFLY CONSISTED OF . The remnant of the mixed multitude who came out of Egypt #EX 12:38 . The remnant of the nations of the land #1KI 9:20; 2CH 8:7 . Captives taken in war #DE 21:10 . Foreign servants #LE 25:44,45 . Persons who sought employment among the Jews #1KI 7:13; 9:27 . Persons who came into Israel for the sake of religious privileges #1KI 8:41 - LAWS RESPECTING . Not to practise idolatrous rites #LE 20:2 . Not to blaspheme God #LE 24:16 . Not to eat blood #LE 17:10-12 . Not to eat the passover while uncircumcised #EX 12:43,44 . Not to work on the Sabbath #EX 20:10; 23:12; DE 5:14 . Not to be vexed or oppressed #EX 22:21; 23:9; LE 19:33 . Not to be chosen as kings in Israel #DE 17:15 . To be loved #LE 19:34; DE 10:19 . To be relieved in distress #LE 25:35 . Subject to the civil law #LE 24:22 . To have justice done to them in all disputes #DE 1:16; 24:17 . To enjoy the benefit of the cities of refuge #NU 35:15 . To have the gleaning of the harvest #LE 19:10; 23:22; DE 24:19-22 . To participate in the rejoicings of the people #DE 14:29; 16:11,14; 26:11 . To have the law read to them #DE 31:12; JOS 8:32-35 . The Jews might purchase and have them as slaves #LE 25:44,45 . The Jews might take usury from #DE 23:20 . Might purchase Hebrew servants subject to release #LE 25:47,48 . Might offer their burnt-offerings on the altar of God #LE 17:8; 22:18; NU 15:14 . Allowed to eat what died of itself #DE 14:21 - Motives urged on the Jews for being kind to #EX 22:21; 23:9 - Admitted to worship in the outer court of the temple #1KI 8:41-43; RE 11:2; EPH 2:14 - Were frequently employed in public works #1CH 22:2; 2CH 2:18 - The Jews condemned for oppressing #PS 94:6; EZE 22:7,29 548 Strife - Christ, an example of avoiding #ISA 42:2; MT 12:15-19; LU 9:52-56; 1PE 2:23 - Forbidden #PR 3:30; 25:8 - A work of the flesh #GA 5:20 - An evidence of a carnal spirit #1CO 3:3 - Existed in the church #1CO 1:11 - EXCITED BY . Hatred #PR 10:12 . Pride #PR 13:10; 28:25 . Wrath #PR 15:18; 30:33 . Frowardness #PR 16:28 . A contentious disposition #PR 26:21 . Tale-bearing #PR 26:20 . Drunkenness #PR 23:29,30 . Lusts #JAS 4:1 . Curious questions #1TI 6:4; 2TI 2:23 . Scorning #PR 22:10 - Difficulty of stopping, a reason for avoiding it #PR 17:14 - Shameful in saints #2CO 12:20; JAS 3:14 - SAINTS SHOULD . Avoid #GE 13:8; EPH 4:3 . Avoid questions that lead to #2TI 2:14 . Not walk in #RO 13:13 . Not act from #PHP 2:3 . Do all things without #PHP 2:14 . Submit to wrong rather than engage in #PR 20:22; MT 5:39,40; 1CO 6:7 . Seek God's protection from #PS 35:1; JER 18:19 . Praise God for protection from #2SA 22:44; PS 18:43 - Saints kept from tongues of #PS 31:20 - MINISTERS SHOULD . Avoid #1TI 3:3; 2TI 2:24 . Avoid questions that lead to #2TI 2:23; TIT 3:9 . Not preach through #PHP 1:15,16 . Warn against #1CO 1:10; 2TI 2:14 . Reprove #1CO 1:11,12; 3:3; 11:17,18 - Appeased by slowness to anger #PR 15:18 - It is honorable to cease from #PR 20:3 - Hypocrites make religion a pretence for #ISA 58:4 - Fools engage in #PR 18:6 - Evidences a love of transgression #PR 17:19 - LEADS TO . Blasphemy #LE 24:10,11 . Injustice #HAB 1:3,4 . Confusion and every evil work #JAS 3:16 . Violence #EX 21:18,22 . Mutual destruction #GA 5:15 - Temporal blessing embittered by #PR 17:1 - Excludes from heaven #GA 5:20,21 - Promoters of, should be expelled #PR 22:10 - Punishment for #PS 55:9 - Strength and violence of--Illustrated #PR 17:14; 18:19 - Danger of joining in--Illustrated #PR 26:17 - Exemplified . Herdmen of Abram and of Lot #GE 13:7 . Herdmen of Gerar and of Isaac #GE 26:20 . Laban and Jacob #GE 31:36 . Two Hebrews #EX 2:13 . Israelites #DE 1:12 . Judah and Israel #2SA 19:41-43 . Disciples #LU 22:24 . Judaising Teachers #AC 15:2 . Paul and Barnabas #AC 15:39 . Pharisees and Sadducees #AC 23:7 . 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