366 Medo-Persian Kingdom - Extended from India to Ethiopia #ES 1:1 - Peopled by descendants of Eliam #GE 10:22 - ILLUSTRATED BY . Silver part of image in Nebuchadnezzar's dream #DA 2:32,39 . A bear #DA 7:5 . A ram with two horns #DA 8:3,20 - Shushan a chief city of #ES 1:2; 8:15 - Achmetha or Ecbatana a chief city of #EZR 6:2 - Divided into many provinces #ES 1:1; DA 6:1 - Laws of, unalterable #DA 6:12,15 - Ruled by, absolute kings #ES 3:8,11; 7:9 - KINGS OF, MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE . Cyrus #EZR 1:1 . Ahasuerus or Cambyses #EZR 4:6 . Artaxerxes Smerdis (an usurper) #EZR 4:7 . Darius Hystaspes #EZR 6:1; DA 5:31 . Xerxes #DA 11:2 . Artaxerxes Longimanus or Ahasuerus #EZR 6:14; 7:1; ES 1:1 - KINGS OF . Called kings of Assyria #EZR 6:22 . Called kings of Babylon #NE 13:6 . Styled themselves king of kings #EZR 7:12 . Dwelt in royal palaces #ES 1:2; 8:14 . Were exceeding rich #ES 1:4; DA 12:2 . Entertained magnificently #ES 1:3,5,7 . Held in their hand a golden sceptre #ES 5:2 . Put to death all who approached them without permission #ES 4:11,16 - Celebrated for wise men #ES 1:13; MT 2:1 - People of, warlike #EZE 27:10; 38:5 - Peculiar customs in #ES 1:8; 2:12,13 - Babylon taken by the king of #DA 5:20,31 - The Jews delivered from captivity by means of #2CH 36:20,22,23; EZR 1:1-4 - PREDICTIONS RESPECTING . Extensive conquest #DA 8:4 . Conquest of Babylon #ISA 21:1,2; DA 5:28 . Deliverance of the Jews #ISA 44:28; 45:1-4 . Invasion of Greece under Xerxes #DA 11:2 . Downfall by Alexander #DA 8:6,7; 11:3 367 Meekness - Christ set an example of #PS 45:4; ISA 53:7; MT 11:29; 21:5; 2CO 10:1; 1PE 2:21-23 - His teaching #MT 5:38-45 - A fruit of the Spirit #GA 5:22,23 - SAINTS SHOULD . Seek #ZEP 2:3 . Put on #COL 3:12-13 . Receive the word of God with #JAS 1:21 . Exhibit, in conduct, etc. #JAS 3:13 . Answer for their hope with #1PE 3:15 . Show to all men #TIT 3:2 . Restore the erring with #GA 6:1 - Precious in the sight of God #1PE 3:4 - MINISTERS SHOULD . Follow after #1TI 6:11 . Instruct opposers with #2TI 2:24,25 . Urge, on their people #TIT 3:1,2 - A characteristic of wisdom #JAS 3:17 - Necessary to a Christian walk #EPH 4:1,2; 1CO 6:7 - THOSE WHO ARE GIFTED WITH . Are preserved #PS 76:9 . Are exalted #PS 147:6; MT 23:12 . Are guided and taught #PS 25:9 . Are richly provided for #PS 22:26 . Are beautified with salvation #PS 149:4 . Increase their joy #ISA 29:19 . Shall inherit the earth #PS 37:11 - The gospel to be preached to those who possess #ISA 61:1 - Blessedness of #MT 5:5 - Exemplified . Moses #NU 12:3 . David #1SA 30:6; 2SA 16:9-12 . Paul #1CO 4:12; 1TH 2:7 368 Mercy - After the example of God #LU 6:36 - Enjoined #2KI 6:21-23; HO 12:6; RO 12:20,21; COL 3:12 - To be engraved on the heart #PR 3:3 - Characteristic of saints #PS 37:26; ISA 57:1 - SHOULD BE SHOWN . With cheerfulness #RO 12:8 . To our brethren #ZEC 7:9 . to those that are in distress #LU 10:37 . To the poor #PR 14:31; DA 4:27 . To backsliders #LU 15:18-20; 2CO 2:6-8 . To animals #PR 12:10 - Upholds the throne of kings #PR 20:28 - Beneficial to those who exercise #PR 11:17 - Blessedness of showing #PR 14:21; MT 5:7 - Hypocrites void of #MT 23:23 - Denunciations against those void of #HO 4:1,3; MT 18:23-25; JAS 2:13 369 Mercy of God, The - Is part of his character #EX 34:6,7; PS 62:12; NE 9:17; JON 4:2,10,11; 2CO 1:3 - DESCRIBED AS . Great #NU 14:18; ISA 54:7 . Rich #EPH 2:4 . Manifold #NE 9:27; LA 3:32 . Plenteous #PS 86:5,15; 103:8 . Abundant #1PE 1:3 . Sure #ISA 55:3; MIC 7:20 . Everlasting #1CH 16:34; PS 89:28; 106:1; 107:1; 136:1-26 . Tender #PS 25:6; 103:4; LU 1:78 . New every morning #LA 3:23 . High as heaven #PS 36:5; 103:11 . Filling the earth #PS 119:64 . Over all his works #PS 145:9 - Is his delight #MIC 7:18 - MANIFESTED . In the sending of Christ #LU 1:78 . In salvation #TIT 3:5 . In long-suffering #LA 3:22; DA 9:9 . To his people #DE 32:43; 1KI 8:23 . To them that fear him #PS 103:17; LU 1:50 . To returning backsliders #JER 3:12; HO 14:4; JOE 2:13 . To repentant sinners #PS 32:5; PR 28:13; ISA 55:7; LU 15:18-20 . To the afflicted #ISA 49:13; 54:7 . To the fatherless #HO 14:3 . To whom he will #HO 2:23; RO 9:15,18 . With everlasting kindness #ISA 54:8 - A ground of hope #PS 130:7; 147:11 - A ground of trust #PS 52:8 - SHOULD BE . Sought for ourselves #PS 6:2 . Sought for others #GA 6:16; 1TI 1:2; 2TI 1:18 . Pleaded in prayer #PS 6:4; 25:6; 51:1 . Rejoiced in #PS 31:7 . Magnified #1CH 16:34; PS 115:1; 118:1-4,29; JER 33:11 - Typified . Mercy seat #EX 25:17 - Exemplified . Lot #GE 19:16,19 . Epaphroditus #PHP 2:27 . Paul #1TI 1:13 370 Mercy-seat - Moses commanded to make #EX 25:17 - Bezaleel given wisdom to make #EX 31:2,3,7 - Made of pure gold #EX 25:17; 37:6 - The cherubim formed out of, and at each end of it #EX 25:18-20; HEB 9:5 - Placed upon the ark of testimony #EX 25:21; 26:34; 40:20 - GOD . Appeared over in the cloud #LE 16:2 . Dwelt over #PS 80:1 . Spoke from above #EX 25:22; NU 7:89 - Covered with a cloud of incense on the day of atonement #LE 16:13 - The blood of sacrifices on the day of atonement sprinkled upon and before #LE 16:14,15 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . Christ #RO 3:25; HEB 9:3 . The throne of grace #HEB 4:16 371 Metals - Dug out of the earth #Job 28:1,2,6 - MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE . Gold #GE 2:11,12 . Silver #GE 44:2 . Brass #EX 27:2,4; 2CH 12:10 . Copper #EZR 8:27; 2TI 4:14 . Iron #NU 35:16; PR 27:17 . Lead #EX 15:10; JER 6:29 . Tin #NU 31:22 - Comparative value of #ISA 60:17; DA 2:32-45 - Often mixed with dross #ISA 1:25 - The holy land abounded in #DE 8:9 - Antiquity of the art of working in #GE 4:21 - Freed from dross by fire #EZE 22:18,20 - Ceremonially cleansed by fire #NU 31:21-23 - Cast in mould #JUD 17:4; JER 6:29 - Clay of Jordan used for moulding #1KI 7:46 - An extensive commerce in #EZE 27:12 372 Midianites - Descended form Midian, son of Abraham by Keturah #GE 25:1,2; 1CH 1:32 - Dwelt east of Jordan, beside Moab #NU 22:1,4 - A SMALL PART OF . Dwelt near Horeb #EX 2:15; 3:1 . Retained the knowledge and worship of Jehovah #EX 2:16; 18:9-12 - Governed by kings #NU 31:8; JUD 8:5 - Dwelt in tents #HAB 3:7 - Engaged in commerce #GE 37:28,36 - Conquered by Hadad #GE 36:25; 1CH 1:46 - Excited by Moab against Israel #NU 22:4 - Terrified at approach of Israel #HAB 3:3-7 - WITH THE MOABITES . Sent for Balaam to curse Israel #NU 22:5-7 . Seduced Israel to idolatry #NU 25:1-6 . Punished for seducing Israel #NU 25:16-18; 31:1-12 - Allowed to oppress Israel #JUD 6:1-6 - Gideon raised up against #JUD 6:11-14 - With Amalek, etc. opposed Gideon #JUD 6:33 - Miraculously defeated and destroyed by Gideon #JUD 7:16-22; 8:10,11 - Princes of, slain #JUD 7:24,25; 8:12,21 - Completeness of their destruction, alluded to #PS 83:9-11; ISA 9:4; 10:26 - Shall minister to future glory of the church #ISA 60:6 373 Milk - An animal secretion, of a white color #LA 4:7 - Used as food by the Jews #GE 18:8; JUD 5:25 - DIFFERENT KINDS MENTIONED . Of cows #DE 32:14; 1SA 6:7 . Of camels #GE 32:15 . Of goats #PR 27:27 . Of sheep #DE 32:14 . Of sea-monsters #LA 4:3 - Flocks and herds fed for supply of #PR 27:23,27; ISA 7:21,22; 1CO 9:7 - Canaan abounded with #EX 3:8,17; JOS 5:6 - MADE INTO . Butter #PR 30:33 . Cheese #Job 10:10 - Kept by the Jews in bottles #JUD 4:19 - Young animals not to be seethed in that of the mother #EX 23:19 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . Temporal blessings #GE 49:12 . Blessings of the gospel #ISA 55:1; JOE 3:18 . First principles of God's word #1CO 3:2; HEB 5:12; 1PE 2:2 . Godly and edifying discourses #SO 4:11 . Wealth of the Gentiles #ISA 60:16 . Doctrines of the gospel #SO 5:1 374 Mills - Antiquity of #EX 11:5 - USED FOR GRINDING . Manna in the wilderness #NU 11:8 . Corn #ISA 47:2 - Female servants usually employed at #EX 11:5; MT 24:41 - Male captives often employed at #JUD 16:24; LA 5:13 - STONES USED IN . Hard #Job 41:24 . Heavy #MT 18:6 . Large #RE 18:21 . Not to be taken in pledge #DE 24:6 . Often thrown down on enemies during sieges #JUD 9:53; 2SA 11:21 - ILLUSTRATIVE . (Grinding at,) of degradation #ISA 47:1,2 . (Ceasing,) of desolation #JER 25:10; RE 18:22 375 Ministers - Called by God #EX 28:1; HEB 5:4 - Qualified by God #ISA 6:5-7; 2CO 3:5,6 - Commissioned by Christ #MT 28:19 - Sent by the Holy Spirit #AC 13:2,4 - Have authority from God #2CO 10:8; 13:10 - Authority of, is for edification #2CO 10:8; 13:10 - Separated to the gospel #RO 1:1 - Entrusted with the gospel #1TH 2:4 - DESCRIBED AS . Ambassadors for Christ #2CO 5:20 . Ministers of Christ #1CO 4:1 . Stewards of the mysteries of God #1CO 4:1 . Defenders of the faith #PHP 1:7 . The servants of Christ's people #2CO 4:5 - Specially protected by God #2CO 1:10 - Necessity for #MT 9:37,38; RO 10:14 - Excellency of #RO 10:15 - Labors of, vain, without God's blessing #1CO 3:7; 15:10 - Compared to earthen vessels #2CO 4:7 - SHOULD BE . Pure #ISA 52:11; 1TI 3:9 . Holy #EX 28:36; LE 21:6; TIT 1:8 . Humble #AC 20:19 . Patient #2CO 6:4; 2TI 2:24 . Blameless #1TI 3:2; TIT 1:7 . Willing #ISA 6:8; 1PE 5:2 . Disinterested #2CO 12:14; 1TH 2:6 . Impartial #1TI 5:21 . Gentle #1TH 2:7; 2TI 2:24 . Devoted #AC 20:24; PHP 1:20,21 . Strong in grace #2TI 2:1 . Self-denying #1CO 9:27 . Sober, just, and temperate #LE 10:9; TIT 1:8 . Hospitable #1TI 3:2; TIT 1:8 . Apt to teach #1TI 3:2; 2TI 2:24 . Studious and meditative #1TI 4:13,15 . Watchful #2TI 4:5 . Prayerful #EPH 3:14; PHP 1:4 . Strict in ruling their own families #1TI 3:4,12 . Affectionate to their people #PHP 1:7; 1TH 2:8,11 . Ensample to the flock #PHP 3:17; 2TH 3:9; 1TI 4:12; 1PE 5:3 - SHOULD NOT BE . Lords over God's heritage #1PE 5:3 . Greedy of filthy lucre #AC 20:33; 1TI 3:3,8; 1PE 5:2 . Contentious #1TI 3:3; TIT 1:7 . Crafty #2CO 4:2 . Men-pleasers #GA 1:10; 1TH 2:4 . Easily dispirited #2CO 4:8,9; 6:10 . Entangled by cares #LU 9:60; 2TI 2:4 . Given to wine #1TI 3:3; TIT 1:7 - Should seek the salvation of their flock #1CO 10:33 - Should avoid giving unnecessary offence #1CO 10:32,33; 2CO 6:3 - Should make full proof of their ministry #2TI 4:5 - ARE BOUND TO . Preach the gospel to all #MR 16:16; 1CO 1:17 . Feed the Church #JER 3:15; JOH 21:15-17; AC 20:28; 1PE 5:2 . Build up the Church #2CO 12:19; EPH 4:12 . Watch for souls #HEB 13:17 . Pray for their people #JOE 2:17; COL 1:9 . Strengthen the faith of their people #LU 22:32; AC 14:22 . Teach #2TI 2:2 . Exhort #TIT 1:9; 2:15 . Warn affectionately #AC 20:31 . Rebuke #TIT 1:13; 2:15 . Comfort #2CO 1:4-6 . Convince gainsayers #TIT 1:9 . War a good warfare #1TI 1:18; 2TI 4:7 . Endure hardness #2TI 2:3 - SHOULD PREACH . Christ crucified #AC 8:5,35; 1CO 2:2 . Repentance and faith #AC 20:21 . According to the oracles of God #1PE 4:11 . Everywhere #MR 16:20; AC 8:4 . Not with enticing words of man's wisdom #1CO 1:17; 2:1,4 . Not setting forth themselves #2CO 4:5 . Without deceitfulness #2CO 2:17; 4:2; 1TH 2:3,5 . Fully, and without reserve #AC 5:20; 20:20,27; RO 15:19 . With boldness #ISA 58:1; EZE 2:6; MT 10:27,28 . With plainness of speech #2CO 3:12 . With zeal #1TH 2:8 . With constancy #AC 6:4; 2TI 4:2 . With consistency #2CO 1:18,19 . With heedfulness #1TI 4:16 . With good will and love #PHP 1:15-17 . With faithfulness #EZE 3:17,18 . Without charge, if possible #1CO 9:18; 1TH 2:9 - Woe to those who do not preach the gospel #1CO 9:16 - WHEN FAITHFUL . Approve themselves as the ministers of God #2CO 6:4 . Thank God for his gifts to their people #1CO 1:4; PHP 1:3; 1TH 3:9 . Glory in their people #2CO 7:4 . Rejoice in the faith and holiness of their people #1TH 3:6-9 . Commend themselves to the consciences of men #2CO 4:2 . Are rewarded #MT 24:47; 1CO 3:14; 9:17,18; 1PE 5:4 - WHEN UNFAITHFUL . Described #ISA 56:10-12; TIT 1:10,11 . Deal treacherously with their people #JOH 10:12 . Delude men #JER 6:14; MT 15:14 . Seek gain #MIC 3:11; 2PE 2:3 . Shall be punished #EZE 33:6-8; MT 24:48-51 - THEIR PEOPLE ARE BOUND, TO . Regard them as God's messengers #1CO 4:1; GA 4:14 . Not to despise them #LU 10:16; 1TI 4:12 . Attend to their instructions #MAL 2:7; MT 23:3 . Follow their holy example #1CO 11:1; PHP 3:17 . Imitate their faith #HEB 13:7 . Hold them in reputation #PHP 2:29; 1TH 5:13; 1TI 5:17 . Love them #2CO 8:7; 1TH 3:6 . Pray for them #RO 15:30; 2CO 1:11; EPH 6:19; HEB 13:18 . Obey them #1CO 16:16; HEB 13:17 . Give them joy #2CO 1:14; 2:3 . Help them #RO 16:9; PHP 4:3 . Support them #2CH 31:4; 1CO 9:7-11; GA 6:6 - Pray for the increase of #MT 9:38 - Faithful-Exemplified . The Eleven Apostles #MT 28:16-19 . The seventy #LU 10:1,17 . Matthias #AC 1:26 . Philip #AC 8:5 . Barnabas #AC 11:23 . Simeon, etc. #AC 13:1 . Paul #AC 28:31 . Tychicus #EPH 6:21 . Timothy #PHP 2:22 . Epaphroditus #PHP 2:24 . Archippus #COL 4:17 . Titus #TIT 1:5 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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