359 Manasseh, The Tribe of - Descended from Joseph's eldest son adopted by Jacob #GE 41:51; 48:5 - Predictions respecting #GE 48:20; 49:22-26; DE 33:13-17 - PERSONS SELECTED FROM . To number the people #NU 1:10 . To spy out the land #NU 13:11 . To divide the land #NU 34:23 - Strength of, on leaving Egypt #NU 1:34,35 - Part of third division of Israel in their journeys #NU 10:22,23 - Encamped next to, and under the standard of Ephraim west of tabernacle #NU 2:18,20 - Offering of, at dedication #NU 7:54-59 - Families of #NU 26:29-33 - Strength of, on entering Canaan #NU 26:34 - On Gerizim said amen to the blessing #DE 27:12 - Half of, obtained inheritance east of Jordan #NU 32:33,39-42; JOS 13:29-31 - Inheritance of the other half #JOS 17:1-11 - Could not drive out the Canaanites but made them tributary #JOS 17:12,13; JUD 1:27,28 - SOME OF . Aided David against Saul #1CH 12:19-21 . At coronation of David #1CH 12:31-37 . Returned to their allegiance to the house of David in Asa's reign #2CH 15:9 . At Hezekiah's passover #2CH 30:1,11,18 - David appointed rulers and captains over #1CH 26:32; 27:20,21 - Often at war with Ephraim #JUD 12:1,6; ISA 9:21 - Country of, purified from idols by Hezekiah and Josiah #2CH 31:1; 34:6 - Remarkable persons of . Daughters of Zelophehad #NU 27:1-7 . Gideon #JUD 6:15 . Abimelech #JUD 9:1 . Jotham #JUD 9:5,7,21 . Jair #JUD 10:3 . Jephthah #JUD 11:1 . Barzillai #2SA 17:27 . Elijah #1KI 17:1 360 Manna - Miraculously given to Israel for food in the wilderness #EX 16:4,15; NE 9:15 - CALLED . God's manna #NE 9:20 . Bread of heaven #PS 105:40 . Bread from heaven #EX 16:4; JOH 6:31 . Corn of heaven #PS 78:24 . Angel's food #PS 78:25 . Spiritual meat #1CO 10:3 - Previously unknown #DE 8:3,16 - DESCRIBED AS . Like coriander seed #EX 16:31; NU 11:7 . White #EX 16:31 . Like in color to bdellium #NU 11:7 . Like in taste to wafers made with honey #EX 16:31 . Like in taste to oil #NU 11:8 . Like hoar frost #EX 16:14 - Fell after the evening dew #NU 11:9 - None fell on the Sabbath day #EX 16:26,27 - Gathered every morning #EX 16:21 - An omer of, gathered for each person #EX 16:16 - Two portions of, gathered the sixth day on account of the Sabbath #EX 16:5,22-26 - He that gathered much or little had sufficient and nothing over #EX 16:18 - Melted away by the sun #EX 16:21 - GIVEN . When Israel murmured for bread #EX 16:2,3 . In answer to prayer #PS 105:40 . Through Moses #JOH 6:31,32 . To exhibit God's glory #EX 16:7 . As a sign of Moses's divine mission #JOH 6:30,31 . For forty years #NE 9:21 . As a test of obedience #EX 16:4 . To teach that man does not live by bread only #DE 8:3; MT 4:4 . To humble and prove Israel #DE 8:16 - Kept longer than a day (except on the Sabbath) became corrupt #EX 16:19,20 - THE ISRAELITES . At first covetous of #EX 16:17 . Ground, made into cakes and baked in pans #NU 11:8 . Counted inferior to food of Egypt #NU 11:4-6 . Loathed #NU 21:5 . Punished for despising #NU 11:10-20 . Punished for loathing #NU 21:6 - Ceased when Israel entered Canaan #EX 16:35; JOS 5:12 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . Christ #JOH 6:32-35 . Blessedness given to saints #RE 2:17 - A golden pot of, laid up in the holiest for a memorial #EX 16:32-34; HEB 9:4 361 Marriage - Divinely instituted #GE 2:24 - A covenant relationship #MAL 2:4 - DESIGNED FOR . The happiness of man #GE 2:18 . Increasing the human population #GE 1:28; 9:1 . Raising up godly seed #MAL 2:15 . Preventing fornication #1CO 7:2 - The expectation of the promised seed of the woman an incentive to, in the early age #GE 3:15; 4:1 - Lawful in all #1CO 7:2,28; 1TI 5:14 - Honorable for all #HEB 13:4 - Should be only in the Lord #1CO 7:39 - EXPRESSED BY . Joining together #MT 19:6 . Making affinity #1KI 3:1 . Taking to wife #EX 2:1 . Giving daughters to sons, and sons to daughters #DE 7:3; EZR 9:12 - Indissoluble during the joint lives of the parties #MT 19:6; RO 7:2,3; 1CO 7:39 - Early introduction of polygamy #GE 4:19 - Contracted in patriarchal age with near relations #GE 20:12; 24:24; 28:2 - Often contracted by parents for children #GE 24:49-51; 34:6,8 - Should be with consent of parents #GE 28:8; JUD 14:2,3 - Consent of the parties necessary to #GE 24:57,58; 1SA 18:20; 25:41 - Parents might refuse to give their children in #EX 22:17; DE 7:3 - THE JEWS . Forbidden to contract, with their near relations #LE 18:6 . Forbidden to contract with idolaters #DE 7:3,4; JOS 23:12; EZR 9:11,12 . Often contracted with foreigners #1KI 11:1; NE 13:23 . Sometimes guilty of polygamy #1KI 11:1,3 . Careful in contracting for their children #GE 24:2,3; 28:1,2 . Betrothed themselves some time before #DE 20:7; JUD 14:5,7,8; MT 1:18 . Contracted when young #PR 2:17; JOE 1:8 . Often contracted, in their own tribe #EX 2:1; NU 36:6-13; LU 1:5,27 . Obliged to contract with a brother's wife who died without seed #DE 25:5; MT 22:24 . Considered being debarred from, a reproach #ISA 4:1 . Considered being debarred from, a cause of grief #JUD 11:38 . Often punished by being debarred from #JER 7:34; 16:9; 25:10 . Were allowed divorce from, because of hardness of their hearts #DE 24:1; MT 19:7,8 . Exempted from going to war immediately after #DE 20:7 - Priest not to contract, with divorced or improper persons #LE 21:7 - The high priest not to contract, with a widow or a divorced or profane person #LE 21:14 - Contracted at the gate and before witnesses #RU 4:1,10,11 - Modes of demanding women in #GE 24:3,4; 34:6,8; 1SA 25:39,40 - Elder daughters usually given in, before the younger #GE 29:26 - A dowry given to the woman's parents before #GE 29:18; 34:12; 1SA 18:27,28; HO 3:2 - CELEBRATED . With great rejoicing #JER 33:11; JOH 3:29 . With feasting #GE 29:22; JUD 14:10; MT 22:2,3; JOH 2:1-10 . For seven days #JUD 14:12 - A benediction pronounced after #GE 24:60; RU 4:11,12 - THE BRIDE . Received presents before #GE 24:53 . Given a handmaid at #GE 24:59; 29:24,29 . Adorned with jewels for #ISA 49:18; 61:10 . Gorgeously apparelled #PS 45:13,14 . Attended by bridesmaids #PS 45:9 . Stood on the right of bridegroom #PS 45:9 . Called to forget her father's house #PS 45:10 - THE BRIDEGROOM . Adorned with ornaments #ISA 61:10 . Attended by many friends #JUD 14:11; JOH 3:29 . Presented with gifts #PS 45:12 . Crowned with garlands #SO 3:11 . Rejoiced over the bride #ISA 62:5 . Returned with the bride to his house at night #MT 25:1-6 - Garments provided for guests at #MT 22:12 - Infidelity of those contracted in, punished as if married #DE 22:23,24; MT 1:19 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . God's union with the Jewish nation #ISA 54:5; JER 3:14; HO 2:19,20 . Christ's union with his church #EPH 5:23,24,32 362 Martyrdom - Is death endured for the word of God, and testimony of Christ #RE 6:9; 20:4 - SAINTS . Forewarned of #MT 10:21; 24:9; JOH 16:2 . Should not fear #MT 10:28; RE 2:10 . Should be prepared for #MT 16:24,25; AC 21:13 . Should resist sin to #HEB 12:4 - Reward of #RE 2:10; 6:11 - Inflicted at the instigation of the devil #RE 2:10,13 - The Apostasy guilty of inflicting #RE 17:6; 18:24 - Of saints, shall be avenged #LU 11:50,51; RE 18:20-24 - Exemplified . Abel #GE 4:8; 1JO 3:12 . Ahimelech and his fellow priests #1SA 22:18,19 . Prophets and Saints of old #1KI 18:4; 19:10; LU 11:50,51; HEB 11:37 . Urijah #JER 26:23 . John the Baptist #MR 6:27 . Peter #JOH 21:18,19 . Stephen #AC 7:58 . Christians #AC 9:1; 22:4; 26:10 . James #AC 12:2 . Antipas #RE 2:13 363 Masters - Authority of, established #COL 3:22; 1PE 2:18 - SHOULD, WITH THEIR HOUSEHOLDS, . Worship God #GE 35:3 . Fear God #AC 10:2 . Serve God #JOS 24:15 . Observe the Sabbath #EX 20:10; DE 5:12-14 . Put away idols #GE 35:2 - Should select faithful servants #GE 24:2; PS 101:6,7 - Should receive faithful advice from servants #2KI 5:13,14 - DUTY OF, TOWARD SERVANTS; . To act justly #Job 31:13,15; COL 4:1 . To deal with them in the fear of God #EPH 6:9; COL 4:1 . To esteem them highly, if saints #PHM 1:16 . To take care of them in sickness #LU 7:3 . To forbear threatening them #EPH 6:9 . Not to defraud them #GE 31:7 . Not to keep back their wages #LE 19:13; DE 24:15 . Not to rule over them with rigour #LE 25:43; DE 24:14 - Benevolent, blessed #DE 15:18 - Unjust, denounced #JER 22:13; JAS 5:4 - Good-Exemplified . Abraham #GE 18:19 . Jacob #GE 35:2 . Joshua #JOS 24:15 . Centurion #LU 7:2,3 . Cornelius #AC 10:2 - Bad-Exemplified . Egyptians #EX 1:13,14 . Nabal #1SA 25:17 . Amalekite #1SA 30:13 364 Measures - Unjust, an abomination to God #PR 20:10 - The Jews not to be unjust in #LE 19:35; DE 25:14,15 - The Jews often used unjust #MIC 6:10 - OF LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS . Log #LE 14:10,15 . Cab #2KI 6:25 . Omer or tenth-deal (the tenth of an ephah) #EX 16:36; LE 5:11; 14:10 . Hin #EX 29:40 . Bath or ephah #ISA 5:10; EZE 45:11 . Homer or Cor #ISA 5:10; EZE 45:14 . Firkin #JOH 2:6 - OF LENGTH . Handbreadth #EX 25:25; PS 39:5 . Span #EX 28:16; 1SA 17:4 . Cubit #GE 6:15,16; DE 3:11 . Fathom #AC 27:28 . Furlong #LU 24:13; JOH 11:13 . Mile #MT 5:41 - Distances measured by rods and lines #2SA 8:2; JER 31:39; EZE 40:3; RE 21:16 - Were regulated by the standard of the sanctuary #1CH 23:29 - ILLUSTRATIVE . (Correcting in measure,) of mitigated afflictions #JER 30:11 . (Drinking tears in great measure,) of severe afflictions #PS 80:5 . (Weighing the waters in a measure,) of God's infinite wisdom #Job 28:23,25 . (Measuring the dust of the earth,) of God's greatness #ISA 40:12 . (The measure of our days,) of the shortness of life #PS 39:4 . (Drinking water, by measure) of severe famine #EZE 4:11,16 . (The measure of the stature of Christ,) of perfection #EPH 4:13 . (Opening the mouth without measure,) of the insatiableness of hell #ISA 5:14 365 Meat-offerings - Were most holy #LE 6:17 - CONSISTED OF . Fine flour #LE 2:1 . Unleavened cakes baked in the oven #LE 2:4 . Fine flour baked in a pan #LE 2:5 . Fine flour baked in a frying pan #LE 2:7 . Green ears of corn parched #LE 2:14 . Barley meal #NU 5:15 - Oil and incense used with #LE 2:1,4,15 - Of jealousy, without oil or incense #NU 5:15 - Always seasoned with salt #LE 2:13 - No leaven used with #LE 2:11; 6:17 - Not to be offered on altar of incense #EX 30:9 - OFFERED . On the altar of burnt offering #EX 40:29 . With the daily sacrifices #EX 29:40-42 . With all burnt offerings #NU 15:3-12 . By the poor for a trespass offering #LE 5:11 . By the high priest every day, half in the morning and half in the evening #LE 6:20-22 - A small part of, was consumed on the altar for a memorial #LE 2:2,9,16; 6:15 - When offered for a priest entirely consumed by fire #LE 6:23 - High priest's deputy had care of #NU 4:16 - Laid up in a chamber of the temple #NE 10:39; 13:5; EZE 42:13 - The priest's portion #LE 2:3; 6:17 - To be eaten by the males of the house of Aaron alone #LE 6:18 - To be eaten in the holy place #LE 6:16 - THE JEWS . Often not accepted in #AM 5:22 . Condemned for offering, to idols #ISA 57:6 . Often prevented from offering, by judgments #JOE 1:9,13 - Materials for public, often provided by the princes #NU 7:13,19,25; EZE 45:16 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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