312 Jerusalem - The ancient Salem #GE 14:18; PS 76:2 - The ancient Jebusi or Jebus #JOS 15:8; 18:28; JUD 19:10 - The king of, defeated and slain by Joshua #JOS 10:5-23 - Allotted to the tribe of Benjamin #JOS 18:28 - Partly taken and burned by Judah #JUD 1:8 - THE JEBUSITES . Formerly dwelt in #JUD 19:10,11 . Held possession of, with Judah and Benjamin #JOS 15:63; JUD 1:21 . Finally dispossessed of, by David #2SA 5:6-8 - Enlarged by David #2SA 5:9 - Made the royal city #2SA 5:9; 20:3 - Specially chosen by God #2CH 6:6; PS 135:21 - The seat of government under the Romans for a time #MT 27:2,19 - Roman government transferred from, to Caesarea #AC 23:23,24; 25:1-13 - CALLED . City of God #PS 46:4; 48:1 . City of the Lord #ISA 60:14 . City of Judah #2CH 25:28 . City of the great king #PS 48:2; MT 5:5 . City of solemnities #ISA 33:20 . City of righteousness #ISA 1:26 . City of truth #ZEC 8:3 . A city not forsaken #ISA 62:12 . Faithful city #ISA 1:21,26 . Holy city #NE 11:1; ISA 48:2; MT 4:5 . Throne of the Lord #JER 3:17 . Zion #PS 48:12; ISA 33:20 . Zion of the holy one of Israel #ISA 60:14 - Surrounded by mountains #PS 125:2 - Surrounded by a wall #1KI 3:1 - Protected by forts and fortifications #PS 48:12,13 - Entered by gates #PS 122:2; JER 17:19-21 - Hezekiah made an aqueduct for #2KI 20:20 - Spoils of war placed in #1SA 17:54; 2SA 8:7 - DESCRIBED AS . Beautiful for situation #PS 48:2 . Compact #PS 122:3 . Comely #SO 6:4 . The perfection of beauty #LA 2:15 . Joy of the whole earth #PS 48:2; LA 2:15 . Princess among the provinces #LA 1:1 . Great #JER 22:8 . Populous #LA 1:1 . Full of business and tumult #ISA 22:3 . Wealth, etc. in the time of Solomon #1KI 10:26,27 - Protected by God #ISA 31:5 - Instances of God's care and protection of #2SA 24:16; 2KI 19:32-34; 2CH 12:7 - The temple built in #2CH 3:1; PS 68:29 - THE JEWS . Went up to, at the feasts #LU 2:42; PS 122:4 . Loved #PS 137:5,6 . Mourned the affliction of #NE 1:2-4 . Prayed for the prosperity of #PS 51:18; 122:6 . Prayed towards #DA 6:10; 1KI 8:41 - Wickedness of #ISA 1:1-4; JER 5:1-5; MIC 3:10 - Idolatry of #2CH 28:4; EZE 8:7-10 - Wickedness of, the cause of its calamities #2KI 21:12-15; 2CH 24:18; LA 1:8; EZE 5:5-8 - Was the tomb of the prophets #LU 13:33,34 - CHRIST . Preached in #LU 21:37,38; JOH 18:20 . Did many miracles in #JOH 4:45 . Publicly entered, as king #MT 21:9,10 . Mourned over #MT 23:37; LU 19:41 . Put to death at #LU 9:31; AC 13:27,29 - Gospel first preached at #LU 24:47; AC 2:14 - Miraculous gift of the Holy Spirit first given at #AC 1:4; 2:1-5 - Persecution of the Christian church commenced at #AC 4:1; 8:1 - First Christian council held at #AC 15:4,6 - CALAMITIES OF, MENTIONED . Taken and plundered by Shishak #1KI 14:25,26; 2CH 12:1-4 . Taken and plundered by Jehoash king of Israel #2KI 14:13,14 . Besieged but not taken by Rezin and Pekah #ISA 7:1; 2KI 16:5 . Besieged but not taken by Sennacherib #2KI 18:17; 19:1-37 . Taken and made tributary by Pharaoh-Necho #2KI 23:33-35 . Besieged by Nebuchadnezzar #2KI 24:10,11 . Taken and burned by Nebuchadnezzar #2KI 25:1-30; JER 39:1-8 . Threatened by Sanballat #NE 4:7,8 - Rebuilt after the captivity by order of Cyrus #EZR 1:1-4 - PROPHECIES RESPECTING . To be taken by king of Babylon #JER 20:5 . To be made a heap of ruins #JER 9:11; 26:18 . To be a wilderness #ISA 64:10 . To be rebuilt by Cyrus #ISA 44:26-28 . To be a quiet habitation #ISA 33:20 . To be a terror to her enemies #ZEC 12:2,3 . Christ to enter, as king #ZEC 9:9 . The gospel to go forth from #ISA 2:3; 40:9 . To be destroyed by the Romans #LU 19:42-44 . Its capture accompanied by severe calamities #MT 24:21,29; LU 21:23,24 . Signs preceding its destruction #MT 24:6-15; LU 21:7-11,25,28 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of the church #GA 4:25,26; HEB 12:22 . Of the church glorified #RE 3:12; 21:2,10 . (Its strong position,) of saints under God's protection #PS 125:2 313 Jews, The - Descended from Abraham #ISA 51:2; JOH 8:39 - Divided into twelve tribes #GE 35:22; 49:28 - CALLED . Hebrews #GE 14:13; 40:15; 2CO 11:22 . Israelites #EX 9:7; JOS 3:17 . Seed of Abraham #PS 105:6; ISA 41:8 . Seed of Jacob #JER 33:26 . Seed of Israel #1CH 16:13 . Children of Jacob #1CH 16:13 . Children of Israel #GE 50:25; ISA 27:12 . Jeshurun #DE 32:15 - Chosen and loved by God #DE 7:6,7 - Circumcised in token of their covenant relation #GE 17:10,11; AC 7:8 - Separated from all other nations #EX 33:16; LE 20:24; 1KI 8:53 - DESCRIBED AS . A peculiar people #DE 14:2 . A peculiar treasure #EX 19:5; PS 135:4 . A holy nation #EX 19:6 . A holy people #DE 7:6; 14:21 . A kingdom of priests #EX 19:6 . A special people #DE 7:6 . The Lord's portion #DE 32:9 - Sojourned in Egypt #EX 12:40,41 - Brought out of Egypt by God #EX 12:42; DE 5:15; 6:12 - In the desert forty years #NU 14:33; JOS 5:6 - Settled in Canaan #NU 32:18; JOS 14:1-5 - Under the theocracy until the time of Samuel #EX 19:4-6; 1SA 8:7 - Desired and obtained kings #1SA 8:5,22 - Divided into two kingdoms after Solomon #1KI 11:31,32; 12:19,20 - Often subdued and made tributary #JUD 2:13,14; 4:2; 6:2,6; 2KI 23:33 - Taken captive to Assyria and Babylon #2KI 17:32; 18:11; 24:16; 25:11 - Restored to their own land by Cyrus #EZR 1:1-4 - Had courts of justice #DE 16:18 - Had an ecclesiastical establishment #EX 28:1; NU 18:6; MAL 2:4-7 - Had a series of prophets to promote national reformation #JER 7:25; 26:4,5; 35:15; 44:4; EZE 38:17 - The only people who had knowledge of God #PS 76:1; 1TH 4:5; PS 48:3; RO 1:28 - The only people who worshipped God #EX 5:17; PS 96:5; 115:3,4; JOH 4:22 - Religion of, according to rites prescribed by God #LE 18:4; DE 12:8-11; HEB 9:1 - Religion of, typical #HEB 9:8-11; 10:1 - Their national greatness #GE 12:2; DE 33:29 - Their national privileges #RO 3:2; 9:4,5 - Their vast numbers #GE 22:17; NU 10:36 - NATIONAL CHARACTER OF . Pride of descent, etc. #JER 13:9; JOH 8:33,41 . Love of country #PS 137:6 . Fondness for their brethren #EX 2:11,12; RO 9:1-3 . Attachment to Moses #JOH 9:28,29; AC 6:11 . Attachment to customs of the law #AC 6:14; 21:21; 22:3 . Fondness for traditionary customs #JER 44:17; EZE 20:18,30,21; MR 7:3,4 . Stubborn and stiffnecked #EX 32:9; AC 7:51 . Prone to rebellion #DE 9:7,24; ISA 1:2 . Prone to backsliding #JER 2:11-13; 8:5 . Prone to idolatry #ISA 2:8; 57:5 . Prone to formality in religion #ISA 29:13; EZE 33:31; MT 15:7-9 . Self-righteous #ISA 65:5; RO 10:3 . Unfaithful to covenant engagements #JER 3:6-8; 31:32; EZE 16:59 . Ungrateful to God #DE 32:15; ISA 1:2 . Ignorant of the true sense of Scripture #AC 13:27; 2CO 3:13-15 . Distrustful of God #NU 14:11; PS 78:22 . Covetous #JER 6:13; EZE 33:31; MIC 2:2 . Cowardly #EX 14:10; NU 14:3; ISA 51:12 - Trusted to their privileges for salvation #JER 7:4; MT 3:9 - Distinction of castes among, noticed #ISA 65:5; LU 7:39; 15:2; AC 26:5 - Degenerated as they increased in national greatness #AM 6:4 - Often displeased God by their sins #NU 25:3; DE 32:16; 1KI 16:2; ISA 1:4; 5:24,25 - A spiritual seed of true believers always among #1KI 19:18; ISA 6:13; RO 9:6,7; 11:1,5 - MODERN, DIVIDED INTO . Hebrews or pure Jews #AC 6:1; PHP 3:5 . Hellenists or Grecians #AC 6:1; 9:29 . Many sects and parties #MT 16:6; MR 8:15 - An agricultural people #GE 46:32 - A commercial people #EZE 27:17 - Obliged to unite against enemies #NU 32:20-22; JUD 19:29; 20:1-48; 1SA 11:7,8 - Often distinguished in war #JUD 7:19-23; 1SA 14:6-13; 17:32,33; NE 4:16-22 - Strengthened by God in war #LE 26:7,8; JOS 5:13,14; 8:1,2 - Under God's special protection #DE 32:10,11; 33:27-29; PS 105:13-15; 121:3-5 - Enemies of, obliged to acknowledge them as divinely protected #JOS 2:9-11; ES 6:13 - PROHIBITED FROM . Associating with others #AC 10:28 . Covenanting with others #EX 23:32; DE 7:2 . Marry with others #DE 7:3; JOS 23:12 . Following practices of others #DE 12:29-31; 18:9-14 - Despised all strangers #1SA 17:36; MT 16:26,27; EPH 2:11 - Held no intercourse with strangers #JOH 4:9; AC 11:2,3 - Condemned for associating with other nations #JUD 2:1-3; JER 2:18 - Received convert from other nations #AC 2:10; EX 12:44,48 - Gentiles made one with, under the gospel #AC 10:15,28; 15:8,9; GA 3:28; EPH 2:14-16 - ALL OTHER NATIONS . Envied #NE 4:1; ISA 26:11; EZE 35:11 . Hated #PS 44:10; EZE 35:5 . Oppressed #EX 3:9; JUD 2:18; 4:3 . Persecuted #LA 1:3; 5:5 . Rejoiced at calamities of #PS 44:13,14; 80:5,6; EZE 36:4 - None hated or oppressed, with impunity #PS 137:8,9; EZE 25:15,16; 35:6; OB 1:10-16 - CHRIST . Promised to #GE 49:10; DA 9:25 . Expected by #PS 14:7; MT 11:3; LU 2:25,38; JOH 8:56 . Regarded as the restorer of national greatness #MT 20:21; LU 24:21; AC 1:6 . Sprang from #RO 9:5; HEB 7:14 . Rejected by #ISA 53:3; MR 6:3; JOH 1:11 . Murdered by #AC 7:52; 1TH 2:15 - Imprecated the blood of Christ upon themselves and their children #MT 27:25 - Many of, believed the gospel #AC 21:20 - Unbelieving, persecuted the Christians #AC 17:5,13; 1TH 2:14-16 - Cast off for unbelief #RO 11:17,20 - Scattered and peeled #ISA 18:2,7; JAS 1:1 - Shall finally be saved #RO 11:26,27 - Punishment of, for rejecting and killing Christ, illustrated #MT 21:37-43 - Descendants of Abraham #PS 105:6; ISA 51:2; JOH 8:33; RO 9:7 - The people of God #DE 32:9; 2SA 7:24; ISA 51:16 - Separated to God #EX 33:16; NU 23:9; DE 4:34 - Beloved for their father's sake #DE 4:37; 10:15; RO 11:28 - Christ descended from #JOH 4:22; RO 9:5 - THE OBJECTS OF . God's love #DE 7:8; 23:5; JER 31:3 . God's choice #DE 7:6 . God's protection #PS 105:15; ZEC 2:8 - The covenant established with #EX 6:4; 24:6-8; 34:27 - PROMISES RESPECTING MADE TO . Abraham #GE 12:1-3; 13:14-17; 15:18; 17:7,8 . Isaac #GE 26:2-5,24 . Jacob #GE 28:12-15; 35:9-12 . Themselves #EX 6:7,8; 19:5,6; DE 26:18,19 - Privileges of #PS 76:1,2; RO 3:1,2; 9:4,5 - PUNISHED FOR . Idolatry #PS 78:58-64; ISA 65:3-7 . Unbelief #RO 11:20 . Breaking covenant #ISA 24:5; JER 11:10 . Transgressing the law #ISA 1:4,7; 24:5,6 . Changing the ordinances #ISA 24:5 . Killing the prophets #MT 23:37,38 . Imprecating upon themselves the blood of Christ #MT 27:25 - Scattered among the nations #DE 28:64; EZE 6:8; 36:19 - Despised by the nations #EZE 36:3 - Their country trodden under foot by the Gentiles #DE 28:49-52; LU 21:24 - Their house left desolate #MT 24:38 - Deprived of civil and religious privileges #HO 3:4 - DENUNCIATIONS AGAINST THOSE WHO . Cursed #GE 27:29; NU 24:9 . Contended with #ISA 41:11; 49:25 . Oppressed #ISA 49:26; 51:21-23 . Hated #PS 129:5; EZE 35:5,6 . Aggravated the afflictions of #ZEC 1:14,15 . Slaughtered #PS 79:1-7; EZE 35:5,6 - God, mindful of #PS 98:3; ISA 49:15,16 - Christ was sent to #MT 15:24; 21:37; AC 3:20,22,26 - Compassion of Christ for #MT 23:37; LU 19:41 - The gospel preached to, first #MT 10:6; LU 24:47; AC 1:8 - Blessedness of blessing #GE 27:29 - Blessedness of favoring #GE 12:3; PS 122:6 - Pray importunately for #PS 122:6; ISA 62:1,6,7; JER 31:7; RO 10:1 - Saints remember #PS 102:14; 137:5; JER 51:50 - PROMISES RESPECTING . The pouring out of the Spirit upon them #EZE 39:29; ZEC 12:10 . The removal of their blindness #RO 11:25; 2CO 3:14-16 . Their return and seeking to God #HO 3:5 . Their humiliation for the rejection of Christ #ZEC 12:10 . Pardon of sin #ISA 44:22; RO 11:27 . Salvation #ISA 59:20; RO 11:26 . Sanctification #JER 33:8; EZE 36:25; ZEC 12:1,9 . Joy occasioned by conversion of #ISA 44:23; 49:13; 52:8,9; 66:10 . Blessing to the Gentiles by conversion of #ISA 2:1-5; 60:5; 66:19; RO 11:12,15 . Reunion of #JER 3:18; EZE 37:16,17,20-22; HO 1:11; MIC 2:12 . Restoration to their own land #ISA 11:15,16; 14:1-3; 27:12,13; JER 16:14,15; EZE 36:24; 37:21,25; 39:25,28; LU 21:24 . Gentiles assisting in their restoration #ISA 49:22,23; 60:10,14; 61:4-6 . Subjection of Gentiles to #ISA 60:11,12,14 . Future glory of #ISA 60:19; 62:3,4; ZEP 3:19,20; ZEC 2:5 . Future prosperity of #ISA 60:6,7,9,17; 61:4-6; HO 14:5,6 . That Christ shall appear amongst #ISA 59:20; ZEC 14:4 . That Christ shall dwell amongst #EZE 43:7,9; ZEC 2:11 . That Christ shall reign over #EZE 34:23,24; 37:24,25 - Conversion of, illustrated #EZE 37:1-14; RO 11:24 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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