302 Industry - Commanded #EPH 4:28; 1TH 4:11 - Required of man in a state of innocence #GE 2:15 - Required of man after the fall #GE 3:23 - To be suspended on the Sabbath #EX 20:10 - Characteristic of godly women #PR 31:13-31 - Early rising necessary to #PR 31:15 - REQUISITE TO SUPPLY . Our own wants #AC 20:34; 1TH 2:9 . Wants of others #AC 20:35; EPH 4:28 - The lazy void of #PR 24:30,31 - LEADS TO . Increase of substance #PR 13:11 . Affection of relatives #PR 31:28 . General commendation #PR 31:31 - Illustrated #PR 6:6-8 - Exemplified . Rachel #GE 29:9 . Jacob #GE 31:6 . Jethro's daughters #EX 2:10 . Ruth #RU 2:2,3 . Jeroboam #1KI 11:28 . David #1SA 16:11 . Jewish elders #EZR 6:14,15 . Dorcas #AC 9:39 . Paul #AC 18:3; 1CO 4:12 303 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit, The - In his Church, as his temple #1CO 3:16 - In the body of saints, as his temple #1CO 6:19; 2CO 6:16 - Promised to saints #EZE 36:27 - Saints enjoy #ISA 63:11; 2TI 1:14 - Saints full of #AC 6:5; EPH 5:18 - IS THE MEANS OF . Quickening #RO 8:11 . Guiding #JOH 16:13; GA 5:18 . Fruit bearing #GA 5:22 - A proof of being Christ's #RO 8:9; 1JO 4:13 - A proof of adoption #RO 8:15; GA 4:5 - Is abiding #1JO 2:27 - THOSE WHO HAVE NOT . Are sensual #Jude 1:19 . Are without Christ #RO 8:9 - Opposed by the carnal nature #GA 5:17 304 Ingratitude - A characteristic of the wicked #PS 38:20; 2TI 3:2 - OFTEN EXHIBITED . By relations #Job 19:14 . By servants #Job 19:15,16 . To benefactors #PS 109:5; EC 9:15 . To friends in distress #PS 38:11 - Saints should avoid the guilt of #PS 7:4,5 - SHOULD BE MET WITH . Prayers #PS 35:12,13; 109:4 . Faithfulness #GE 31:38-42 . Persevering love #2CO 12:15 - Punishment of #PR 17:13; JER 18:20,21 - Exemplified . Laban #GE 31:6,7 . Chief butler #GE 40:23 . Israel #EX 17:4 . Men of Keilah #1SA 23:5,12 . Saul #1SA 24:17 . Nabal #1SA 25:5-11,21 . Absalom #2SA 15:6 . Joash #2CH 24:22 305 Ingratitude to God - A characteristic of the wicked #RO 1:21 - Inexcusable #ISA 1:2,3; RO 1:21 - Unreasonable #JER 2:5,6,31; MIC 6:2,3 - Exceeding folly of #DE 32:6 - Guilt of #PS 106:7,21; JER 2:11-13 - Prosperity likely to produce #DE 31:20; 32:15; JER 5:7-11 - Warnings against #DE 8:11-14; 1SA 12:24,25 - Punishment of #NE 9:20-27; HO 2:8,9 - Illustrated #ISA 5:1-7; EZE 16:1-15 - Exemplified . Israel #DE 32:18 . Saul #1SA 15:17-19 . David #2SA 12:7-9 . Nebuchadnezzar #DA 5:18-21 . Lepers #LU 17:17,18 306 Injustice - Forbidden #LE 19:15,35; DE 16:19 - SPECIALLY TO BE AVOIDED TOWARDS . The poor #EX 23:6; PR 22:16,22,23 . The stranger and fatherless #EX 22:21,22; DE 24:17; JER 22:3 . Servants #Job 31:13,14; DE 24:14; JER 22:13 - Of the least kind, condemned #LU 16:10 - GOD . Regards #EC 5:8 . Approves not of #LA 3:35,36 . Abominates #PR 17:15; 20:10 . Hears the cry of those who suffer #JAS 5:4 . Provoked to avenge #PS 12:5 - Brings a curse #DE 27:17,19 - A bad example leads to #EX 23:2 - Intemperance leads to #PR 31:5 - Covetousness leads to #JER 6:13; EZE 22:12; MIC 2:2 - SAINTS SHOULD . Hate #PR 29:27 . Testify against #PS 58:1,2; MIC 3:8,9 . Bear, patiently #1CO 6:7 . Take no vengeance for #MT 5:39 - THE WICKED . Deal with #ISA 26:10 . Judge with #PS 82:2; EC 3:16; HAB 1:4 . Practise, without shame #JER 6:13,15; ZEP 3:5 - Punishment of #PR 11:7; 28:8; AM 5:11,12; 8:5,8; 1TH 4:6 - Exemplified . Potiphar #GE 39:20 . Sons of Samuel #1SA 8:3 . Ahab #1KI 21:10,15,16 . Jews #ISA 59:14 . Princes etc. #DA 6:4 . Judas #MT 27:4 . Pilate #MT 27:24-26 . Priests etc. #AC 4:3 . Festus #AC 24:27 307 Insects - Created by God #GE 1:24,25 - DIVIDED INTO . Clean and fit for food #LE 11:21,22 . Unclean and abominable #LE 11:23,24 - MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE . Ant #PR 6:6; 30:25 . Bee #JUD 14:8; PS 118:12; ISA 7:18 . Beetle #LE 11:22 . Caterpillar #PS 78:46; ISA 33:4 . Cankerworm #JOE 1:4; NA 3:15,16 . Earthworm #Job 25:6; MIC 7:17 . Flea #1SA 24:14 . Fly #EX 8:22; EC 10:1; ISA 7:18 . Gnat #MT 23:24 . Grasshopper #LE 11:22; JUD 6:5; Job 39:20 . Hornet #DE 7:20 . Locust #EX 10:12,13 . Bald locust #LE 11:22 . Lice #EX 8:16; PS 105:31 . Maggot #EX 16:20 . Moth #Job 4:19; 27:18; ISA 50:9 . Palmer-worm #JOE 1:4; AM 4:9 . Spider #Job 8:14; PR 30:28 - Fed by God #PS 104:25,27; 145:9,15 308 Inspiration of the Holy Spirit, The - Foretold #JOE 2:28; AC 2:16-18 - All Scripture given by #2SA 23:2; 2TI 3:16; 2PE 1:21 - DESIGN OF . To reveal future events #AC 1:16; 28:25; 1PE 1:11 . To reveal the mysteries of God #AM 3:7; 1CO 2:10 . To give power to ministers #MIC 3:8; AC 1:8 . To direct ministers #EZE 3:24-27; AC 11:12; 13:2 . To control ministers #AC 16:6 . To testify against sin #2KI 17:13; NE 9:30; MIC 3:8; JOH 16:8,9 - MODES OF . Various #HEB 1:1 . By secret impulse #JUD 13:25; 2PE 1:21 . By a voice #ISA 6:8; AC 8:29; RE 1:10 . By visions #NU 12:6; EZE 11:24 . By dreams #NU 12:6; DA 7:1 - Necessary to prophesying #NU 11:25-27; 2CH 20:14-17 - Is irresistible #AM 3:8 - Despisers of, punished #2CH 36:15,16; ZEC 7:12 309 Iron - Dug out of the earth #Job 28:2 - DESCRIBED AS . Strong and durable #Job 40:18; DA 2:40 . Fusible #EZE 22:20 . Malleable #ISA 2:4 - Of greater gravity than water #2KI 6:5 - Admits of a high polish #EZE 27:19 - Hardened into steel #2SA 22:35; Job 20:24 - Of small comparative value #ISA 60:17 - The land of Canaan abounded with #DE 8:9; 33:25 - From the north hardest and best #JER 15:12 - Used from the earliest age #GE 4:22 - MADE INTO . Armor #2SA 23:7; RE 9:9 . Weapons of war #1SA 13:19; 17:7 . Chariots #JUD 4:3 . Implements for husbandry #1SA 13:20,21; 2SA 12:31 . Tools for artificers #JOS 8:31; 1KI 6:7 . Graving tools #Job 19:24; JER 17:1 . Gates #AC 12:10 . Nails and hinges #1CH 22:3 . Bars #PS 107:16; ISA 45:2 . Fetters #PS 105:18; 149:8 . Yokes #DE 28:48; JER 28:13,14 . idols #DA 5:4,23 . Bedsteads #DE 3:11 . Pillars #JER 1:18 . Rods #PS 2:9; RE 2:27 - Sharpens things made of #PR 27:17 - Working in, a trade #1SA 13:19; 2CH 2:7,14 - An article of commerce #EZE 27:12,19; RE 18:12 - Great quantity of, provided for the temple #1CH 22:3,14,16; 29:2 - Taken in war, often dedicated to God #JOS 6:19,24 - Mode of purifying, taken in war #NU 31:21-23 - Miraculously made to swim #2KI 6:6 - Illustrative . Of strength #DA 2:33,40 . Of stubbornness #ISA 48:4 . Of severe affliction #DE 4:20; PS 107:10 . Of a hard barren soil #DE 28:23 . Of severe exercise of power #PS 2:9; RE 2:27 . (Seared with,) of insensibility of conscience #1TI 4:2 310 Ishmaelites, The - Descended from Abraham's son, Ishmael #GE 16:15,16; 1CH 1:28 - Divided into twelve tribes #GE 25:16 - Heads of tribes #GE 25:13-15; 1CH 1:29-31 - CALLED . Hagarites #1CH 5:10 . Hagarenes #PS 83:6 . Arabians #ISA 13:20 - Original possessions of #GE 25:18 - Governed by kings #JER 25:24 - Dwelt in tents #ISA 13:20 - Rich in cattle #1CH 5:21 - Wore ornaments of gold #JUD 8:24 - Were the merchants of the east #GE 37:25; EZE 27:20,21 - Travelled in large companies or caravans #GE 37:25; Job 6:19 - Laid in wait and plundered travellers #JER 3:2 - Often confederate against Israel #PS 83:6 - OVERCOME BY . Gideon #JUD 8:10-24 . Reubenites and Gadites #1CH 5:10,18-20 . Uzziah #2CH 26:7 - Sent presents to Solomon #1KI 10:15; 2CH 9:14 - Sent flocks to Jehoshaphat #2CH 17:11 - PREDICTIONS RESPECTING . To be numerous #GE 16:10; 17:20 . To be wild and savage #GE 16:12 . To be warlike and predatory #GE 16:12 . To be divided into twelve tribes #GE 17:20 . To continue independent #GE 16:12 . To be a great nation #GE 21:13,18 . To be judged with the nations #JER 25:23-25 . Their glory, etc. to be diminished #ISA 21:13-17 . Their submission to Christ #PS 72:10,15 - Probably preached to by Paul #GA 1:17 311 Issachar, The Tribe of - Descended from Jacob's fifth son #GE 30:17,18 - Predictions respecting #GE 49:14,15; DE 33:18,19 - PERSONS SELECTED FROM . To number the people #NU 1:8 . To spy out the land #NU 13:7 . To divide the land #NU 34:26 - Strength of, on leaving Egypt #NU 1:28,29; 2:6 - Encamped under the standard of Judah east of the tabernacle #NU 2:5 - Next to and under standard of Judah in the journeys of Israel #NU 10:14,15 - Offering of, at the dedication #NU 7:18-23 - Families of #NU 26:23,24 - Strength of, on entering Canaan #NU 26:25 - On Gerizim said amen to the blessings #DE 27:12 - Bounds of their inheritance #JOS 19:17-23 - Assisted Deborah against Sisera #JUD 5:15 - Officers of, appointed by David #1CH 27:18 - Officers of, appointed by Solomon #1KI 4:17 - Some of, at David's coronation #1CH 12:32 - Number of warriors belonging to, in David's time #1CH 7:2,5 - Many of, at Hezekiah's passover #2CH 30:18 - Remarkable persons of #JUD 10:1; 1KI 15:27 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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