2514 INNUENDO -General scriptures concerning PS 35:19; PR 6:13; 10:10 -See ACCUSATION, FALSE » 0065 2515 INQUEST -General scriptures concerning DE 21:1-9 2516 INSANITY -General scriptures concerning PR 26:18 -Feigned by David 1SA 21:13-15 -Sent as a judgment from God DE 28:28; ZEC 12:4 -Nebuchadnezzars DA 4:32-34 -Jesus accused of MR 3:21; JOH 10:20 -Paul's alleged AC 26:24,25 -Cured by Jesus MT 4:24; 17:15 -Demoniacal .Saul 1SA 16:14; 18:10 -See DEMONS, POSSESSION BY » 1383 2517 INSCRIPTIONS -On gravestones 2KI 23:17 -Above Jesus at the crucifixion MT 27:37; MR 15:26; LU 23:38; JOH 19:19 2518 INSECTS -Clean and unclean (ceremonially speaking) LE 11:21-25; DE 14:19 -See ANT » 0311 -See BEE » 0649 -See BEETLE » 0661 -See CANKERWORM » 0963 -See CATERPILLAR » 0995 -See FLEA » 1851 -See FLIES » 1854 -See GNAT »(n/a) -See GRASSHOPPER » 2077 -See HORNET » 2389 -See HORSE-LEECH » 2393 -See LICE » 3057 -See LOCUST » 3078 -See MOTH » 3446 -See PALMERWORM » 3708 -See SCORPION » 4281 -See SNAIL » 4622 -See SPIDER » 4666 -See WORM » 5172 2519 INSINCERITY -See HYPOCRISY » 2442 2520 INSINUATION -See INNUENDO » 2514 2521 INSOMNIA -INSTANCES OF .Ahasuerus ES 6:1 .Nebuchadnezzar DA 6:18 2522 INSPIRATION -General scriptures concerning EX 19:6; 25:21,22; NU 11:16-29; LU 12:11,12; 2TI 3:16; RE 1:10,11 -See PROPHECY » 3974 -See PROPHET » 3975 -See REVELATION » 4145 -See WORD OF GOD, INSPIRATION OF » 5166 2523 INSTABILITY -General scriptures concerning GE 49:3,4; EX 8:15,32; 9:34; 10:8-11,16-20; 14:5; 32:8-10; 19:8; 24:3,7; JUD 2:17; 1KI 18:21; PS 106:12,13; PR 24:21,22; 27:8; JER 2:36; HO 6:4,5; MT 6:24; 8:19,20; 12:25; 13:20,21; MR 4:14-19; LU 8:13,14; 9:57-62; 17:32; JOH 5:35; GA 1:6; 4:9-11; EPH 4:14; HEB 13:9; JAS 1:6-8; 4:8; 2PE 2:14; RE 2:4; 3:2,15,16 -See BACKSLIDING » 0563 -See HYPOCRISY » 2442 -See INDECISION » 2495 -INSTANCES OF .Reuben GE 49:4 .Saul, in his feelings toward David 1SA 18:19 .David, in yielding to lust 2SA 11:2-9 .Solomon, in yielding to his idolatrous wives 1KI 11:1-8 .Ephraim and Judah HO 6:4 .Lot's wife LU 17:32 .Some disciples of Jesus JOH 6:66 .Mark AC 15:38 2524 INSTINCT -Of animals PR 1:17; ISA 1:3 -Of birds JER 8:7 -See ANIMALS » 0305 -See BIRDS » 0804 2525 INSTRUCTION -From nature PR 24:30-34; EC 1:13-18; 3; 4:1; MT 6:25-30 -See PARABLES » 3718 -From the study of human nature EC 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12 -By Object Lessons .The pot of manna EX 16:32 -The pillar of twelve stones at the fords of the Jordan River JOS 4:19-24 -Fringes on the borders of garments NU 15:38,39 -Symbolically wearing sackcloth and going barefoot ISA 20:2,3 -The linen sash JER 13:1-11 -Potter's vessel JER 19:1-12 -Basket of figs JER 24 -Bonds and yokes JER 27:2-11; 28 -Illustrations on a tile EZE 4:1-3 -Lying on one side in public view for a long period EZE 4:4-8 -Eating bread mixed with dung EZE 4:9-17 -Shaving the head EZE 5 -Moving household goods EZE 12:3-16 -Eating and drinking sparingly EZE 12:18-20 -Sighing EZE 21:6,7 -The boiling pot EZE 24:1-14 -Widowhood EZE 24:16-27 -Two sticks joined together EZE 37:16-22 -Symbols and parables .See SYMBOLS » 4766 -See PARABLES » 3718 -See PURIFICATIONS » 4001 -See FIRSTBORN » 1837 -See BEASTS, CLEAN and UNCLEAN » 0639 -See PASSOVER » 3749 -See PILLAR » 3870 -Also see PR 24:30-34 -UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO 2CH 15:3; 17:7-9; EZR 7:10; PS 50:17; 78:2-8; 119:3-125; 143:8,10; PR 1:1-6,20-30; 22:17-21; 23:12,23; 24:30-34; JER 32:33; DA 1:3-5,17-20; LU 20:1,2; 21:37,38; RO 2:18; 1CO 12:28,29; GA 3:24,25; 4:1,2; EPH 4:11,12 -OF CHILDREN EX 10:2; 12:26,27; 13:8-10,14-16; DE 4:9,10; 6:6-9; 11:18-21; 31:9-13; JOS 8:35; PS 34:11; 78:5-8; PR 20:7; 22:6; ISA 38:19; AC 22:3; EPH 6:4; 2TI 3:15 .See CHILDREN » 1076 -IN RELIGION EX 13:11-16; LE 11:44-47; NU 15:38,39; DE 27:1-26; 31:19; 32:1-47; JOS 4:1-11; 2CH 17:7-9; NE 8:7,8; ISA 28:9,10; MT 5:1-48; MR 12:35; LU 4:16-21; 19:47; 20:1-18; 24:27; JOH 7:14; 8:2; RO 2:19,20; GA 6:6 .See JESUS, CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF » 2780 -IN MUSIC .See MUSIC » 3466 .See MINISTERS, DUTIES OF » 3381 .See TEACHER » 4833 .See SCHOOL » 4278 2526 INSTRUMENTALITY -See AGENCY » 0138 -INSTRUMENTS, MUSICAL .See MUSIC » 3466 2527 INSURGENTS -Army of, David's 1SA 22:1,2 2528 INSURRECTION -General scriptures concerning PS 64:2 -Described by, David in PS 55 -Led by .Bichri 2SA 20 .Absalom .See ABSALOM » 0056 -Barabbas MR 15:7 2529 INTEGRITY -General scriptures concerning GE 18:19; EX 18:21; DE 16:19,20; 2SA 22:21; Job 10:7; 13:15,18; 16:17; 27:4-6; 29:14; 31:1-40; PS 7:3-5,8; 15:1-5; 17:3; 18:20; 24:3-5; 26:1-3; 69:4; 73:2-22; 119:121; PR 1:3; 2:2,5,9; 3:3,4; 4:25-27; 10:9; 11:3,5; 12:22; 14:30; 15:21; 16:11; 19:1; 20:7; 21:3,15; 22:11; 28:6,20; ISA 26:7; 33:15,16; 56:1; JER 7:5,7; EZE 18:5,7-9; MIC 6:8; ZEC 7:9; MAL 2:6; LU 3:13,14; 6:31; 11:42; 16:10; AC 23:1; 24:16; RO 9:1; 13:5; 14:5,14,22; 2CO 4:2; 5:11; 7:2; 8:21; PHP 4:8; COL 3:22,23; EPH 6:6; 1TH 2:4; 1TI 1:5; 3:9; TIT 1:7,8; HEB 13:18; 1PE 2:12; 3:16 -See CHARACTER » 1032 -See DISHONESTY » 1431 -See FRAUD » 1891 -See HONESTY » 2374 -See JUSTICE » 2890 -See RIGHTEOUSNESS » 4168 -INSTANCES OF .Pharaoh, when he learned that Sarah was Abraham's wife GE 12:18 .Abimelech, when warned by God that the woman he had taken into his household was actually Abraham's wife GE 26:9-11 .Jacob, in the care of Laban's property GE 31:39 .Joseph, in resisting Potiphar's wife GE 39:8-12 .Joseph, innocent of the charge which caused him to be cast into the dungeon GE 40:15 .Jacob's sons, when accused by Joseph of robbery GE 43:15-22; 44:7-16 .The Egyptian midwives when commanded to destroy the newborn babies of the Israelites EX 1:17-21 .Moses, in taking nothing from the Israelites in consideration of his services NU 16:15 .Samuel, in exacting nothing from the people on account of his services 1SA 12:4 .David, in self-reproach for the cutting of Saul's robe 1SA 24:5 .David, in preventing foraging by his insurgent forces 1SA 25:15 .David, in his conduct while in refuge with the Philistines 1SA 29:6,9; with 29:1-11 .Workmen, who repaired the temple 2KI 12:15; 22:7 .Joab, when ordered by David to count the military forces of Israel 1CH 21:6 .Priests, who received the offerings of gold and other gifts for the renewing of the temple under Ezra EZR 8:24-30 .Nehemiah, reforming the civil service, and receiving no compensation for his own services NE 5:14-19 .The Rechabites, in keeping the Nazarite vows JER 35:12-17 .Daniel, in his abstemiousness (i. e. abstinent) DA 1:8-20 .Daniel, in maintaining uprightness of character and consistent devoutness DA 6:4 .Joseph, the husband of Mary, in not jealously accusing her of immorality MT 1:19 .Zacchaeus, in the administration of his wealth LU 19:8 .Nathanael, in whom was no guile JOH 1:47 .Joseph, a counselor LU 23:50,51 .Peter, when offered money by Simon Magus AC 8:18-23 .Paul and Barnabas, when the people of Lystra desired to deify them AC 14:12-15 2530 INTEMPERANCE -See DRUNKARDS » 1480 -See DRUNKENNESS » 1481 -See WINE » 5151 -See ABSTINENCE » 0058 -See TEMPERANCE » 4860 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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