2492 INCEST -DEFINED AND FORBIDDEN LE 18:6-18; 20:11,12,17,19-21; DE 22:30; 27:20-23; EZE 22:11; 1CH 5:1 -INSTANCES OF .Lot with his daughters GE 19:31-36 .Abraham GE 20:12,13 .Nahor GE 11:29 .Reuben GE 35:22; 49:4 .Amram EX 6:20 .Judah GE 38:16-18; 1CH 2:4 .Amnon 2SA 13:14 .Absalom 2SA 16:21,22 .Herod (Antipas) MT 14:3,4; MR 6:17,18; LU 3:19 .The people of Israel AM 2:7 .Instances of marriage of near of kin .Isaac with Rebekah GE 24:15,67 .Jacob with Leah and Rachel GE 29:23,30 .Rehoboam 2CH 11:18 2493 INCINERATION -See CREMATION » 1269 2494 INCONSISTENCY -General scriptures concerning MT 7:3-5; 23:3,4; RO 2:1,21-23 -See DECEIT » 1357 -See DECEPTION » 1358 -See HYPOCRISY » 2442 -INSTANCES OF .Jehu 2KI 10:16-31 .The Jews, in oppressing the poor NE 5:9 .In accusing Jesus of violating the Sabbath JOH 7:22,23 2495 INDECISION -General scriptures concerning 1KI 18:21; HO 10:2; MT 6:24; 26:41; JAS 1:8; 4:17 -See DECISION » 1359 -See INSTABILITY » 2523 -See LukeWARMNESS » 3107 -INSTANCES OF .Moses at the Red Sea EX 14:15 .Joshua at Ai JOS 7:10 .Esther ES 5:8 .Rulers, who believed in Jesus JOH 12:42 .Felix AC 24:25 2496 INDIA -Probably the eastern limit of the kingdom of Ahasuerus ES 1:1; 8:9 2497 INDICTMENTS -INSTANCES OF .Naboth on the charge of blasphemy 1KI 21:13; with 21:1-16 .Jeremiah of treasonable prophecy, but of which he was acquitted JER 26:1-24 .A second indictment JER 37:13-15 .Three Hebrew captives on the charge of defiance against authority DA 3:12; with 3:1-28 .Daniel, on the charge of defiance against authority DA 6:13; with 6:1-24 .Jesus, under two charges .First, of blasphemy MT 26:61; MR 14:58; MT 26:63-65; MR 14:61-64; Lu 22:67-71; JOH 19:7 .The second, of treason MT 27:11,37; MR 15:2,26; LU 23:2,3,38; JOH 18:30,33; 19:12,19-22 .Stephen for blasphemy AC 6:11,13 .Paul AC 17:7; 18:13; 24:5; 25:18,19,26,27 .Paul and Silas AC 16:20,21 .Indictment quashed AC 18:14-16 2498 INDUSTRY -General scriptures concerning GE 2:15; EX 23:12; 35:2; DE 5:13; PR 10:4,5; 12:11,24,27; 13:4,11,23; 14:4,23; 16:26; 20:13; 21:5; 22:29; 27:23-27; 28:19; 30:25-28; 31:13-27; EC 1:3; 2:10,11,17-22; 9:10; 11:4,6; RO 12:11; EPH 4:28; 1TH 4:11,12; 2TH 3:10-12; 1TI 5:8 -See FRUGALITY » 1901 -Also see IDLENESS » 2458 -See SLOTHFULNESS » 4616 -INSTANCES OF .Jeroboam 1KI 11:28 .Paul AC 18:3; 20:33,34; 2TH 3:8 2499 INFANTICIDE -General scriptures concerning EX 1:15,16; MT 2:16-18; AC 7:19 2500 INFANTS -See CHILDREN » 1076 2501 INFIDELITY -General scriptures concerning GE 3:1,4; EX 5:2; 14:11,12; 16:3,7; 17:7; NU 14:27-34; 15:30,31; 16:41; 21:5; DE 29:19-21; 32:15; 1KI 20:28; 22:24; 2KI 2:23,24; 2CH 30:6,10; 32:15-19; 36:16; Job 15:25,26; 21:14,15; 22:13,14,17; 34:7,9,17-19,33; 35:3; 36:23; PS 1:1; 3:2; 4:6; 10:11,13; 12:3,4; 14:1,6; 42:3; 50:21; 53:1; 59:7; 64:5; 73:11; 78:19-22; 94:7-9; 106:24,25; 107:11,12; PR 1:22; 3:34; 9:12; 14:6; 19:29; 24:9; ISA 3:8; 5:18,19,24,25; 10:15; 28:9,10,14,15,17-22; 29:15,16,20; 45:9,10; 47:10,11; 57:4-11; JER 2:31; 5:12,14; 17:15; 43:2; 48:26,42; 50:24,29; LA 1:7; EZE 8:12; 9:9,10; 11:3; 12:22; 18:2,29; 20:49; 33:17,20,30; 36:2; DA 3:15; 7:25; 8:10,25; 11:36,37; HO 7:5,13,15; AM 5:18; 7:16,17; MIC 7:10; ZEP 1:12; MAL 1:7; 3:13,14; MT 12:24; 22:23; 25:24-27; 27:39-44; MR 3:22; LU 4:23; 11:15; 16:14; 19:14,27; AC 2:13; 13:45; 17:18,32; 23:8; RO 3:5; 9:20,21; HEB 10:29; 2PE 2:1; 3:3-5; Jude 1:4,15,18,19 -See PRESUMPTION » 3946 -See SKEPTICISM » 4608 -See UNBELIEF » 5026 2502 INFIRMITY -PHYSICAL .Moses exempt from DE 34:7 .Caleb JOS 14:11 .See AFFLICTION » 0130 .See BLINDNESS » 0831 .See DEAFNESS » 1349 .See LAMENESS » 2986 .See OLD AGE » 3639 .See TASTE » 4827 2503 INFLUENCE -EVIL 1KI 11:3,4; 15:25,26; 21:25; 22:51-53; 2KI 8:16-18,25-27; 17:21,22; 21:9; 2CH 21:5,6; 22:3-5; 33:9; PR 22:24,25; 29:12; JER 17:1,2; HO 4:9; MT 13:24,25; LU 12:1; 1CO 5:6-8; GA 3:1; 5:7-9; 2TI 2:14,17,18; HEB 12:15 .See EXAMPLE » 1748 .INSTANCES OF .Satan over Adam and Eve GE 3:1-5 .Eve over Adam GE 3:6 -GOOD 1SA 19:1-6; 20:4-9; 1KI 22:42,43; 2KI 15:1-3,32-34; MT 5:13-16; MR 4:21,22; LU 11:33-36; JOH 7:38; 1CO 7:16; PHP 2:15; 1TH 1:7,8; 1TI 6:1; HEB 11:4; 1PE 2:11,12; 3:1,2,15,16 .See EXAMPLE » 1748 .INSTANCES OF .Ezra EZR 10:1; with 9 .Nehemiah NE 4; 5 .Hezekiah 2CH 29; 30; 31 .Josiah 2KI 22; 23; 2CH 34; 35 .Manasseh 2CH 33:12-19 -POLITICAL 1KI 2:13-18; 2KI 4:12,13; NE 6:17-19; PR 19:6; 29:26; DA 5:10-12; MT 20:20-24; AC 12:20 .See POLITICS » 3909 2504 INGATHERING, FEAST OF -See TABERNACLES, FEAST OF » 4782 2505 INGRAFTING -See GRAFTING » 2073 2506 INGRATITUDE -OF MAN TO GOD NU 16:9,10; DE 8:12-14; 6:11,12; 28:47,48; 31:16; 32:6,13,15,18; JUD 2:10-12; 8:34,35; 10:11,14; NE 9:25,35; PS 106:7,21; JER 2:6,7; 1SA 8:7,8; 10:19; 15:17,19; 2SA 12:7-9; 1KI 16:1-3; 2CH 12:1; 26:15,16; 32:25; PS 78:16,17,27-32; 106:7; ISA 1:2; JER 2:17,31; 5:7,9,24; EZE 16:17-22; DA 5:18,20,21; HO 2:8,9; 4:7; 7:13,15; 11:1,3; 13:6; AM 3:1,2; MIC 6:3,4; LU 17:17,18; JOH 1:11; RO 1:21; 2TI 3:2 -OF MAN TO MAN PR 17:13; 2TI 3:2 .INSTANCES OF .Laban to Jacob GE 31 .Pharaoh's butler to Joseph GE 40:23 .Israelites to Moses EX 16:3; 17:2-4; NU 16:12-14 .Israelites to Gideon JUD 8:35 .Shechemites JUD 9:17,18 .Men of Keilah to David 1SA 23:5-12 .Saul to David 1SA 24 .Nabal 1SA 25:21 .David to Joab 1KI 2:5,6 .For the history of Joab's services to David .See JOAB » 2805 .David to Uriah 2SA 11:6-17 .David's companions to David PS 35:11-16; 38:20; 41:9; 109:4,5 .Citizens EC 9:14-16 .Joash 2CH 24:22 .Jeremiah's enemies JER 18:20 2507 INHERITANCE -Provisions for inheritance under Levirate marriages GE 38:7-11; NU 36:6-9; DE 25:5-10; RU 3:1-8; 4:7-17 -UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO GE 15:3; 21:9-11; 24:36; 25:5,6; 48:21,22; NU 27:6-11; DE 21:15-17; 1KI 21:3; 2CH 21:3; Job 42:15; PR 17:2; 20:21; EC 2:18,19; JER 32:6-8; EZE 46:16-18; LU 15:12,25-31; GA 3:15; HEB 9:16,17 .See WILL » 5145 .See HEIR » 2269 -FIGURATIVE PS 37:29; AC 20:32; 26:18; RO 8:16,17; EPH 1:11-14; TIT 3:7; HEB 1:14 .See FIRSTBORN » 1837 .See HEIR » 2269 .See WILL » 5145 2508 INHOSPITABLENESS -INSTANCES OF .Toward the Israelites .Edom NU 20:18-21 .Sihon NU 21:22,23 .Ammonites and Moabites DE 23:3-6 .Men of Gibeah toward a Levite JUD 19:15 .Nabal toward David 1SA 25:10-17 .Some Samaritans toward Jesus LU 9:53 .See HOSPITALITY » 2401 2509 INJUSTICE -General scriptures concerning EX 22:21,22; 23:1-3,6,7; LE 19:15,35,36; DE 16:19,20; 24:17,18; 27:19; Job 16:16,17; 31:13-15; PS 12:5; 43:1; 82:2; PR 11:7; 17:15; 28:8; 29:27; 31:4,5; EC 3:16; 5:8; ISA 26:10; JER 22:3-5; LA 3:34-36; AM 5:11,12; ZEP 3:5; LU 3:14; 16:10; 1TH 4:7; RE 22:11 -See COURTS » 1251 -See DISHONESTY » 1431 -See FRAUD » 1891 -See JUSTICE » 2890 2510 INK -General scriptures concerning JER 36:18; 2CO 3:3; 2JO 1:12; 3JO 1:13 2511 INKHORN -General scriptures concerning EZE 9:2,3,11 2512 INN -General scriptures concerning GE 42:27; 43:21; EX 4:24; LU 2:7; 10:34 2513 INNOCENCY -Signified by washing the hands DE 21:6; PS 26:6; MT 27:24 -Found in Daniel DA 6:22 -Jeremiah JER 2:35 -Professed by Pilate MT 27:24 -Contrasted with guilt, compare GE 2:25; 3:7-11 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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