2125 HAGABA -Also called HAGABAH -One of the Nethinim EZR 2:45; NE 7:48 2126 HAGAR -A servant of Abraham and handmaiden of Sarah -Given by Sarah to Abraham to be his wife GE 16 -Descendants of GE 25:12-15; 1CH 5:10,19-22; PS 83:6 -Called AGAR GA 4:24,25 2127 Haggai -One of the minor prophets -Urges the Jews to rebuild the temple EZR 5:1; 6:14 -See the Book of Haggai HAG 1 2128 HAGGERI -Father of Mibhar 1CH 11:38 2129 HAGGI -Son of Gad GE 46:16; NU 26:15 2130 HAGGIAH -A Levite 1CH 6:30 2131 HAGGITH -Wife of David -Mother of Adonijah 2SA 3:4; 1KI 1:5,11; 2:13; 1CH 3:2 2132 HAI -General scriptures concerning GE 12:8; 13:3 -See AI » 0189 2133 HAIL -General scriptures concerning Job 38:22; HAG 2:17 -Plague of, in Egypt EX 9:18-29; PS 78:48; 105:32 -Destroys army of the Amorites JOS 10:11 -FIGURATIVE ISA 28:2; RE 8:7; 11:19; 16:21 2134 HAIR -Numbered MT 10:30; LU 12:7 -Worn long .By women ISA 3:24; LU 7:38; 1CO 11:5,6,15; 1TI 2:9; 1PE 3:3; RE 9:8 .By Absalom 2SA 14:26 -Worn short by men 1CO 11:14 -Symbolical dividing of EZE 5:1,2 -See BALDNESS » 0580 -See CAUL » 0998 -See LEPROSY » 3040 -See MOURNING » 3452 -See NAZARITE » 3524 2135 HAKKATAN -Father of Johanan EZR 8:12 2136 HAKKOZ -A priest 1CH 24:10 -Called Koz in EZR 2:61; NE 3:4,21 2137 HAKUPHA -One of the Nethinim EZR 2:51; NE 7:53 2138 HALAH -A place to which Israelite captives were transported 2KI 17:6; 18:11; 1CH 5:26 2139 HALAK -A mountain, the southern limit of Joshua's conquests JOS 11:17; 12:7 2140 HALF-HOMER -A measure of about seven or eight gallons -See MEASURE, DRY » 3248 2141 HALHUL -A city in the territory of the tribe of Judah JOS 15:58 2142 HALI -A border town of the tribe of Asher JOS 19:25 2143 HALLELUJAH -An, exclamatory expression of praise or adoration PS 106:1; 111:1; 112:1; 113:1; 117:1; 135:1; 146:1,10; 147:1; 148:1; RE 19:1 2144 HALOHESH -Also called HALLOHESH -Father of Shallum NE 3:12 -Sealed the covenant with Nehemiah NE 10:24 2145 HAM -1. Son of Noah GE 5:32; 9:18,24; 1CH 1:4 .Provokes his father's wrath and is cursed by him GE 9:18-27 .His children GE 10:6-20; 1CH 1:8-16 -2. Patronymic of the descendants of Ham 1CH 4:40; PS 78:51; 105:23,27; 106:22 -3. Place where Chedorlaomer struck down the Zuzims GE 14:5 2146 HAMAN -Prime minister of Ahasuerus ES 3:1 -Plotted against Esther and the Jews; thwarted by Esther and Mordecai -Hanged ES 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9 2147 HAMATH -Also called HEMATH -A city of upper Syria NU 13:21; 34:8; JOS 13:5; 1KI 8:65; EZE 47:16 -Inhabited by Canaanites GE 10:18 -Prosperity of AM 6:2 -David receives gifts of gold and silver from Toi, king of 2SA 8:9,10; 1CH 18:3,9,10 -Conquest of, by Jeroboam 2KI 14:25,28 -By the Chaldeans 2KI 25:20,21 -Israelites taken captive to ISA 11:11 -Prophecy concerning JER 49:23 -Solomon builds store cities in 2CH 8:4 2148 HAMATH-ZOBAH -A town on the border of Palestine -Subdued by Solomon 2CH 8:3 2149 HAMMATH -A fortified city of the tribe of Naphtali JOS 19:35 -See HAMMON » 2154 -See HAMMOTH-DOR » 2155 2150 HAMMEDATHA -Father of Haman ES 3:1,10; 8:5; 9:10,24 2151 HAMMELECH -Name of a man, or possibly only an title(name), meaning "the king," JER 36:26; 38:6 2152 HAMMER -General scriptures concerning 1KI 6:7; ISA 41:7; JER 10:4 -FIGURATIVE JER 23:29; 50:23 2153 HAMMOLEKETH -Daughter of Machir 1CH 7:17; 18 2154 HAMMON -1. A city of the tribe of Asher JOS 19:28 -2. A Levitical city of the tribe of Naphtali 1CH 6:76 .Possibly identical with HAMMATH and HAMMOTH-DOR (which see) 2155 HAMMOTH-DOR -A city of refuge of the tribe of Naphtali JOS 21:32 -Possibly identical with HAMMATH JOS 19:35 -Called HAMMON 1CH 6:76 2156 HAMONAH -Burial place of the multitudes of Gog EZE 39:16 2157 HAMON-GOG -Another name for HAMONAH EZE 39:11,15 2158 HAMOR -(The father of Shechem) -Jacob buys a piece of property from GE 33:19; JOS 24:32; JUD 9:28 -Murdered by the sons of Jacob GE 34:26; 49:6 -Called EMMOR AC 7:16 2159 HAMUEL -A Simeonite 1CH 4:26 2160 HAMUL -Son of Pharez GE 46:12; NU 26:21; 1CH 2:5 2161 HAMUTAL -The mother of Jehoahaz and Zedekiah 2KI 23:31; 24:18; JER 52:1 2162 HANAMEL -Cousin off JEREMIAH, to whom he sold a field in Anathoth JER 32:7-12 2163 HANAN -1. Son of Shashak 1CH 8:23 -2. Son of Azel 1CH 8:38; 9:44 -3. One of David's mighty men 1CH 11:43 -4. One of the Nethinim EZR 2:46; NE 7:49 -5. A Levite NE 8:7; 10:10 .Probably identical with the one mentioned in NE 13:13 .6. A chief who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah NE 10:22,26 .7. An officer in the temple JER 35:2-10 2164 HANANEEL -Name of a tower forming part of the wall of Jerusalem NE 3:1; 12:39; JER 31:38; ZEC 14:10 2165 HANANI -1. Son of Heman 1CH 25:4,25 -2. A prophet who rebuked Asa, king of Judah 2CH 16:7 -3. Father of Jehu the prophet 1KI 16:1,7; 2CH 19:2; 20:34 .Possibly identical with number two above -4. A priest EZR 10:20 -5. A brother of Nehemiah and keeper of the gates of Jerusalem NE 1:2; 7:2 -6. A priest and musician NE 12:36 2166 HANANIAH -1. Son of Heman 1CH 25:4,23 -2. A captain of Uzziah's army 2CH 26:11 -3. Father of Zedekiah JER 36:12 -4. A prophet of Gibeon who uttered false prophecies in the temple during the reign of Zedekiah JER 28 -5. Grandfather of Irijah JER 37:13 -6. Son of Shashak 1CH 8:24 -7. Hebrew name of SHADRACH (which see) » 4363 -8. Son of Zerubbabel 1CH 3:19,21 -9. Son of Bebai EZR 10:28 -10. An apothecary and priest NE 3:8 -11. Son of Shelemiah NE 3:30 -12. A keeper of the gates of Jerusalem NE 7:2 -13. One who sealed the covenant NE 10:23 -14. A priest during the time of Jehoiakim NE 12:12,41 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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