2076 GRASS -Created on the third creative day GE 1:11 -Mown PS 72:6 -God's care of MT 6:30; LU 12:28 -On roofs of houses PS 129:6 -FIGURATIVE PS 90:5,6; ISA 40:6; 1PE 1:24; JAS 1:10,11 2077 GRASSHOPPER -General scriptures concerning NU 13:33; EC 12:5; ISA 40:22; NA 3:17 -See LOCUST » 3078 2078 GRATE -General scriptures concerning EX 27:4,5; 38:4,5 2079 GRATITUDE -See THANKFULNESS » 4880 2080 GRAVE -General scriptures concerning HO 13:14; 1CO 15:55 -See BURIAL » 0917 2081 GRAVEL -FIGURATIVE PR 20:17 2082 GRAVING -See ENGRAVING » 1648 2083 GREAT SEA -See MEDITERRANEAN SEA » 3261 2084 GREAVES -General scriptures concerning 1SA 17:6 2085 GREECE -Inhabitants of .Called "Gentiles" (non-Jews) MR 7:26; JOH 7:35; RO 2:10; 3:9; 1CO 10:32; 12:13 .Desire to see Jesus JOH 12:20-23 .Marry among the Jews AC 16:1 .Accept the Messiah AC 17:2-4,12,34 .Persecute the early Christians AC 6:9-14; 9:29; 18:17 -Gentiles called "Greeks," RO 10:12; GA 3:28; COL 3:11 -Schools of philosophy in Athens AC 19:9 -Philosophy of 1CO 1:22,23 -Poets of AC 17:28 -Prophecies concerning DA 10:20; ZEC 9:13 -See ATHENS » 0482 -See EPICUREANS » 1683 -See STOICISM » 4705 2086 GREED -See COVETOUSNESS » 1255 2087 GREEK -Philosophy of 1CO 1:22,23 -See GREECE » 2085 2088 GREYHOUND -General scriptures concerning PR 30:31 2089 GRIEF -Attributed to the Holy Spirit EPH 4:30; HEB 3:10,17 -See AFFILICTION » 0128 -See SORROW » 4650 2090 GRINDING -See MILL » 3372 2091 GROUND -Man made from GE 2:7; 3:19,23; Job 4:19; 33:6 -Animals made from GE 2:19 -Vegetables come from GE 2:9 -Cursed GE 3:17; 5:29 2092 GROVES -Translated in R. V. as "Asherod,"Ashera," and "Asherim." -They were symbols of the Phoenician goddess, Asherah) -See ASHTORETH » 0447 -Forbidden to be established DE 16:21; ISA 1:29; 17:8; 27:9; MIC 5:14 -Worshiped by Israelites JUD 3:7; 1KI 14:15,23; 15:13; 18:19; 2KI 13:6; 17:10,16; 21:3-7; 2CH 24:18; JER 17:2 -Destroyed by .Gideon JUD 6:28 .Hezekiah 2KI 18:4 .Josiah 2KI 23:14; 2CH 34:3,4 .Asa 2CH 14:3 .Jehoshaphat 2CH 17:6; 19:3 -See IDOLATRY » 2460 2093 GUARD -See WATCHMAN » 5115 2094 GUDGODAH -A station of the Israelites in the wilderness DE 10:7 -Probably identical with HOR-HAGIDGAD in NU 33:32,33 2095 GUEST -Salutations to GE 18:2 -Abraham's hospitality to .See HOSPITALITY » 2401 -Rules for the conduct of PR 23:1-3,6-8; 25:6,7,17; LU 10:5-7; 14:7-11; 1CO 10:27 -See HOSPITALITY » 2401 2096 GUIDANCE -See GOD » 2043 -See GUIDE »(n/a) 2097 GUILE -See CONSPIRACY » 1204 -See DECEIT » 1357 -See FRAUD » 1891 -See HYPOCRISY » 2442 2098 GUILT -See CONVICTION » 1222 -See SIN » 4587 -See CONSCIENCE » 1196 2099 GUNI -1. Son of Naphtali GE 46:24; NU 26:48; 1CH 7:13 -2. Father of Abdiel 1CH 5:15 2100 GUR -The place where Jehu killed Ahaziah 2KI 9:27 2101 GUR-BAAL -A town between Canaan and Arabia 2CH 26:7 2102 HAAHASHTARI -Son of Naarah 1CH 4:6 2103 HABAIAH -A priest whose descendants returned from captivity EZR 2:61; NE 7:63 2104 HABAKKUK -A prophet and poet who probably prophesied after the destruction of Nineveh HAB 1:1; 3:1 -His hymn of praise of the majesty of God HAB 3 2105 HABAZINIAH -Head of the family of Rechabites JER 35:3 2106 HABERGEON -A part of the defensive armor of a soldier EX 28:32; 39:23 -See BREASTPLATE » 0885 2107 HABOR -A river of Mesopotamia 2KI 17:6; 18:11; 1CH 5:26 2108 HACHALIAH -Father of Nehemiah NE 1:1; 10:1 2109 HACHILAH -A hill in Judah where David and his followers hid from Saul 1SA 23:19; 26:3 2110 HACHMONI -Father of Jehiel 1CH 11:11; 27:32 2111 HADAD -1. A successor of Husham as king of Edom .Vanquished the Midianites on the field of Moab GE 36:35; 1CH 1:46 -2. A son of Ishmael 1CH 1:30 .Called HADAR in GE 25:15 -3. Successor of Baal-hanan, king of Edom 1CH 1:50 .Called HADAR in GE 36:39 -4. A prince of Edom .Adversary of Solomon 1KI 11:14-22,25 2112 HADADEZER -Also called HADAREZER -King of Zobah, vanquished by David 2SA 8:3-13; 10:15-19; 1KI 11:23; 1CH 18:3-10; 19:6-19 2113 HADADRIMMON -A place in the valley of Megiddon ZEC 12:11 2114 HADAR -See HADAD » 2111 2115 HADAREZER -See HADADEZER » 2112 2116 HADASHAH -A town in the territory of the tribe of Judah JOS 15:37 2117 HADASSAH -The Jewish name of Esther ES 2:7 -See ESTHER » 1711 2118 HADATTAH -Probably an adjective qualifying Hazor, making it equivalent to NEW HAZOR JOS 15:25 2119 HADES -1. The unseen world, translated "hell" in A. V., but in the R. V. the word "Hades" is retained MT 10:28; 11:23; 16:18; LU 10:15; 16:23; AC 2:27,31; RE 1:18; 6:8; 20:13,14 .See HELL » 2284 -2. The realm (state) of the dead 2SA 22:6; Job 26:5; PS 6:5; 17:15; 30:9; 49:15; 86:13; 88:10-12; 115:17; 116:3; PR 15:24; 21:16; 27:20; EC 9:4-6; ISA 5:14; JON 2:2; LU 23:42,43; JOH 8:22; 2CO 12:4 .See HELL » 2284 .See IMMORTALITY » 2478 .See PARADISE » 3719 .See RIGHTEOUS, FUTURE STATE OF » 4167 .See SPIRIT » 4671 .See WICKED, PUNISHMENT OF » 5141 2120 HADID -(A city of the territory of the tribe of Benjamin) -Captives of, returned from Babylon EZR 2:33; NE 7:37; 11:34 2121 HADLAI -An Ephraimite 2CH 28:12 2122 HADORAM -1. Descendant of Shem GE 10:27; 1CH 1:21 -2. Son of Ton, or Toi 1CH 18:10 .Called JORAM 2SA 8:10 -3. Chief officer of the tribute under Rehoboam 2CH 10:18 .Probably identical with ADONIRAM of 1KI 4:6; 5:14 .And ADORAM of 2SA 20:24 2123 HADRACH -A district of Syria ZEC 9:1 2124 HAGAB -One of the Nethinim EZR 2:46 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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