1873 FORGIVENESS -OF ENEMIES EX 23:4,5; PR 19:11; 24:17,29; 25:21,22; EC 7:21; MT 5:7,39-41,43-48; 6:12,14,15; 18:21-35; MR 11:25,26; LU 6:27-37; 11:4; 17:3,4; RO 12:14,17,19-21; 1CO 4:12,13; EPH 4:32; COL 3:13; PHM 1:10-18; 1PE 3:9 .See ENEMY » 1643 -INSTANCES OF .Esau forgives Jacob GE 33:4,11 .Joseph forgives his brothers GE 45:5-15; 50:19-21 .Moses forgives the Israelites NU 12:1-13 .David forgives Saul 1SA 24:10-12; 26:9,23; 2SA 1:14-17 .David forgives Shimei 2SA 16:9-13; 19:23; with 1KI 2:8,9 .Solomon forgives Adonijah 1KI 1:53 .The prophet of Judah forgives Jeroboam 1KI 13:3-6 .Jesus forgives his enemies LU 23:34 -OF SINS .See SIN, FORGIVENESS OF » 4587 1874 FORK -An agricultural implement 1SA 13:21 -See FLESHHOOK » 1853 1875 FORM -IN RELIGIOUS SERVICE 1CH 15:13,14; 2CH 29:34 -IRREGULARITIES IN 2CH 30:2-5,17-20; MT 12:3,4 .See CHURCH AND STATE » 1108 1876 FORMALISM -General scriptures concerning 1SA 15:22; PS 50:9-15; 51:16,17; 69:30,31; EC 5:1; ISA 1:11-15; 29:13-16; JER 6:20; 14:12; HO 6:6; AM 5:21-23; MIC 6:6,7; MAL 1:6,8,10,13,14; MT 9:13; 12:7; 15:8,9; LU 13:24-27; RO 2:17-29; 1CO 7:19; PHP 3:4-7; 2TI 3:1-5 -See WORKS » 5169 1877 FORNICATION -See ADULTERY » 0121 -See LASCIVIOUSNESS » 2999 1878 FORT -(A military defense) -Field fortifications DE 20:19,20; 2KI 25:1; EZE 4:2; 17:17; 26:8 -Defenses of cities 2CH 26:15; ISA 25:12 -See CASTLES » 0993 -See TOWERS » 4971 -See WALLS » 5108 -Erected in vineyards and herding grounds 2CH 26:10; ISA 5:2; MT 21:33; MR 12:1; LU 20:9 -Caves used for JUD 6:2; 1SA 23:29; ISA 33:16 -FIGURATIVE .Of God's care 2SA 22:2,3,47; PS 18:2; 31:3; 71:3; 91:2; 144:2; PR 18:10; NA 1:7 1879 FORTITUDE -See COURAGE » 1250 1880 FORTUNATUS -A Christian of Corinth 1CO 16:17 1881 FORTUNE, CHANGES OF -Noting the vicissitudes, see illustrated in lives of .Joseph, from slave to prime minister .Pharoah's butler and baker GE 40 .David, from shepherd boy to king .See also JEROBOAM » 2759 -See HAMAN » 2146 -See MORDECAI » 3435 -See ESTHER » 1711 -See Job » 2811 -See DANIEL » 1328 1882 FORTUNE TELLING -See SORCERY » 4647 1883 FORTY -Remarkable coincidences in the number -DAYS .Of rain, at the time of the flood GE 7:17 .Of flood, before sending forth the raven GE 8:6 .For embalming GE 50:3 .Of fasting .By Moses EX 24:18; 34:28; DE 9:9,25 .By Elijah 1KI 19:8 .By spies in the land of promise NU 13:25 .Of probation, given to the Ninevites JON 3:4 .By Jesus MT 4:2 .Christ's stay after the resurrection AC 1:3 .Symbolical EZE 4:6 -YEARS .Wanderings of the Israelites in the wilderness EX 16:35; NU 14:34 .Peace in Israel JUD 3:11; 5:31; 8:28 .Egypt to be desolated EZE 29:11 .To be restored after EZE 29:13 -STRIPES .Administered in punishing criminals DE 25:3; 2CO 11:24 1884 FOUNDING -See MOLDING » 3424 1885 FOUNTAIN -FIGURATIVE .Of divine grace PS 36:9; JER 2:13 .Of the salvation of the gospel JOE 3:18; ZEC 13:1; RE 7:17 .The turgid, of the debasement of character PR 25:26 1886 FOX -Dens of MT 8:20; LU 9:58 -Samson uses, to burn the field of the Philistines JUD 15:4 -Depredations of PS 63:10; SO 2:15 -Held in contempt NE 4:3 -FIGURATIVE .Of unfaithful prophets EZE 13:4 .Of craftiness LU 13:32 .Of heretics SO 2:15 1887 FRACTURES -Treatment of EZE 30:21 1888 FRANKINCENSE -An ingredient of the sacred oil EX 30:34 -Used with showbread LE 24:7 -Used with meat offerings LE 2:1,2,15,16; 6:15 -Prohibited, in sin offerings when they consist of turtledoves or pigeons LE 5:11 -In making an offering of memorial NU 5:15 -A perfume SO 3:6 -Commerce in RE 18:11-13 -Used as an incense ISA 43:23; 60:6; 66:3; JER 6:20 1889 FRATERNITY -General scriptures concerning GE 13:8; DE 15:7-15; PS 22:22; 133:1-3; ZEC 11:14; MAL 2:10; MT 5:22-24; 18:15-18,21,22,35; 23:8; 25:40; JOH 13:34; 15:12; 20:17; RO 12:10; 1CO 6:1-8; 8:1-13; GA 6:1,2; 1TH 4:9; 2TH 3:14,15; HEB 13:1; 1PE 1:22; 2:17; 3:8; 2PE 1:5,7; 1JO 2:9-11; 3:17 -See BROTHER » 0900 -See CHURCH » 1107 -See FELLOWSHIP » 1813 -See FRIENDSHIP » 1897 -INSTANCES OF .The Nazarites, vows of NU 6:1-21; LA 4:7; AM 2:11,12; AC 21:24-31 .See NAZARITES » 3524 1890 FRATRICIDE -INSTANCES OF .Cain GE 4:8 .Abimelech JUD 9:5 .Absalom 2SA 13:28,29 .Solomon 1KI 2:23-25 .Jehoram 2CH 21:4 .See HOMICIDE » 2373 1891 FRAUD -See DISHONESTY » 1431 1892 FREEDMEN -Synagogue of AC 6:9 -See EMANCIPATION » 1622 1893 FREEDOM -(From servitude) -See EMANCIPATION » 1622 -See JUBILEE » 2869 1894 FREE-WILL -See BLESSINGS, CONTINGENT UPON OBEDIENCE » 0829 1895 FREE-WILL OFFERINGS -General scriptures concerning LE 22:21,23; 23:38; NU 29:39; DE 12:6,17; 2CH 31:14; EZR 3:5; 7:16; 8:28; PS 119:108 -See BENEFICENCE » 0685 -See GIFTS »(n/a) -See GIVING » 2027 -See LIBERALITY » 3050 -See OFFERINGS » 3632 1896 FRIENDS -Jesus calls his disciples by this term JOH 15:14,15 -FALSE FRIENDS .Instances of .Pharaoh's butler was false to Joseph GE 40:23 .Delilah was false to Samson JUD 16:1-20 .The Ephraimite's wife JUD 19:1,2 .David was false to Joab 1KI 2:5,6 .David was false to Uriah 2SA 11 .Ahithophel was false to David 2SA 15:12 .David's friends were false to David PS 35:11-16; 41:9; 55:12-14,20,21; 88:8,18 .Judas Iscariot MT 26:48,49 .Jesus' disciples ran away MT 26:56,58 .See HYPOCRISY » 2442 1897 FRIENDSHIP -General scriptures concerning DE 13:6-9; Job 6:14,15; 16:2,20; 19:13-22; PS 35:13,14; 41:9; 55:12-14; 88:8,18; PR 11:13; 17:9,17; 18:24; 22:24-27; 25:17,19; 27:6,9,10,14,17,19; EC 4:9-12; AM 3:3; 2TI 4:16 -INSTANCES OF .Abraham and Lot GE 14:14-16 .Ruth and Naomi RU 1:16,17 .Samuel and Saul 1SA 15:35; 16:1 .David and Jonathan 1SA 18:1-4; 20; 23:16-18; 2SA 1:17-27; 9:1-13 .David and Abiathar 1SA 22:23 .David and Nahash 2SA 10:2 .David and Hiram 1KI 5:1 .David and Hushai 2SA 15:32-37; 16; 17:1-22 .David and Ittai 2SA 15:19-21 .Joram and Ahaziah 2KI 8:28,29; 9:16 .Job and his three "friends," Job 2:11-13 .Daniel and his three companions DA 2:49 .Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, with Jesus LU 10:38-42; JOH 11:1-46 .The Marys, and Joseph of Arimathaea, for Jesus MT 27:55-61; 28:1-8; LU 24:10; JOH 20:11-18 .Luke and Theophilus AC 1:1 .Paul and his nephew AC 23:16 .Paul, Priscilla, and Aquila RO 16:3,4 .Paul, Timothy, and Epaphroditus PHP 2:19,20,22,25 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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