1841 FISHERMEN -Certain apostles MT 4:18-21; MR 1:16,19; JOH 21:2,3 -FIGURATIVE JER 16:16; MT 4:19 1842 FISH GATE -General scriptures concerning 2CH 33:14; NE 3:3; ZEP 1:10 1843 FISHHOOK -General scriptures concerning AM 4:2 1844 FISHPOOL -General scriptures concerning SO 7:4 1845 FISH SPEAR -General scriptures concerning Job 41:7 1846 FITCH -General scriptures concerning ISA 28:25-27; EZE 4:9 1847 FLAG -1. (R. V., bulrush.) EX 2:3,5; Job 8:11; ISA 19:6; JON 2:5 -2. An ensign .See ENSIGN » 1660 1848 FLAGON -Erroneously translated (A. V.) flagon of wine, but more accurately, cake of raisin (R. V.) HO 3:1; 2SA 6:19; SO 2:15 1849 FLATTERY -General scriptures concerning Job 17:5; 32:21,22; PS 5:8,9; 12:2,3; 36:2; 49:13,18; 78:36; PR 5:3; 6:24; 7:5,21; 14:20; 19:4,6; 20:19; 22:16; 24:24; 25:26; 26:28; 27:21; 28:23; 29:5; DA 11:21,34; LU 6:26; GA 1:10; 1TH 2:4-6; Jude 1:16 -INSTANCE OF .By Jacob GE 33:10 .By Gideon JUD 8:1-3 .By Mephibosheth 2SA 9:8 .By the woman of Tekoah 2SA 14:17-20 .By Absalom 2SA 15:2-6 .By Israel and Judah 2SA 19:41-43 .By Adonijah 1KI 1:42 .By Ahab 1KI 20:4 .By false prophets 1KI 22:13 .By Darius's courtiers DA 6:7 .By the Herodians LU 20:21 .By Tyrians AC 12:22 .Tertullus flatters Felix AC 24:2-4 .Paul correctly informs Felix AC 24:10 .By Herod Agrippa II AC 26:2,3 1850 FLAX -In Egypt EX 9:31 -In Palestine JOS 2:6 -Linen made from PR 31:13; ISA 19:6; HO 2:5,9 -Robes made of ES 1:16; EZE 40:3 -See LINEN » 3066 -FIGURATIVE .Smoking flax not quenched ISA 42:3; MT 12:20 1851 FLEA -General scriptures concerning 1SA 24:14; 26:20 1852 FLESH -FIGURATIVE .Fruits of GA 5:19-21 -SYMOLICAL .Body of Christ symbolized by the bread JOH 6:51-63 1853 FLESHHOOK -Used in the tabernacle EX 27:3; 38:3; NU 4:14; 1SA 2:13,14 -Made of gold 1CH 28:17 -Made of brass (bronze) 2CH 4:16 1854 FLIES -General scriptures concerning EC 10:1 -Plague of EX 8:21-31; PS 78:45; 105:31 -FIGURATIVE ISA 7:18 1855 FLINT -General scriptures concerning DE 8:15; 32:13; PS 114:8; ISA 50:7; EZE 3:9 1856 FLOOD -(The deluge) -Foretold GE 6:13,17 -History of GE 6; 7; 8 -References to Job 22:16; PS 90:5; MT 24:38; LU 17:26,27; HEB 11:7; 1PE 3:20; 2PE 2:5 -The promise that it should not recur GE 8:20,21; ISA 54:9 -See METEOROLOGY » 3332 1857 FLOUR -See BARLEY » 0600 -See BREAD » 0884 -See OFFERING » 3632 -See WHEAT » 5131 1858 FLOWERS -See BOTANY » 0861 1859 FLUTE -General scriptures concerning DA 3:5,7,10,15 -See MUSIC, INSTRUMENTS OF » 3466 1860 FLY -See FLIES » 1854 1861 FOOD -ARTICLES OF .Milk GE 49:12; PR 27:27 .Butter DE 32:14; 2SA 17:29 .Cheese 1SA 17:18; Job 10:10 .Bread GE 18:5; 1SA 17:17 .Parched (roasted) corn (grain) RU 2:14; 1SA 17:17 .Meat 2SA 6:19; PR 9:2 .Fish MT 7:10; LU 24:42 .Herbs PR 15:17; RO 14:2; HEB 6:7 .Fruit 2SA 16:2 .Dried fruit 1SA 25:18; 30:12 .Honey SO 5:1; ISA 7:15 .Oil DE 12:17; PR 21:17; EZE 16:13 .Vinegar NU 6:3; RU 2:14 .Wine 2SA 6:19; JOH 2:3,10 .Prepared by females GE 27:9; 1SA 8:13; PR 31:15 .Thanks given before receiving MR 8:6; AC 27:35 .A hymn sung afterward MT 26:30 .Men and women did not partake together GE 18:8,9; ES 1:3,9 .See BREAD » 0884 .See EATING » 1508 .See OVEN » 3685 -FROM GOD GE 1:29,30; 9:3; 48:15; PS 23:5; 103:5; 104:14,15; 111:5; 136:25; 145:15; 147:9; PR 30:8; ISA 3:1; MT 6:11; RO 14:14,21; 1TI 4:3-5 -THINGS PROHIBITED AS FOOD EX 22:31; LE 11:1-47; 17:13-15 1862 FOOL -General scriptures concerning PS 5:5; 14:1; 53:1; 74:18-22; 107:17; PR 1:7,22; 3:35; 9:6-8,13-17; 10:1,8,10,13,14,18,23; 14:1,7-9,15; 15:7,20,21; 17:24,25; 18:2,6,7; 19:13; 20:3; 21:20; 26:3-12; 29:9,11; EC 4:5; 7:9; 10:11-15; MT 7:26,27; TIT 3:3 -PARABLES OF .Of the foolish virgns MT 25:1-13 .Of the rich fool LU 12:16-20 1863 FOOT -Washing the feet of the disciples by Jesus JOH 13:4-6 -By disciples 1TI 5:10 -See ABLUTIONS » 0051 -See PURIFICATIONS » 4001 -For footwear, see SHOE » 4531 -FIGURATIVE MT 18:8 1864 FOOTMAN -One who runs ahead of kings and princes 1SA 8:11; 2SA 15:1; 1KI 1:5 1865 FOOTSTOOL -FIGURATIVE .The earth is God's ISA 60:13; 66:1; LA 2:1; AC 7:49 1866 FOREIGNER -FIGURATIVE EPH 2:19 .See ALIENS » 0211 .See GENTILES » 1980 .See STRANGERS » 4715 1867 FOREKNOWLEDGE OF GOD -See GOD, FOREKNOWLEDGE OF » 2043 -See GOD, WISDOM OF » 2043 1868 FOREMAN -See MASTER WORKMAN » 3227 1869 FOREORDINATION -See PREDESTINATION » 3941 1870 FORERUNNER -Figurative of Christ HEB 6:20 1871 FORGERY -By Jezebel 1KI 21:8 1872 FORGETTING GOD -A characteristic of the wicked PR 2:17; ISA 65:11 -Backsliders guilty of JER 2:32; 3:21 -Is forgetting his covenant DE 4:23; 2KI 17:38 -Works PS 78:7,11; 106:13 -Benefits PS 103:2; 106:7 -Word HEB 12:5; JAS 1:25 -Law PS 119:153,176; HO 4:6 -The people of God PS 137:5 -Past deliverances JUD 8:34; PS 78:42 -Power to deliver ISA 51:13-15 -Encouraged by false teachers JER 23:27 -Prosperity leads to DE 8:12-14; HO 13:6 -Trials should not lead to PS 44:17-20 -Resolve against PS 119:16,93 -Cautions against DE 6:12; 8:11 -Exhortation to those guilty of PS 50:22 -Punishment of Job 8:12,13; PS 9:17; ISA 17:10,11; EZE 23:35; HO 8:14 -Threatened Job 8:13; PS 9:17; 50:22; ISA 17:10; JER 2:32; HO 8:14 -See BACKSLIDERS » 0563 -See FORSAKING GOD »(n/a) GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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