0158 AHIAM -One of David's heroes 2SA 23:33 -Also called SACAR 1CH 11:35 0159 AHIAN -Son of Shemidah 1CH 7:19 0160 AHIEZER -1. Captain of the tribe of Dan NU 1:12; 2:25,26 .Contributes to the tabernacle NU 7:66-71 -2. One of David's valiant men 1CH 12:3 0161 AHIHUD -1. A prince of Asher, assists in allotting the land of Canaan among the tribes NU 34:27 -2. A son of Bela 1CH 8:7 0162 AHIJAH -Also called AHIAH -1. Son of Bela 1CH 8:7 -2. Son of Jerahmeel 1CH 2:25 -3. A priest in Shiloh, probably identical with Ahimelech, mentioned in 1SA 22:11 .Was priest in Saul's reign 1SA 14:3,18 .Killed 1SA 22:11-19 -4. One of David's heroes 1CH 11:36 .Also called ELIAM 2SA 23:34 -5. A Levite who was treasurer in the tabernacle 1CH 26:20 -6. Son of Shisha 1KI 4:3 -7. A prophet in Shiloh 1KI 11:29-39 -8. Father of Baasha 1KI 15:27,33; 2KI 9:9 -9. An Israelite, who subscribed to the covenant of Nehemiah NE 10:26 0163 AHIKAM -Son of Shaphan 2KI 22:12-14; 25:22; 2CH 34:20; JER 26:24; 39:14; 40:5-16; 41:1-18; 43:6 0164 AHILUD -Father of Baana 1KI 4:12 -Father of Jehoshaphat 2SA 8:16; 20:24; 1KI 4:3; 1CH 18:15 0165 AHIMAAZ -1. Father-in-law of king Saul 1SA 14:50 -2. Son of Zadok, the high priest. Loyal to David 2SA 15:36; 17:17-20; 18:19-33; 1CH 6:8,9,53 -3. Solomon's son-in-law 1KI 4:15 0166 AHIMAN -1. A giant of Hebron NU 13:22; JOS 15:14 -2. A Levite 1CH 9:17 0167 AHIMELECH -1. Also called AHIA. A high priest, during the reign of David .Gives shewbread and the sword of Goliath to David 1SA 21; MR 2:26 .Killed by the command of Saul 1SA 22:9-22 -2. A Hittite, and friend of David 1SA 26:6 0168 AHIMOTH -A Levite 1CH 6:25 0169 AHINADAB -Son of Iddo 1KI 4:14 0170 AHINOAM -1. Wife of king Saul 1SA 14:50 -2. Wife of king David 1SA 25:43; 27:3; 30:5,18; 2SA 3:2 0171 AHIO -1. A Levite, who drove the cart bearing the ark of the covenant 2SA 6:3,4; 1CH 13:7 -2. A Benjamite 1CH 8:14 -3. Son of Jehiel 1CH 8:31; 9:37 0172 AHIRA -Captain of the tribe of Naphtali NU 1:15; 2:29; 7:78-83; 10:27 0173 AHIRAM -See AHARAH » 0145 0174 AHISAMACH -Father of Aholiab EX 31:6; 35:34; 38:23 0175 AHISHAHAR -Son of Bilhan 1CH 7:10 0176 AHISHAR -One of Solomon's household officers 1KI 4:6 0177 AHITHOPHEL -One of David's counsellors 2SA 15:12; 1CH 27:33 -Joins Absalom 2SA 15:31,34; 16:15,20-23; 17:1-23 -Probably referred to by David in PS 55:12-14 -Suicide of 2SA 17:1-14,23 0178 AHITUB -1. High priest, father of Ahiah 1SA 14:3; 22:9,11,12,20 -2. Father of Zadok 2SA 8:17; 1CH 18:16 -3. Ruler of the house of God 1CH 9:11; NE 11:11 -4. The Ahitub mentioned in 1CH 6:8,11,12 .Is probably identical with the last described above, or else he is confused with Azariah 2CH 31:10 0179 AHLAB -A city of Asher, the original inhabitants of which were not expelled JUD 1:31 0180 AHLAI -1. Daughter of Sheshan 1CH 2:31,34,35 -2. Father of Zabad 1CH 11:41 0181 AHOAH -Son of Bela 1CH 8:4 -Also called AHIAH 1CH 8:7 -And IRA 1CH 7:7 0182 AHOLAH -Name of an imaginary woman, typical of idolatry EZE 23:4,5,36,44 0183 AHOLIAB -An artificer of the tabernacle EX 31:6; 35:34; 36:1,2; 38:23 0184 AHOLIBAH -An imaginary character, typical of idolatry EZE 23:4,5,36,44 0185 AHOLIBAMAH -1. Wife of Esau GE 36:3,14,25 .She is probably identical with Judith, of GE 26:34 -2. An Edomitish prince GE 36:41 0186 AHUMAI -Son of Jahath 1CH 4:2 0187 AHUZAM -Son of Ashur 1CH 4:6 0188 AHUZZATH -A friend of Abimelech GE 26:26 0189 AI -1. A royal city of the Canaanites .Conquest and destruction of JOS 7:8 .Rebuilt EZR 2:28 .Also called AIJA NE 11:31 .And AIATH ISA 10:28 .Population of JOS 8:25 -2. A city of the Ammonites JER 49:3 0190 AIAH -See AJAH » 0196 0191 AIATH -See AI » 0189 0192 AIJA -See AI » 0189 0193 AIJALON -See AJALON » 0197 0194 AIJELETH SHAHAR -(A musical term which probably indicated the sprightly movement of the music set to) PS 22 -See TITLE PS 22:1 0195 AIN -1. A city of Simeon JOS 19:7; 15:32; 21:16; 1CH 4:32 .Also called ASHAN 1CH 6:59 .Possibly identical with En-Rimmon NE 11:29 -2. A landmark on the northern boundary of Palestine NU 34:11 0196 AJAH -Also called AIAH -1. A Horite GE 36:24; 1CH 1:40 -2. Father of Rizpah 2SA 3:7; 21:8-11 0197 AJALON -1. A city of Dan JOS 19:42 .Assigned to the Levites. A city of refuge JOS 21:24; 1SA 14:31; 1CH 6:69 .Amorites of, not exterminated JUD 1:35 -2. A city of Zebulun JUD 12:12 -3. A city of Judah 2CH 28:18; 11:10 -4. A valley JOS 10:12 0198 AKAN -A Horite GE 36:27 -Also called JAAKAN DE 10:6 -And JAKAN 1CH 1:42 0199 AKKUB -1. One of the Nethinim EZR 2:45 -2. A returned exile 1CH 9:17; EZR 2:42; NE 7:45; 8:7; 12:25 -3. A son of Elioenai 1CH 3:24 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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