0131 AGABUS -A prophet AC 11:28; 21:10 0132 AGAG -1. A king of the Amalekites NU 24:7 -2. A king of the Amalekites, taken prisoner by Saul, and killed by Samuel 1SA 15:8,33 0133 AGAR -See HAGAR » 2126 0134 AGATE -A precious stone EX 28:19; ISA 54:12; EZE 27:16 0135 AGE, OLD -See OLD AGE » 3639 0136 AGED -Gospel invitation to MT 20:5,6 -See OLD AGE » 3639 0137 AGEE -Father of Shammah 2SA 23:11 0138 AGENCY -IN SALVATION OF MEN Job 33:14-30; PS 8:2; MT 4:19; 5:13-16; LU 1:17; 5:10; 10:17,21; JOH 15:16; 1CO 1:26-29; 1TH 2:4; 1TI 1:11; 6:20; JAS 5:20 .See PREACHING » 3938 -IN EXECUTING JUDGMENTS GE 3:15; 1SA 15:1-19; 2SA 7:14; 2KI 9:6,7; 19:25,26; 2CH 22:7; PS 17:13,14; ISA 10:5,6; 13:5; 41:15; JER 27:8; 51:20-23 0139 AGENCY, FREE MORAL -See CONTINGENCIES » 1214 0140 AGRICULTURE -Divine institution of GE 2:15; 3:19,23 -Practiced by Cain GE 4:2 -Practiced by Noah GE 9:20 -Practiced by Elisha 1KI 19:19 -Practiced by David 1CH 27:26-31 -Practiced by Uzziah 2CH 26:10 -Practiced by Solomon EC 2:4-6 -God to be acknowledged in JER 5:24; HO 2:8 -Requires wisdom ISA 28:26 -Requires diligence PR 27:23,27; EC 11:6 -Requires patience JAS 5:7 -Requires toil 2TI 2:6 -Persons engaged in, called husbandmen 2CH 26:10 -Called laborers MT 9:37 -Called tiller of the ground GE 4:2 -Planters of vineyards, exempted from military service DE 20:6 -Fruits blasted because of sin ISA 5:10; 7:23; JER 12:13; JOE 1:10,11 -LAWS CONCERNING EX 20:9; 22:5,6; 23:10-12; 34:21,22; LE 19:9,10,19,23-25; 25:2-12,15,16,19-28; DE 5:13,14; 22:9,10; 23:24,25; 24:19-21; PR 3:9,10; EC 5:9; PR 27:23-27; MT 12:1 -FActs ABOUT GE 8:22; 1SA 13:19-21; ISA 28:24-28; MT 13:3-8; 2CO 9:6; GA 6:7 .See HUSBANDMAN » 2429 -FIGURATIVE .Fallow ground JER 4:3 .Sowing wheat, but reaping thorns JER 12:13 .Parable .Of the sower MT 13:3-8,19-23; LU 8:5-15 .Of the tares MT 13:24-30,36-43 -OPERATIONS IN .See CHURNING » 1109 .See GLEANING » 2032 .See GRAFTING » 2073 .See IRRIGATION » 2553 .See MANURE » 3202 .See MOWING » 3454 .See PRUNING » 3986 .See REAPING » 4071 .See SOWER » 4657 .See THRESHING » 4901 -IMPLEMENTS OF .See AX » 0500 .See CART » 0987 .See FAN » 1794 .See FLAIL »(n/a) .See FORK » 1874 .See GOAD » 2038 .See HARROW » 2199 .See MATTOCK » 3243 .See MILL » 3372 .See PLOW » 3902 .See PRUNING-HOOK » 3986 .See SHOVEL » 4538 .See SICKLE » 4563 .See SIEVE » 4568 -PRODUCTS OF .See APPLE » 0347 .See BARLEY » 0600 .See BUTTER » 0925 .See CHAFF » 1016 .See CORN » 1235 .See CUCUMBER » 1290 .See DATE » 1337 .See FIG » 1822 .See FITCH » 1846 .See GARLIC » 1944 .See GOURD » 2067 .See GRAPE » 2075 .See HONEY » 2375 .See LEEK » 3027 .See MELON » 3282 .See MILK » 3371 .See OIL » 3637 .See ONION » 3655 .See POMEGRANATE » 3913 .See RYE » 4202 .See STUBBLE » 4723 .See WHEAT » 5131 .See WINE » 5151 -ANIMALS OF .See ASS » 0460 .See CAMEL » 0950 .See GOATS » 2039 .See HORSES » 2392 .See KINE » 2933 .See MULES » 3459 .See SHEEP » 4424 .See SWINE » 4759 .See also BARN » 0601 .See FENCE » 1814 .See GARNER » 1946 .See VINEYARDS » 5088 0141 AGRIPPA -King AC 25:26 0142 AGUE -General scriptures concerning LE 26:16 0143 AGUR -Son of Jakeh PR 30:1 0144 AHAB -1. King of Israel 1KI 16:29 .Marries Jezebel 1KI 16:31 .Idolatry of 1KI 16:30-33; 18:18,19; 21:25,26 .Other wickedness of 2KI 3:2; 2CH 21:6; 22:3,4; MIC 6:16 .Reproved by Elijah; assembles the prophets of Baal 1KI 18:17-46 .Fraudulently confiscates Naboth's vineyard 1KI 21 .Defeats Ben-hadad 1KI 20 .Closing history and death of 1KI 22; 2CH 18 .Succeeded by his son, Ahaziah 1KI 22:40 .Prophecies against 1KI 20:42; 21:19-24; 22:19-28; 2KI 9:8,25,26 .Sons of, murdered 2KI 10:1-8 -2. A false prophet JER 29:21,22 0145 AHARAH -Also called EHI, and AHIRAM, and AHER .Son of Benjamin GE 46:21; NU 26:38; 1CH 7:12; 8:1 0146 AHARHEL -Son of Harum 1CH 4:8 0147 AHASAI -A grandson of Immer NE 11:13 0148 AHASBAI -Father of Eliphelet 2SA 23:34 -See UR 1CH 11:35 0149 AHASUERUS -1. King of Persia, history of .See BOOK OF ESTHER ES 1 -2. AHASUERUS .See ARTAXERXES » 0410 -3. Father of Darius DA 9:1 0150 AHAVA -A river of Babylon EZR 8:15,21,31 0151 AHAZ -1. King of Judah, son and successor of Jotham 2KI 15:38; 16:1; 2CH 27:9; 28:1 .Idolatrous abominations of 2KI 16:3,4; 2CH 28:2-4,22-25 .Kingdom of, invaded by the kings of Syria and Samaria 2KI 16:5,6; 2CH 28:5-8 .Robs the temple to purchase aid from the king of Asia 2KI 16:7-9,17,18; 2CH 28:21 .Visits Damascus, obtains a novel pattern of an altar, which he substitutes for the altar in the temple in Jerusalem, and otherwise perverts the forms of worship 2KI 16:10-16 .Sundial of 2KI 20:11; ISA 38:8 .Prophets in the reign of ISA 1:1; HO 1:1; MIC 1:1 .Prophecies concerning ISA 7:13-25 .Succeeded by Hezekiah 2KI 16:20 -2. Son of Micah 1CH 8:35; 9:41,42 0152 AHAZIAH -1. King of Judah. Called AZARIAH and JEHOAHAZ 2CH 21:17; 25:23 .History of 2KI 8:25-29; 9:16-29 .Gifts of, to the temple 2KI 12:18 .Brethren of, slain 2KI 10:13,14 .Succeeded by Athaliah 2CH 22:10-12 -2. King of Israel .History of 1KI 22:40,49,51-53; 2CH 20:35-37; 2KI 1 .Succeeded by Jehoram 2KI 3:1 0153 AHBAN -Son of Abishur 1CH 2:29 0154 AHER -See AHARAH » 0145 0155 AHI -1. Son of Shamer 1CH 7:34 -2. Son of Abdiel 1CH 5:15 0156 AHIA -See AHIMELECH » 0167 0157 AHIAH -1. Grandson of Phinehas 1SA 14:3,18 -2. One of Solomon's scribes 1KI 4:3 -3. A Benjamite 1CH 8:7 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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