1678 EPHRAIN -A city in Benjamin 2CH 13:19 -See EPHRAIM, number six » 1676 1679 EPHRATAH -1. Also called EPHRATH .The ancient name of Beth-lehem-judah GE 35:16,19; 48:7; RU 4:11; PS 132:6; MIC 5:2 -2. Second wife of Caleb, mother of Hur 1CH 2:19,50; 4:4 1680 EPHRATH -See EPHRATAH » 1679 1681 EPHRON -1. Son of Zohar, the Hittite .Sells to Abraham the field containing the cave Machpelah GE 23:8-17; 25:9; 49:29,30; 50:13 -2. A mountain on the boundary line between the tribes of Judah and Benjamin JOS 15:9 1682 EPIC -(Heroic poetry) .Miriam's song EX 15:1-19,21 -Deborah's song JUD 5 -David's war song 2SA 22 -See POETRY » 3907 1683 EPICUREANS -(Referring to those who are fastidious in their tastes or enjoyments, connoisseurs) -Reject John the Baptist MT 11:18; LU 7:33 -Doctrines propagated by, familiar to Solomon EC 2:1-10 -To Paul 1CO 15:32 -Dispute with Paul AC 17:18 1684 EPILEPSY -General scriptures concerning MR 9:17-22 -See DISEASE » 1428 1685 EPISTLES -From the congregation at Jerusalem to the Gentiles AC 15:23-29 -Of Luke to Theophilus LU 1:1-4; AC 1:1 -Of Paul, see the Biblical books of ROMANS, FIRST CORINTHIANS, SECOND CORINTHIANS, GALATIANS, EPHESIANS, PHILIPPIANS, COLOSSIANS, THESSALONIANS, TIMOTHY, TITUS, and PHILEMON. -Of James, PETER, and John, see books of the N. T. which bear their names -See LETTERS » 3042 1686 EQUALITY, OF MEN -See MAN, ALL MEN EQUAL » 3187 1687 EQUITY (FAIRNESS) -See JUSTICE » 2890 1688 ER -1. Son of Judah GE 38:3,6,7; 46:12; NU 26:19; 1CH 2:3 -2. A son of Shelah 1CH 4:21 -3. An ancestor of, Jesus LU 3:28 1689 ERAN -A grandson of Ephraim NU 26:36 1690 ERASTUS -1. A friend of Paul AC 19:22; 2TI 4:20 -2. Convert of Paul's, probably same as preceding RO 16:23 1691 ERECH -A city of Shinar GE 10:10 1692 ERI -A son of Gad GE 46:16; NU 26:16 1693 ERRORS -(In teachers and doctrines) -See TEACHERS, FALSE » 4833 1694 ESAIAS -See ISAIAH » 2557 1695 ESAR-HADDON (ESARHADDON) -(King of Assyria) -Succeeds Sennacherib 2KI 19:37; ISA 37:38 -Called Asnapper EZR 4:2,10 1696 ESAU -Older of the twin sons born to Isaac and Rebekah -Birth of GE 25:19-26; 1CH 1:34 -Called Edom GE 36:1,8 -A hunter GE 25:27,28 -Beloved by Isaac GE 25:27,28 -Sells his birthright for a single meal GE 25:29-34; MAL 1:2; RO 9:13; HEB 12:16 -Marries a Hittite woman GE 26:34 -His marriage to, a grief to Isaac and Rebekah GE 26:35 -Polygamy of GE 26:34; 28:9; 36:2,3 -Is defrauded of his father's blessing by Jacob GE 27; HEB 11:20 -Meets Jacob on the return of the latter from Haran GE 33:1 -With Jacob, buries his father GE 35:29 -Descendants of GE 36 -Hostility of descendants of, toward the descendants of Jacob OB 1:10-14 -Ancestor of Edomites JER 49:8 -Mount of Edom, called MOUNT OF ESAU OB 1:8,9,18-21 -His name used to denote his descendants and their country DE 2:5; JER 49:8,10; OB 1:6 -Prophecies concerning OB 1:18 1697 ESCAPE -NONE, FROM THE JUDGMENTS OF GOD GE 3:7-11; 4:9-11; Job 34:21,22; ISA 10:3; MT 23:33; RO 2:3; 1TH 5:2,3; HEB 2:2,3; 12:25,26; RE 6:15-17 .See SIN, FRUITS OF » 4587 .See SIN, PUNISHMENT OF » 4587 .See JUDGMENTS, NO ESCAPE FROM » 2880 1698 ESCHEAT -See CONFISCATION » 1189 1699 ESEK -A well dug by the servants of Isaac GE 26:20 1700 ESH-BAAL -See ISH-BOSHETH » 2563 1701 ESHBAN -A son of Dishan or Dishon GE 36:26; 1CH 1:41 1702 ESHCOL -1. An Amorite, and ally of Abraham GE 14:13,24 -2. A valley or brook near Hebron NU 13:23,24; 32:9; DE 1:24 1703 ESHEAN -A city in Judah JOS 15:52 1704 ESHEK -A Benjamite 1CH 8:39 1705 ESHTAOL -A town of the tribe of Judah JOS 15:33 -Allotted to Dan JOS 19:41; JUD 18:2,8,11 -Samson moved by the spirit of the Lord near JUD 13:25 -Samson buried near JUD 16:31 1706 ESHTEMOA -1. Also called ESHTEMOH .A town of Canaan assigned to Judah JOS 15:50 .Allotted to the Aaronites JOS 21:14; 1CH 6:57 .David shared plunder with 1SA 30:28 -2. A descendant of Ezra 1CH 4:17,19 1707 ESHTON -Son of Mehir 1CH 4:11,12 1708 ESLI -An ancestor of Jesus LU 3:25 1709 ESROM -An ancestor of Jesus MT 1:3; LU 3:33 1710 ESTATE -Vast landed ISA 5:8 -See LAND » 2990 1711 ESTHER -Also called HADASSAH -Niece of Mordecai ES 2:7,15 -Chosen queen ES 2:17 -Tells the king of the plot against his life ES 2:22 -Fasts on account of the decree to destroy the Israelites; Accuses Haman to the king; intercedes for her people ES 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9 1712 ETAM -1. A village of Simeon 1CH 4:32 -2. A city in Judah 2CH 11:6 -3. A name on the list of Judah's descendants, but probably referring to number two 1CH 4:3 -4. A rock where Samson was bound and delivered to the Philistines JUD 15:8,11-13 1713 ETERNAL LIFE -See LIFE EVERLASTING » 3059 1714 ETERNAL PUNISHMENT -See PUNISHMENT, ETERNAL » 3998 1715 ETERNITY -God inhabits ISA 57:15; MIC 5:2 -God rules JER 10:10 -See GOD, ETERNITY OF » 2043 -UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO PS 30:12; 41:13; 72:17; 90:2; 110:4; 119:142; MT 6:13; 18:8; 2CO 9:9; Jude 1:6 .See LIFE, EVERLASTING » 3059 .See PUNISHMENT, ETERNAL » 3998 1716 ETHAM -Second camping place of Israel EX 13:20; NUM 33:6,7 1717 ETHAN -1. A renowned sage 1KI 4:31 .See title PS 89 -2. Son of Zerak 1CH 2:6,8 .Two Levites 1CH 6:42,44; 15:17,19 1718 ETHANIM -(The seventh month (October)) -Feast of Trumpets in LE 23:23-25 -Day of Atonement, on the tenth day of LE 23:26-32 -Feast of Tabernacles in LE 23:33-43 -Jubilee proclaimed on the tenth day of LE 25:9 -Temple dedicated in 1KI 8:2 -Altar restored in, after the captivity EZR 3:1,6 1719 ETHBAAL -King of Sidon 1KI 16:31 1720 ETHER -(A city of Caanan) -Assigned to the tribe of Judah JOS 15:42 -Subsequently allotted to the tribe of Simeon JOS 19:7 -Called TOCHEN in 1CH 4:32 1721 ETHIOPIA -(A region in Africa, inhabited by the descendants of Ham) -The inhabitants of, black JER 13:23 -Within the Babylonian empire ES 1:1 -Rivers of GE 10:6; ISA 18:1 -Bordered Egypt on the south EZE 29:10 -Was called the land of Cush, mentioned in GE 10:6; 1CH 1:9; ISA 11:11 -Warriors of JER 46:9; 2CH 12:3; EZE 38:5 -Defeated by Asa 2CH 14:9-15; 16:8 -Invaded Syria 2KI 19:9 -Merchandise of ISA 45:14 -Moses marries a woman of NU 12:1 -Ebel-melech, at the court of Babylon, native of -Treats Jeremiah kindly JER 38:7-13; 39:15-18 -Candace, queen of AC 8:27 -A eunuch from, becomes a disciple beause of the preaching of Philip AC 8:27-39 -Prophecies concerning the conversion of PS 68:31; 87:4; ISA 45:14; DA 11:43 -Desolation of ISA 18:1-6; 20:2-6; 43:3; EZE 30:4-9; HAB 3:7; ZEP 2:12 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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