1651 EN-HAZOR -A city of Naphtali JOS 19:37 1652 EN-MISHPAT -Ancient name of Kadesh GE 14:7 -See KADESH » 2895 1653 ENOCH -1. Oldest son of Cain GE 4:17,18 -2. A city built by Cain GE 4:17 -3. Father of Methuselah. Transporting of GE 5:18-24; LU 3:37; HEB 11:5; Jude 1:14 .Called HENOCH 1CH 1:3 1654 ENON (AENON) -A place east of the Jordan River -Because there was plenty of water, John immersed people near JOH 3:23 1655 ENOS -Son of Seth GE 4:26; 5:6-11; LU 3:38 -Called ENOSH 1CH 1:1 1656 ENQUIRING OF GOD -See AFFLICTION, PRAYER IN » 0130 -See PRAYER » 3935 1657 EN-RIMMON -A city of the tribe of Judah, probably identical with AIN and RIMMON NE 11:29 1658 EN-ROGEL -A spring near Jerusalem JOS 15:7; 18:16; 2SA 17:17 -A rebellious feast at 1KI 1:9 1659 EN-SHEMESH -A spring between the territories of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin JOS 15:7; 18:17 1660 ENSIGN -General scriptures concerning PS 74:4; ISA 5:26; 11:10,12; 18:3; 30:17; 31:9; ZEC 9:16 -See BANNER » 0587 -See STANDARD » 4690 1661 EN-TAPPUAH -A spring near Tappuah JOS 17:7 1662 ENTHUSIASM -INSTANCES OF .Gideon JUD 6; 7 .Jehu 2KI 9:1-14; 10:1-28 .See ZEAL » 5223 1663 ENUMERATION -See CENSUS » 1010 1664 ENVY -General scriptures concerning Job 5:2,3; PS 37:1,7; 49:16; 73:3,17-20; 112:10; PR 3:31; 14:30; 23:17; 24:1,19; 27:4; EC 4:4; SO 8:6; ISA 26:11; EZE 35:11; RO 1:29; 13:13; 1CO 3:3; 13:4; 2CO 12:20; GA 5:19-21,26; 1TI 6:4,5; TIT 3:3; JAS 3:14,16; 4:5; 5:9; 1PE 2:1 -INSTANCES OF .Cain, of Abel GE 4:4-8 .Sarah, of Hagar GE 16:5,6; 21:9,10 .Philistines, of Isaac GE 26:14 .Rachel, of Leah GE 30:1 .Leah, of Rachel GE 30:15 .Laban's sons, of Jacob GE 31:1 .Joseph's brethren, of Joseph GE 37:4-11,19,20; AC 7:9 .Joshua, of Eldad and Medad NU 11:28-30 .Miriam and Aaron, of Moses NU 12:1-10 .Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, of Moses NU 16:3; PS 106:16-18 .Saul, of David 1SA 18:8,9,29; 20:31 .Haman, of Mordecai ES 5:13 .The princes of Babylon, of Daniel DA 6:4 .Priests, of Jesus MT 27:18; MR 15:10; JOH 11:47 .Jews, of Paul and Barnabas AC 13:45; 17:5 1665 EPAPHRAS -A co-laborer with Paul COL 1:7; 4:12; PHM 1:23 1666 EPAPHRODITUS -A messenger of Paul PHP 2:25; 4:18 -Sick at Rome PHP 2:26,27,30 1667 EPENETUS (EPAENETUS) -A friend of Paul RO 16:5 1668 EPHAH -1. A son of Midian GE 25:4; 1CH 1:33; ISA 60:6 -2. Caleb's concubine 1CH 2:46 -3. Son of Jahdai 1CH 2:47 -4. A measure of about three pecks .See MEASURE, DRY » 3248 1669 EPHAI -An Israelite JER 40:8 1670 EPHER -1. A son of Midian GE 25:4; 1CH 1:33 -2. Son of Ezra 1CH 4:17 -3. A chief of Manasseh 1CH 5:24 1671 EPHES-DAMMIN -A place in the territory of the tribe of Judah 1SA 17:1 1672 EPHESIANS -(Paul's letter to) -See EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS EPH 1 -See also EPHESUS » 1673 1673 EPHESUS -Paul visits and preaches in AC 18:19-21; 19; 20:16-38 -Apollos visits and preaches in AC 18:18-28 -Sceva's sons attempt to expel a demon in AC 19:13-16 -Timothy directed by Paul to remain at 1TI 1:3 -Paul sends Tychicus to 2TI 4:12 -Onesiphorus lives at 2TI 1:18 -The congregation at RE 1:11 -Apocalyptic message to RE 2:1-7 -See Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians EPH 1 1674 EPHLAL -A descendant of Pharez 1CH 2:37 1675 EPHOD -1. A sacred vestment worn by the high priest .Described EX 28:6-14,31-35; 25:7 .The making of EX 39:2-26 .Breastplate attached to EX 28:22-29 .Worn by Aaron EX 39:5 .Used as an oracle 1SA 23:9,12; 30:7,8 .An inferior, was worn by the ordinary priests 1SA 22:18 .Worn by Samuel 1SA 2:18 .Worn by David 2SA 6:14 .It was called COAT EX 28:40; 29:8; 39:27; 40:14; LE 8:13; 10:5 .Made by Gideon, became an idolatrous snare to Israel JUD 8:27; 17:5; 18:14 .Prophecy concerning the absence of the Ephod from Israel HO 3:4 -2. A man of Manasseh NU 34:23 1676 EPHRAIM -1. Second son of Joseph GE 41:52 .Adopted by Jacob GE 48:5 .Blessed before Manasseh; prophecies concerning GE 48:14-20 .Descendants of NU 26:35-37; 1CH 7:20-27 .Mourned for his sons 1CH 7:21,22 -2. A tribe of Israel .Prophecy concerning GE 49:25,26; ISA 7; 9:18-21; 11:13; 28:1; JER 31; HO 5:14; ZEC 9:10; 10:7 .Numbered at Mount Sinai and in plains of Moab NU 1:33; 26:37 .Position in camp and march NU 2:18,24; 10:22 .Blessed by Moses DE 33:13-17 .Territory allotted to, after the conquest of Canaan JOS 16:5-9; 17:9,10,15-18; 1CH 7:28,29 .Failed to expel the Canaanites JOS 16:10 .Captured Beth-el in battle JUD 1:22-25 .Rebuked Gideon for not summoning them to join the war against the Midianites JUD 8:1 .Joined Gideon against the Midianites JUD 7:24,25 .Their jealousy of Jephthah JUD 12:1 .Defeated by him JUD 12:4-6 .Received Ish-bosheth as king 2SA 2:9 .Jeroboam set up a golden calf in Beth-el 1KI 12:29 .Revolted from house of David 1KI 12:25; 2CH 10:16 .Some of tribe joined Judah under Asa 2CH 15:9 .Chastised Ahaz and Judah 2CH 28:7 .Joined Hezekiah in reinstituting the Passover 2CH 30:18 .Joined in the destruction of idolatrous forms in Jerusalem 2CH 31:1 .Submitted to the scepter of Josiah 2CH 34:1-6 .Envied by other tribes ISA 11:13; JER 7:15; EZE 37:16,19; HO 13:1 .Worshiped Baal HO 13:1 .Sin of, remembered by God HO 13:12 .Reallotment of territory, to, by Ezekiel EZE 48:5 .Name of, applied to the ten tribes 2CH 17:2; 25:6,7; ISA 7:8,9; 11:12,13; 17:3; JER 31:18,20; HO 4:17; 5:3,5; 6:4,10; 8:11; 12:14 .Tribe of, called JOSEPH RE 7:8 -3. Mount of .A range of low mountains JOS 17:15-18 .Joshua has his inheritance in JUD 2:9 .Residence of Micah JUD 17:8 .A place of hiding for Israelites 1SA 14:22 .Sheba resides in 2SA 20:21 .Noted for rich pastures JER 50:19 .Prophecy concerning its conversion JER 31:6 -4. A forest east of the Jordan River .Absalom killed in 2SA 18:6-17 -5. A gate of Jerusalem 2KI 14:13; 2CH 25:23; NE 8:16; 12:39 -6. A city in the territory of Ephraim 2CH 13:19 .Jesus escapes to, from the persecution of Caiaphas JOH 11:54 1677 EPHRAIMITES -See EPHRAIM, number two » 1676 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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