1255 COVETOUSNESS -General scriptures concerning EX 18:21; 20:17; DE 5:21; NE 5:7; Job 20:15; 31:24,25,28; PS 10:3; 119:36; PR 1:19; 11:24,26; 15:27; 21:25,26; 22:16; 23:4,5; 30:8,9; EC 1:2-8; 4:8; 5:10,11; ISA 1:23; 5:8; 56:11; 57:17; JER 6:13; 8:10; 17:11; 22:17; 51:13; EZE 22:12,13; 33:31; HO 4:18; 10:1; MIC 2:2; 3:11; 7:3; HAB 1:15,16; 2:5-9; HAG 1:6; MAL 1:10; MT 6:19-21,24,25,31-33; 13:22; 16:26; 19:23,24; 22:1-14; MR 4:19; 7:21-23; LU 7:14; 12:15-21,33,34; 14:16-24; 18:24,25; JOH 6:26,27; RO 1:29; 13:9; 1CO 5:11; 6:10; EPH 5:3,5; COL 3:2,5,6; PHP 3:18,19; 1TH 2:5; 1TI 3:3; 6:5-11,17; 2TI 3:2; TIT 1:7,11; HEB 13:5; JAS 4:2,13-17; 1PE 5:2; 2PE 2:3,14-16; 1JO 2:15-17; Jude 1:11 -See AVARICE » 0493 -See RICH » 4164 -See RICHES » 4165 -See WORLDLINESS » 5171 -INSTANCES OF .Eve, in desiring the forbidden fruit GE 3:6 .Lot, in choosing the plain of the Jordan GE 13:10-13 .Laban .In giving Rebekah to be Isaac's wife GE 24:29-51 .In deceiving Jacob when he served him seven years for Rachel GE 29:15-30 .In deceiving Jacob in wages GE 31:7,15,41,42 .Jacob .In defrauding Esau of his, father's blessing GE 27:6-29 .In defrauding Laban of his flocks and herds GE 30:35-43 .In buying Esau's birthright GE 25:31 .Balaam, in loving the wages of unrighteousness 2PE 2:15; with NU 22 .Achan, in hiding the treasure JOS 7:21 .Eli's sons, in taking the flesh of the sacrifice 1SA 2:13-17 .Samuel's sons, in taking bribes 1SA 8:3 .Saul, in sparing, Agag and the booty 1SA 15:8,9 .David, of Bath-sheba 2SA 11:2-5 .Ahab, in desiring Naboth's vineyard 1KI 21:2-16 .Gehazi, in taking a gift from Naaman 2KI 5:20-27 .Some Jews .In exacting usury from their brethren NE 5:1-11 .In keeping back the portion of the Levites NE 13:10 .In building fine houses while the house of the Lord lay waste HAG 1:4-9 .In following Jesus merely for the loaves and fish JOH 6:26 .Money-changers in the temple MT 21:12,13; LU 19:45,46; JOH 2:14-16 .The rich young ruler MT 19:16-22 .The rich fool LU 12:15-21 .Judas, in betraying Jesus for twenty pieces of silver MT 26:15,16; MR 14:10,11; LU 22:3-6; JOH 12:6 .The unjust steward LU 16:1-8 .The Pharisees LU 16:14 .Simon Magus, in trying to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit AC 8:18-23 .The sorcerers, in filing complaint against Paul and Silas AC 16:19 .Demetrius, in raising a riot against Paul and Silas AC 19:24,27 .Festus, in hoping for a bribe from Paul AC 24:26 .Demas in forsaking Paul for love of the world 2TI 4:10 .See AVARICE » 0493 .See BRIBERY » 0888 .See RICH » 4164 .See RICHES » 4165 1256 COW -Used for pulling 1SA 6:7-12; HO 10:11 -(Milk of, used for food) -See MILK » 3371 -See CATTLE » 0997 -See KINE » 2933 -FIGURATIVE AM 4:1 1257 COWARDICE -General scriptures concerning LE 26:36,37; DE 20:8; 32:30; JOS 7:5; 23:10; JUD 7:3; Job 15:24; 18:11; PR 28:1; 29:25; ISA 51:12,13; GA 6:12; 2TI 4:16 -See COURAGE » 1250 -INSTANCES OF .Adam, in attempting to shift responsibility for his sin upon Eve GE 3:12 .Abraham, in calling his wife his sister GE 12:11-19; 20:2-12 .Isaac, in calling his wife his sister GE 26:7-9 .Jacob, in flying from Laban GE 31:31 .Aaron, in yielding to the Israelites, when they demanded an idol EX 32:22-24 .The ten spies NU 13:28,31-33 .The Israelites .In fearing to attempt the conquest of Canaan NU 14:1-5; DE 1:26-28 .In the battle with the people of Ai JOS 7:5 .To meet Goliath 1SA 17:24 .To fight with the Philistines 1SA 13:6,7 .20,000 Of Gideon's army JUD 7:3 .Ephraimites PS 78:9 .Ephraimites and Manassehites JOS 17:14-18 .Amoritish kings JOS 10:16 .Canaanites JOS 2:11; 5:1 .Samuel, fearing to obey God's command to anoint a king in Saul's place 1SA 16:2 .David, in fleeing from Absalom 2SA 15:13-17 .Nicodemus, in coming to Jesus by night JOH 3:1,2 .Joseph of Arimathaea, secretly a disciple JOH 19:38 .Parents of the blind man, who was restored to sight JOH 9:22 .Early converts among the rulers JOH 12:42,43 .The disciples .During the storm at sea MT 8:26; MR 4:38; LU 8:25 .When they saw Jesus walking on the sea MT 14:25; MR 6:50; JOH 6:19 .When Jesus was apprehended MT 26:56 .Peter, in denying the Lord MT 26:69-74; MR 14:66-72; LU 22:54-60; JOH 18:16,17,25,27 .Pilate, in condemning Jesus, through fear of the people JOH 19:12-16 .Guards of the sepulcher of Jesus MT 28:4 .The Philippian jailer AC 16:27 .Peter and other Christians, at Antioch (of Syria) GA 2:11-14 1258 COZ -Father of Anub 1CH 4:8 1259 COZBI -Daughter of Zur NU 25:15,18 1260 CRACKNEL -A biscuit or cake, hard-baked 1KI 14:3 1261 CRAFTINESS -INSTANCES OF .Satan, in the temptation of Eve GE 3:1-5 .Jacob, in purchase of Esau's birthright GE 25:31-33 .Obtaining Isaac's blessing GE 27:6-29 .In management of Laban's flocks and herds GE 30:31-43 .Gibeonites, in deceiving Joshua and the Israelites into a treaty JOS 9:3-15 .Sanballat, in trying to deceive Nehemiah into a conference NE 6 .Jews, in seeking to entangle the Master MT 22:15-17,24-28; MR 12:13; 14:18-23; LU 20:19-26 .In seeking to kill Jesus MT 26:4; MR 14:1 1262 CRAFTSMAN -See ART » 0409 -See MASTER WORKMAN » 3227 1263 CRANE -An amphibious bird ISA 38:14; JER 8:7 1264 CREATION -Beginning of GE 1:1 -History of GE 1; 2 -See ANIMALS » 0305 -See BIRDS » 0804 -See EARTH » 1502 -See FISH » 1840 -See GRASS » 2076 -See HEAVENS » 2262 -See MAN » 3187 -See MOON » 3431 -See SEAS » 4285 -See STARS » 4691 -See SUN » 4739 -See WATER » 5116 -See WOMAN, etc » 5162 -See GOD, CREATOR » 2043 -See JESUS, CREATOR » 2780 1265 CREATURE -See CREATION » 1264 -See GOD, CREATOR » 2043 -See MAN, CREATED » 3187 -NEW CREATURE 2CO 5:17; GA 6:15 .See REGENERATION » 4097 1266 CREDITOR -LAWS CONCERNING EX 21:2-6; 22:25-27; LE 25:14-17,35-37; DE 15:2,3; 23:19,20; 24:6,10-13,17; MT 5:42; LU 6:34 -OPPRESSIONS OF 2KI 4:1; NE 5:1-13; Job 20:18-20; 22:6; 24:3,9; PR 22:26,27; MT 5:25,26; 18:28-35; LU 12:58,59 -MERCIFUL PS 112:5; MT 18:23-27; LU 7:41-43 .See DEBT » 1353 .See DEBTOR » 1354 .See JUBILEE » 2869 .See SURETY » 4747 1267 CREED -See DECREES » 1361 -See LAW OF MOSES » 3006 -See ECCLESIASTICISM » 1517 -See TRADITION » 4976 1268 CREEPING THINGS -A general term for animals GE 1:26; LE 11:20-23,29-31,42; PS 104:20,25; RO 1:23 -Unclean LE 5:2; 11:20,29-44; DE 14:19 -Clean LE 11:21,22 -Uses of, in idolatrous worship EZE 8:10 1269 CREMATION -General scriptures concerning JOS 7:25; 1SA 31:12; 2KI 23:20; AM 2:1; 6:10 -See BURIAL » 0917 1270 CRESCENS -A disciple with Paul at Rome 2TI 4:10 1271 CRETE -(An island in the Mediterranean Sea) -Visited by Paul AC 27:7,12,13,21 -Visited by Titus TIT 1:5 -Character of the inhabitants of AC 2:11; TIT 1:12 1272 CRIB -Used for grain Job 39:9; PR 14:4; ISA 1:3 1273 CRIME -PARTIAL LISTS OF EZE 22:8-12,27-30; HO 4:1,2; MT 15:19; MR 7:21,22; RO 1:24,29-32; 3:14-18; 13:9; 1CO 5:11; GA 5:19-21 .See under terms by which various crimes are known .See ADULTERY » 0121 .See ARSON » 0408 .See HOMICIDE » 2373 .See THEFT, and the like » 4887 .See PUNISHMENT » 3998 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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